Infiltrate - what is it? Types of Infiltrates

Infiltrate - what is it? Doctors distinguish several of its types - inflammatory, lymphoid, post-injection and others.

infiltrate what is it
The causes of the infiltrate are different, but all its types are characterized by the presence in the tissue (or organ) of unusual cellular elements, its increased density, increased volume.

Postinjection Infiltrate

This type of pathological change appears after injection as a result of the penetration of the drug into the tissues. There are several reasons why a post-injection infiltrate occurs:

1. The rules of antiseptic treatment were not observed.

2. Short or dull syringe needle.

3. The rapid introduction of the drug.

4. The injection site is not selected correctly.

5. Repeated administration of the drug in the same place.

postinjection infiltrate

The appearance of post-injection infiltrate also depends on the individual characteristics of the human body. In some people, it occurs extremely rarely, and in other patients - after almost every injection.

Postinjection Infiltrate Treatment

There is no infection in the infiltrated tissue, but the danger of this pathology after an injection is that there is a risk of an abscess. In this case, treatment can only take place under the supervision of a surgeon.

If there are no complications, then the infiltrate after injections is treated with physiotherapeutic methods. It is also recommended that iodine mesh be applied several times a day to the site of tissue densification, using Vishnevsky ointment.

Traditional medicine also offers several effective methods to get rid of the "bumps" that appear after injections. Honey, a leaf of burdock or cabbage, aloe, cranberries, cottage cheese, rice can have a therapeutic effect when a similar problem occurs. For example, leaves of burdock or cabbage need to be taken fresh for treatment, applying them for a long time to a sore spot. Previously, the "bump" can be greased with honey. Compress from cottage cheese also helps to get rid of old "cones".

No matter how good this or that method of treating this problem may be, the decisive word should belong to the doctor, as he will determine what to treat and whether to do it.

Inflammatory infiltrate

This group of pathologies is divided into several types. Inflammatory infiltrate - what is it? Everything is explained by the medical encyclopedia, which talks about the ways of the occurrence of the focus of inflammation and indicates the causes of the appearance of pathological tissue reactions.

inflammatory infiltrate what is it

Medicine allocates a large number of varieties of infiltrates of the subgroup under consideration. Their presence may indicate problems with the immune system, diseases of a congenital nature, the presence of acute inflammation, chronic infectious disease, allergic reactions in the body.

The most common type of this pathological process is inflammatory infiltrate. What it is, it helps to understand the description of the characteristic features of this phenomenon. So what is worth paying attention to? Compaction of tissues in the area of โ€‹โ€‹inflammation. When pressed, pain occurs. With a stronger pressure, a pit remains on the body, which aligns slowly, since the displaced cells of the infiltrate return to their original place only after a certain period of time.

Lymphoid Infiltrate

One of the varieties of tissue pathology is lymphoid infiltrate. What is it, allows you to understand the Big Medical Dictionary. It says that such a pathology occurs in some chronic infectious diseases. Infiltrate contains lymphocytes. They can accumulate in different tissues of the body.

The presence of lymphoid infiltration indicates a malfunction in the immune system.

Postoperative infiltrate

For what reason can postoperative infiltrate form? What it is? Does it need to be treated? How to do it? These issues concern people who have encountered this problem.

postoperative infiltrate what is it

The development of postoperative infiltrate occurs gradually. Typically, its detection occurs on 4-6 or even 10-15 days after surgery. The patient's body temperature rises, aching pains appear in the abdominal region, and stool retention. The presence of painful compaction is determined.

In some cases, it is difficult to determine where the infiltrate is located - in the abdominal cavity or in its thickness. For this, the doctor uses special diagnostic methods .

The causes of the occurrence of infiltrate after surgery cannot always be accurately determined, but its therapy in most cases ends successfully. Antibiotics and various types of physiotherapy give positive results.

Very often there is an infiltration of the postoperative scar. Sometimes it may appear a few years after the surgical procedure. One of the reasons for its occurrence is the suture material used. Perhaps the infiltrate will resolve itself. Although this rarely happens. Most often, the phenomenon is complicated by an abscess, which must be opened to the surgeon.

Lung infiltrate

This is a dangerous pathology that requires immediate treatment. Using X-ray and biopsy data, doctors can detect lung infiltrate in a patient. What it is? Pulmonary infiltration should be distinguished from pulmonary edema. With this pathology, the patient penetrates and accumulates liquids, chemicals, cellular elements in the tissues of the internal organ.

lung infiltrate

Infiltration of the lung is most often of inflammatory origin. It can be complicated by suppuration processes, which leads to a loss of organ function.

Moderate enlargement of the lung, densification of its tissue are characteristic signs of infiltration. An X-ray examination helps to recognize them, in which darkening of the tissues of the internal organ is visible. What does it give? By the nature of the dimming, the doctor can determine the type of pathology in question and the degree of the disease.

Tumor Infiltrate

The most common pathologies include tumor infiltration. What it is? It is most often made up of atypical tumor cells of a different nature (cancer, sarcoma). Affected tissues change color, become dense, sometimes painful. Manifested in tumor growth.

Reasons for the appearance

The likelihood of an infiltrate is equally present in people of any age.

lung infiltrate what is it

The results of the study showed that various types of injuries and infectious diseases can become the cause of the disease. They can be transmitted by contact, have a lymphogenic type of distribution.

In the tissues of the maxillary region, infiltrate very often develops. What it is? How to distinguish it from other diseases? Only an experienced doctor can assess the condition of the patient and give an accurate answer to the questions posed. The causative agents of inflammation are staphylococci, streptococci and other representatives of the microflora of the oral cavity.

A complicated condition of acute appendicitis can also cause the development of infiltrate. It occurs with untimely surgical intervention.

Symptoms of Infiltrate

With the development of the disease, the patient may experience a slightly elevated temperature. She holds at a certain point for several days. Sometimes this indicator remains normal. The spread of infiltrate occurs in one or more parts of the body. This is expressed in swelling and densification of tissues with a clearly defined contour. All tissues at the same time are affected - mucous membranes, skin, subcutaneous fat and muscle membranes.

Infiltrate, which develops against the background of a complication of appendicitis, is characterized by persistent pain in the lower abdomen, fever up to 39 degrees, chills. In this case, the patient can recover only with timely surgical intervention. The presence of this type of infiltrate is established upon examination by a doctor (does not require special diagnostic methods).

tumor infiltrate what is it

In other cases, only a differential approach allows you to accurately establish the diagnosis and prescribe the desired treatment. Sometimes, to establish a diagnosis, the data of the puncture results from the site of inflammation are taken into account.

Experts study materials taken from the inflamed area. The different nature of the cells that make up the infiltrate has been established. It is this fact that allows doctors to classify the disease. As a rule, a large accumulation of yeast and mycelial fungi is found in the infiltrate. This indicates the presence of a condition such as dysbiosis.

The main goal of treating infiltrate is the elimination of inflammatory foci. This is achieved by conservative treatment methods, which include physiotherapy. The patient should not self-medicate and delay a visit to a specialist.

Thanks to physiotherapeutic treatment, resorption of the infiltrate is achieved by increasing blood flow. At this time, the elimination of the phenomena of stagnation. Also, there is a decrease in edema, the removal of pain. Most often, electrophoresis of antibiotics, calcium is prescribed.

Physiotherapy is contraindicated if purulent forms of the disease are present. An intense effect on the affected area only provokes the rapid development of infiltrate and the further spread of the focus.

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