How to cook a hodgepodge according to the recommendations of our ancestors?

Surprisingly, the soup with the history and the original name “Selyanochka” did not receive the same popularity as borsch. No, the hodgepodge is undoubtedly known and is prepared in many families, but not by as often as other dishes from the people. Although at one time this soup was very fashionable. Prepared in every tavern and was an undoubted assistant in the fight against a hangover. It’s a pity that we won’t succeed in cooking hodgepodge according to old Russian recipes, as there are no recipes for cooking. But we have a good opportunity to take advantage of the recommendations of our ancestors and make our own, unique, satisfying and very tasty first course.

how tasty to cook hodgepodge
How to cook a hodgepodge delicious team? Just. The name itself hides a secret. The main thing is to know several basic rules and components, although you can violate them for the sake of your own tastes and wishes, because this is your “masterpiece”.

So, to prepare any variation on a given topic, you need meat, fish or mushroom “trimmed leftovers” and a good strong broth. This is exactly how the dish was originally conceived. If you are preparing meat hodgepodge, then you should have any meat broth and slicing of several types of meat, mushroom - it means mushroom broth and any kind of mushroom, etc. It is also possible to prepare the hodgepodge in plain water, especially if you are on a diet or not love strong broths. The choice is entirely yours, although the taste, of course, suffers greatly.

make a hodgepodge
The next thing to put in the soup is the so-called frying. To prepare it is standard for all variations and includes sautéed onions and carrots, to which at the end you need to add the tomatoes in your own juice (you can use tomato puree) and pickled cucumbers pickled by straws.

Preparing a hodgepodge, knowing just these two tips, is simple. For example, finely chopped potato is boiled in a broth until half-cooked, a handful of cold cuts (ham, boiled beef and chicken, sausage) is added to it. It is recommended to pre-fry the slices, but if you do not want to, then it will turn out fine. When everything boils, add the roast and simmer until cooked. By the way, the combination of products can be anything. You have the right to exclude potatoes from the soup, but make a large selection of meat. You can cook a hodgepodge using only sausages, it will also be delicious. Moreover, such a soup is cooked for no more than twenty minutes, along with all the preparatory work.

how to cook mushroom hodgepodge
How to cook mushroom hodgepodge? In the same way as meat, with only one difference - instead of meat, put several types of mushrooms. It can be champignons, oyster mushrooms or other mushrooms. You have the right to replace fresh ones with dry ones, etc. By the way, a fish hodgepodge is prepared on the same principle .

The only thing you need to pay close attention to is spices. Pickled cucumbers and tomatoes give the soup a sour flavor, which must be balanced by adding sugar to your taste. Further, of course, salt and black pepper, bay leaf, capers and olives. Serve with sour cream, dill and a slice of lemon.

Enjoy your meal!

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