ESR increased for cancer

An increased ESR is a significant (more than 60 mm / h) or slight (20-30 mm / h) change in a non-specific indicator that characterizes the assessment of the patient's condition and is a way to assess the development of the disease.

There are several methods for determining the level of erythrocyte sedimentation rate. The most popular are the Panchenkov method and the Westergren method. In the first case, a solution of sodium citrate is placed in a special graduated capillary , after which it is distributed on a watch glass. Then the blood is blown twice, mixed with the solution and placed in a vertical tripod. The Westergren method involves taking venous blood, which is diluted with sodium citrate and saline, and then placed in a test tube with a scale. Depending on the results obtained, the speed of red blood cells is determined.

As a rule, indications for a blood test are preventive examinations, as well as the presence of diseases that accompany inflammatory processes in the body. These are various types of tumors, infectious diseases, heart attacks, etc. This is due to the fact that the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is able to reflect the course of inflammation.

Factors should be taken into account when exposed to elevated ESR in the blood test. The reasons are quite diverse: a change in protein composition, the number of red blood cells in the blood. For example, during pregnancy, a change in protein composition is normal. This is also due to insufficient iron in the blood, which leads to anemia. Anemia or a low red blood cell count leads to an acceleration of ESR.

Also, depending on the time of day, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate can vary significantly. As a rule, the maximum rate can be fixed in the daytime, in the morning and evening, the speed may be slightly lower.

The most common diseases and abnormalities in the work of the body that cause elevated ESR are pneumonia, liver diseases (oncology, hepatitis, cirrhosis), kidneys, endocrine system (diabetes mellitus), myocardial infarction, malignant neoplasms, leukemia, chemical poisoning, postoperative period, mechanical trauma (bone fracture), shock, old age, pregnancy, menstruation, autoimmune diseases, etc.

For cancer patients, ESR elevated is a fairly common indicator of changes in the composition of the blood. It should be noted that ESR elevated in oncology is not characteristic of all patients, therefore, it cannot be the main way to diagnose the disease. An increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is clear evidence of the presence of a tumor and an inflammatory process in the body. Very often, with an increase in the indicator, the growth of metastases begins.

There are various methods by which elevated ESR can be reduced to an optimal level. Of course, first of all, you need to contact an experienced doctor in the field of therapy so that he conducts a quality examination and identifies the cause of the increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate. As a rule, with the complete elimination of the inflammatory process, the indicator returns to normal without any additional manipulations.

There are folk remedies to reduce speed. You can take 3 small beets, rinse thoroughly and cook for 2-3 hours. The resulting broth take 50 g on an empty stomach daily for a week. After that, take a rest for a week and repeat the course of treatment again. Broths of wild rose, hawthorn also help effectively, as they help to thin the blood and increase hemoglobin in the blood.

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