What is laryngitis? Symptoms and treatment of the disease

Sometimes a voice disappears during colds or infections. An inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the larynx occurs. It can provoke overcooling, very cold or very dusty air, bad habits (alcohol or smoking), overstrain of the voice. A disease called laryngitis occurs in both acute and chronic form. This article will examine what laryngitis is, what are its symptoms and what should be done if a disease occurs.

Common symptoms of laryngitis

The disease usually begins when a person feels well or has a slight malaise. Body temperature often remains normal or slightly elevated. In the larynx there is an unpleasant sensation of burning, dryness, tickling, scratching, a slight soreness when swallowing is felt, and a dry, barking cough and sometimes a headache appear. The voice becomes hoarse, hoarse, and sometimes the sonority disappears completely, but a person can talk in a whisper. Subsequently, a dry cough goes wet with the separation of a large amount of sputum, consisting of mucus, and then an admixture of pus appears. The larynx swells and turns red.

A sore throat

Inflamed vessels burst, and dark red spots appear on the larynx. In this case, the vocal cords swell. This disease is especially dangerous in children. What is laryngitis? Symptoms increase very quickly, and swelling of the larynx can block the flow of air. The child stops breathing, a coma is possible. The breath is broken, and the false croup comes. With a lack of oxygen, the brain is disturbed. Urgent medical attention and hospitalization are needed.

The clinical picture of various forms of laryngitis

There are several types of disease, the clinic of which is somewhat different. Consider them by type of laryngitis:

  • Atrophic - there is a thinning of the mucous membrane of the larynx. Patients suffer from dry mouth, excruciating cough, hoarse voice. With coughing attacks, crusts with streaks of blood depart from the mucous membrane. Together with the larynx, the posterior pharyngeal wall is also damaged. The reason lies in the excessive consumption of spicy food, which added a lot of seasonings and spices. Children do not have this form of laryngitis. It is most often found among residents of the mountainous regions of the Caucasus, lovers of spicy food.
  • Hemorrhagic laryngitis. How does this condition threaten the patient? The larynx is very sore and swollen. The disease is characterized by hemorrhages in the mucosa, especially in the vocal cords. The disease is for the most part a complication of the toxic form of the flu, rarely it can appear due to abnormalities in the functioning of the blood-forming organs during pregnancy. Often sick children and elderly people.
  • Hypertrophic - characterized by the fact that small thickenings form on the vocal cords. As a result, there is a strong hoarseness, soreness and coughing. In children, hoarseness can pass. In adolescence, due to hormonal changes, thickenings disappear. Sometimes they are used for cauterization with a solution of silver nitrate, in an extreme case, an operation is performed.
  • Catarrhal - sore in the throat, tickling, sometimes coughing. This form of the disease is the easiest.
  • Professional - the disease is associated with frequent tension of the voice. Teachers, lecturers, singers are ill - everyone who speaks and sings a lot and loudly. They also form lumps on the ligaments, called “singer nodules,” and a hoarseness appears in the voice.
  • Diphtheria laryngitis - what is it? This is a very dangerous infectious disease called diphtheria. Microorganisms from the tonsils enter the larynx. It, inflamed, becomes covered with a white coating, which can separate and clog the airways. As a result, suffocation occurs.
  • Syphilitic - is a complication of syphilis. With the main disease, ulcers, plaques appear in the larynx, and subsequently scars, leading to deformation of the larynx and vocal cords, which leads to irreversible hoarseness.
  • Tuberculosis - occurs as a complication of pulmonary tuberculosis. In the larynx, thickening appears on the mucosa, with the advanced form of the disease, cartilage and epiglottis are destroyed.

The main causes of laryngitis

Depending on the course of the disease, laryngitis is divided into two forms: acute and chronic.

Vocal cords

The reasons that cause them are as follows:

  • Viral infections - influenza, SARS and adenovirus. The disease in this case develops very quickly, literally in a few hours. With laryngitis (photo above), a strong swelling of the mucous membrane of the ligaments occurs, and the glottis becomes very narrow.
  • Infections of a bacterial nature - streptococci and staphylococci. Being on the mucosa, they do not cause disease until conditions favorable for them appear (weakening of the immune system, hypothermia).
  • Fungal infections - yeast and mold.
  • Allergic reactions - respiratory and food irritants are possible.
  • Subcooling and sudden changes in temperature.
  • Overexertion of the vocal cords.
  • Bronchial cough and cough of smokers.
  • Vapors of heavy chemical compounds, small particles in the air.

Diagnosis of laryngitis

To diagnose the disease, it is necessary to carry out the following activities:

  1. The doctor talks with the patient, examines the larynx, nose, throat, lymph nodes, measures the temperature.
  2. General blood analysis. The ESR values ​​determine the presence of inflammation. For antibiotic treatment, an analysis is made of the sensitivity of microorganisms to drugs.
  3. Bacteriological examination of a smear from the larynx - to determine the type of pathogen.
  4. Laryngoscopy It is used for a more thorough examination of the larynx.
  5. Video laryngostroboscopy. This study enables the doctor to analyze the vibration of the vocal cords.
Smear for analysis

Based on the symptoms and the data obtained during the diagnosis, treatment of laryngitis is prescribed.

