Intervertebral disc protrusion: treatment and diagnosis of the disease.

One of the most common diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system is protrusion of the intervertebral discs. This disease is directly related to osteochondrosis and can occur at any stage of the disease mentioned above.

The concept of "protrusion" is to change the primary structure of the intervertebral disc. In fairness, it is worth noting that disc changes have been observed in almost all people from about twenty years old. That is, even at this age, it makes sense to talk about protecting your musculoskeletal system and preventing the disease. The protrusion of the intervertebral discs, the treatment of which was started in a timely manner, in most cases takes place without symptomatic disorders of the skeletal system.

So what is protrusion of the intervertebral disc? First of all, let us say that protrusion is associated with changes in the structure of the disk, after which the nutrition and blood supply to the spinal cord are disrupted . With a decrease in water access, the strength of the disk also decreases, which affects the ability to settle. At the same time, the intervertebral disc protrudes beyond the spine. This phenomenon is called prolapse. As a result of these changes, the fibrous ring that connects the discs to each other suffers. Compression of the spinal canal due to displacement of the disc leads to pressure on the nerve endings and the spinal cord, which in turn causes swelling and further exacerbates the situation. If such a protrusion is more than five millimeters, then this is already called a spinal hernia.

Symptoms of the disease will not keep you waiting - severe pain occurs in the back, which is most often localized in the lumbar region and neck. To this we can add the numbness of the muscles of the back, which is not related in time to pains, which is popularly referred to as β€œthe back has stiffened”. In fact, this is the first signal that the musculoskeletal system requires close attention and treatment. Protrusion of the intervertebral discs, treatment of the disease - the case of a doctor of appropriate qualifications. It is by no means necessary to make a diagnosis on your own and try to start treatment - any unskilled intervention can not only not help, but also harm the body.

In order not to aggravate protrusion of the intervertebral discs, the treatment of this disease was successful, first of all, it is necessary to conduct a competent differential diagnosis. With the help of modern devices for conducting a medical examination, this will not be difficult. The initial examination is carried out by a doctor. Usually, at this stage, a further research method is chosen, which allows to obtain a clearer picture. Possible changes and deformations can be seen in the x-ray. For example, lumbar disc protrusion, the treatment of which has its own characteristics, is also noticeable on x-rays, but a more detailed study is recommended to be performed using computed tomography. As a rule, such studies show a well-developed pathological process. But in the early stages of disk protrusion, the treatment of which must be taken as soon as possible, is established using electromyography - a study of peripheral nerves, which may indicate a primary displacement in the region of the vertebrae.

Protrusion of the intervertebral discs, the treatment of which requires great efforts on the part of the patient, is a long process. This is due to the fact that surgery is indicated only in the last two stages, when there is no time for conservative treatment. But the therapy, although long-term, however, when the exposure is started on time, gives good results. The main methods of treatment are stretching the spine, which allows you to expand the intervertebral gap and establish the supply of the spinal cord. In this case, a special massage is usually carried out, which makes the procedure as useful as possible for the nerve endings and the entire spinal zone - blood circulation, lymph flow, and oxygen supply are being established. In addition to exposure in a medical institution, patients should also engage in therapeutic exercises outside the hospital to maintain positive dynamics.

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