Therapy of the acute form of the disease in adults

Patients are assigned home bed rest with a strict voice restriction. Conversations are minimized. Doctors recommend speaking quietly, but not in a whisper, in order to reduce the load on the vocal cords. In addition, an appropriate diet with vitamin complexes is needed to strengthen the general condition. How to treat laryngitis in adults? The course of therapy consists of the following activities:

  • Inhalations using baking soda, decoctions of herbs, mineral water.
  • Medicines for dry cough. It is advisable to drink Borjomi warm mineral water, it helps to thin the mucus. From medicines use "ATsTs-long", "Ambroxol", "Solvin".
  • Antipyretic drugs. They are taken when body temperature rises above 38 degrees.
  • Sprays and tablets for softening and disinfecting the throat.
  • Antibiotics are prescribed for bacterial laryngitis. For the treatment of laryngitis in adults, the Bioparox aerosol is often used.
  • Antiviral drugs for the treatment of viral infection,
  • Antihistamines are used when allergic reactions occur.

In addition, you must drink a large amount of warm liquid, use a humidifier. During treatment, it is not recommended to eat hot, cold and spicy food. You should not breathe cold air and be in a smoky room. With properly organized treatment of acute laryngitis, the patient becomes on his feet in a week.

Treatment of a chronic disease in adults

Chronic laryngitis cannot be completely cured. Under favorable conditions, he returns every time. The number of relapses due to productive therapy can be reduced. Adult laryngitis can be treated using the following remedies:

  • Antibacterial. In the conditions of the clinic, larynx mucosa is sprayed with antibiotic or oil solutions with a special syringe.
  • Antiseptic sprays, lozenges - “Tantum Verde”, “Ingalipt”, “Faringosept”, “Septolete”.
  • Inhalations with herbs, saline and soda, as well as peach, apricot, cedar and eucalyptus oil.
  • Expectorant and antitussive drugs - Fluimucil, Bromhexine, Travisil, Aflubin.
  • Medications to support the immune system.

Physiotherapy procedures are widely used: UHF, diadynamic therapy, electrophoresis, as well as compresses, mustard plasters, warming baths.

The treatment of chronic laryngitis should help to moisturize the larynx, eliminate the formation of crusts and strengthen the body's defenses.

Some features of the disease in infants

Young children have poor resistance to pathogenic bacteria. A baby's disease can be caused by hypothermia, infection, or a virus as a result of inflammation in the nasopharynx. A hoarse voice, swelling of the mucous membrane, bouts of dry cough are the first signs of laryngitis.

If the baby appears at night such signs, it is necessary to call an ambulance urgently. To alleviate the condition of the child with laryngitis at home, the following actions must be performed:

  • Calm down and do not panic. The child should not be nervous and cry - this increases the spasm.
  • The baby should often give breasts if he is breast-feeding, or make a warm alkaline drink, dissolving one teaspoon of soda in a liter of water. To drink often, but little by little. You can not give juices, compotes and cow's milk to avoid allergic reactions.
  • To give the child steam inhalation. To do this, close the drain hole in the bathroom and let out hot water. Stand with the baby there for about five minutes, after 30 minutes repeat the procedure. Moist warm air well softens the mucous membrane of the larynx.
  • Humidify the dry air in the room by hanging wet towels.
  • To prevent an allergic reaction in children with laryngitis, they give antihistamines - Suprastin, Loratadin, and No-shpa or Papaverin will help relieve spasm.
  • Inhalation will help to relieve symptoms of dry cough. To treat babies, it is better to use a nebulizer. You can take a soda solution with the addition of "Mucosolvan" or "Ambrobene."
  • If the temperature rises above 38 degrees, give an antipyretic in the form of candles.
Laryngitis in the baby

Treatment of laryngitis in babies should be started immediately, before severe swelling and suffocation occurs. All the danger is associated with a weak immune system and an unformed larynx, which has a very narrow glottis and loose mucous membrane. It should be noted that the symptoms of laryngitis in infants develop very quickly. Therefore, when the first signs of the disease appear, you should immediately seek medical help.

General recommendations for the treatment of the disease in children

General recommendations for the treatment of laryngitis in children at home are as follows:

  • Organize bed rest so that the child can lie quietly and move less.
  • Constantly give plenty of alkaline drink, herbal teas. Drinking plenty of fluids softens the lining of the larynx and helps reduce general intoxication.
  • Limit the load on the vocal cords. Doctors recommend keeping silent and speaking only in a low voice. Excessive stress can adversely affect the condition of the child.
  • Treatment of laryngitis at home will be more successful if you regularly moisten and ventilate the room where the child is. This can be done using wet sheets, containers with water, humidification of air from a spray bottle.
  • Proper nutrition. During illness, the child should not be given too hot or cold food, exclude carbonated drinks. Food should contain the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals.
  • Walks. In the acute course of the disease, going out is not recommended. Refuse to walks should be in very hot or, conversely, cold and slushy weather. With the improvement of well-being, fresh air away from the highway is very useful.

Drug treatment of laryngitis in children

To treat the disease, doctors recommend the following medications:

  • Antihistamines. These drugs are always present in the treatment of laryngitis. They help relieve swelling of the mucosa and have a calming effect on the baby. Often prescribed "Zodak", "Clarotadine."
  • Antitussive and expectorant. The pharmacy network has a wide range of such products. Only the attending physician can choose them correctly for the child. With paroxysmal dry cough, Libexin, Sinecode, or the effective Erespal syrup are prescribed, which has been used since the age of two. Expectorant effect has: "Bronchosan", "Alteyka", "Fluimucil."
  • Resorption tablets and aerosols. They soften and moisturize the laryngeal mucosa, thereby preventing swelling. Resorption tablets are not recommended for children under five years of age. At the same time, it is necessary to observe the baby's reaction to medicines - allergic reactions are always possible. The most popular tablets are: “Gramidin”, “Stopangin”, “Strepsils”, and effective aerosols include: “Miramistin”, “Lugol”, “Hexoral”.
  • Antibiotics for laryngitis. They are prescribed extremely rarely in severe forms, when the disease is caused by bacteria. Doctors recommend Augmentin, Amoxiclav.
  • Antipyretic. At temperatures above 38 degrees, the child is prescribed: "Paracetamol", "Panadol", "Nurofen."
Sick child

The main task with laryngitis is the elimination of swelling of the vocal cords. These symptoms are a serious threat to the life of the child. To prevent this, the doctor prescribes antihistamines and decongestants. Now you know how to treat laryngitis in children with medications. But it should be remembered that only a doctor can prescribe drugs.

Laryngitis in pregnant women

During this period, with weakened immunity, a woman is very susceptible to various colds and viral diseases associated with the upper respiratory tract. Laryngitis may occur due to hypothermia, being in a dusty and gasified place, or from exposure to pathogens. The disease is dangerous during pregnancy because it can be a manifestation of another disease: flu, whooping cough, measles or scarlet fever, which are very dangerous for the fetus. Therefore, with the appearance of dry cough, sore throat, hoarseness, a woman in an interesting position should definitely visit the attending physician. The doctor will advise taking decoctions and inhalation from medicinal plant materials and sea salt.

Treatment of the disease with alternative methods

To treat laryngitis of any form, inhalations, rinses, warming compresses and foot baths are required. To eliminate dry and wet coughs, antitussive and expectorant drugs are used. All this is acquired in the pharmacy network. And you can try using folk remedies that have been tested for years. Many people use various infusions, decoctions and juices from natural products and herbs for the treatment of laryngitis, reviews of which are shared on the Internet. Here is some of them:

  • Boil three carrots until tender in a liter of milk. Gargle with the resulting broth and drink in small sips throughout the day. Helps with a hoarse voice.
  • Squeeze the juice of cooked beets and gargle with their throat several times a day. Relieves puffiness.
  • Boil potatoes in a peel, drain the water. Breathe over steam for ten minutes, covering your head with warm cloth. Inhalation moisturizes the lining of the larynx.
  • Drink half a glass of decoction of dry apples twice a day. Helps with acute laryngitis.
  • Grate the onion, put the pulp in 0.5 liters of boiling milk, strain. Drink a glass in the morning and evening. Helps restore voice.
  • Grind two cloves of garlic, add a glass of milk and boil. Drink a warm broth in small sips. Disinfects the throat, softens the mucous membrane.
  • Insist two tablespoons of nettle flowers in a glass of boiling water. Take during the day. Acts as an expectorant.

It should be remembered that treatment with folk remedies for laryngitis is used as adjunctive therapy for the drug course. Before starting treatment, you must make sure that the medicinal raw material does not cause allergies. Particular care should be taken in the treatment of laryngitis in children. In each case, consultation with a doctor on the use of folk remedies is necessary.

Prevention of Laryngitis

The prevention of colds is the main prevention of laryngitis. To do this:

  • To temper the body - to spend more time in the fresh air, pour cold water, take a contrast shower, have constant physical activity.
  • Avoid hypothermia - dress according to season.
  • Timely treat foci of infection.
  • Minimize contact with patients with influenza, SARS.
  • Keep the vocal cords warm - do not talk in the cold, wear a warm scarf and hat in cold weather.
  • Ensure the apartment has normal humidity, air temperature and cleanliness.
  • Observe personal hygiene - regularly wash hands with soap, use disposable napkins, and have separate personal hygiene items.
  • Do not abuse smoking and alcohol.
Larynx inhalation

If laryngitis occurs, treat it to the end so that the disease does not become chronic. To do this, strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations.

Instead of a conclusion

How to treat laryngitis? You should start with those methods that will alleviate the condition and protect against complications. Before going to the doctor, inhalations and various home procedures are helpful. Then you must strictly follow all the instructions of your doctor. Parents should pay special attention to this diagnosis in children. Statistics show that in most babies, acute laryngitis passes into stenosis of the larynx. And only parents can prevent serious complications and save the life of the child.

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