Films Similar to Correction Class: List of the Best

It is no secret that it is at school age that the character of the individual is formed, morality is brought up, a sense of justice develops. At school, most experience first love. Therefore, it is not surprising that the school becomes the scene of films and TV shows, in which passions boil, which sometimes can not be found in adulthood. How different a school is, reliably show films similar to “Correction Class”. The list presented in the publication is far from complete. It contains only realistic, gloomy and dramatic projects.

New generation

Once upon a time, Soviet cinema was famous for its strong, piercing pictures about the school, experienced teachers and the new generation, standing on the threshold of adulthood. But during the time of perestroika, school subjects in the cinema were pushed into the background, although they did not lose relevance. Currently, new directors have created a number of bright, voluminous, distinctive and serious stories about modern teenagers. Strong directing, cinematography, amazing acting are the components of all films similar to the film “Correction Class” (2014).

movies similar class correction

Festival masterpiece

In 2014, I.I. Tverdovsky showed the audience an unsightly reality that most people prefer not to notice. His project is positioned by many critics as an arthouse. But the film, with all its gloominess, is far from plunging into hopelessness and decay. The spectator watches most of the timing of the tape with experience, fear, pain, but also with hope. A similar message is carried by many Russian films, similar to "Correction Class."

The main character of the painting by Tverdovsky Lena, who in an instant lost her ability to move normally, becomes a new student in a specialized educational institution. She easily finds a common language with classmates, falls in love with Anton. The correctional class, which should be constantly monitored by teachers, becomes a burden for many teachers. Children are noticeably behind in development from healthy peers. Lena convinces her friends of the need to study, in every way supports and motivates them. But she herself is betrayed and humiliated.

movies like correction class list

Advantages and disadvantages of the project

The rating of “Correction Class” according to IMDb is 6.90. The picture has mostly positive reviews. Among the advantages of the tape, most reviewers call the work of the leading performers, fantastic in depth, who were actually debutants in the big movie. Maria Poezhzhaeva, who embodied Lena Chekhova on the screen, presented the character with such depth and power that her every appearance in the frame forces her to hold her breath. Philip Avdeev, who played Anton Sobolev, easily disposes his audience. Young actors who played classmates of the main character very soon become close, so the denouement is so frightening.

The only drawback of the film is its climax. While the Estonian “Class” (2007), which undoubtedly refers to films similar to the “Correction Class”, reaches the peak of drama and emotions towards the finale, Tverdovsky’s work moves to the level of metaphor and parable. Finishes crumpled, not stunned by realism. It seems that the author does not tell the whole truth, preferring to get off with a convenient ending.

movies similar to class correction list

“Everyone will die, but I will stay” (IMDb: 6.50)

Opens a list of films like “Correction Class” created by one of the main Russian women directors of our time, whose works traditionally touch upon controversial subjects. The first short films by Valeria Gai Germanicus were dedicated to the lives of schoolchildren trying to appear older with alcohol and tobacco. These pernicious elements of youthful maximalism from their early works fully migrated to a full-length artistic debut entitled “Everyone will die, but I will stay” (2008). In the center of the story are three ninth-graders - Vika, Katya and Zhanna. Upon learning that there will be a disco at the school on Saturday, they prepare all week for the upcoming event, which will become a real rite of initiation for them. Immediately after the premiere, the tape infuriated almost everyone who looked, now it looks so true that it is called a cast of time. Therefore, it can be safely reckoned with films similar to “Correction Class”.

movies like correction class

The series "School" (IMDb: 6.30)

Among films like “Correction Class” there is one television series, which many domestic filmmakers call a coup in the television world. The "School" was filmed by a large number of authors, including Valery Gai Germanicus. The reaction of the public to her drama “Everyone Dies, But I Stay” prompted the producers to create a similar project in TV format.

After leaving the class teacher for illness, the exemplary 9-A class remains without a strong arm. Discipline immediately bursts at the seams, the class destroys the familiar notion of teachers about them. No one dares to take responsibility, and children from exemplary become the most "difficult" in school.

The show caused an explosion on TV and a split among critics. New episodes were discussed on federal channels, night airs gathered a huge audience of viewers. Repeat a similar experience was not able to any "school" series.

films similar to the correction class Russian

Class (IMDb: 8.00)

Films like “Correction Class” usually do not have events that really happen. However, there are exceptions. These include the work of the Estonian director Ilmar Raag “Class”. Its plot was inspired by the tragedy that occurred at the American Columbine School in 1999. This is a picture of the friendship of two teenagers - Josep and Caspar, forced to confront the bullying and violence of the hooligan majority of their peers. The patience of cornered children comes to an end after sexual humiliation. After the main characters take up arms. As a result of indiscriminate shooting, not only their offenders but also innocent students die. Unfortunately, films similar to The Correction Class and the brainchild of I. Raag cannot protect children from the repetition of such tragedies that still occur in schools, repeating with horrific frequency.

movies like correction class

The Tribe (IMDb: 7.10)

Films of the "Correction Class" type also include the work of director Tribe Miroslav Slaboshpitsky. In the center of the narration of the tape is a teenager Sergei, who falls into a boarding school for deaf and dumb children. The real power in the institution does not belong to teachers, all are run by older children, who quickly take a strong newcomer into circulation. Soon, as part of a gang, he begins to knock out money from younger students, robbing passers-by. After he becomes a pimp, offering truckers high school students.

The idea of ​​"Tribes", as well as other films similar to "Correction Class", infuriates many viewers. The situation is aggravated by the fact that almost all the tape in sign language is devoid of translation. Some critics justify the “experiment” of the creators, arguing that such a story keeps the audience in good shape, forcing them to unravel what is happening, like a puzzle. In general, in this movie, besides everyday horror and depressing hopelessness, there is nothing. Slaboshpitsky shot an impeccable gloomy project with impeccably arranged frames working on the general idea of ​​the film.

film correction class 2014 related films

The Scarecrow (IMDb: 7.90)

In the list of paintings, one way or another similar to “Correction Class”, the film “Scarecrow”, shot back in 1983. Events unfolding in Soviet times in one of the provincial towns. In 6-A, a new apprentice abides. Lena - wonderful, kind, not too enthusiastic, not like everyone else. Pupils, immediately rushing against the girl, give her the offensive nickname Scarecrow and are included in natural persecution. Roland Bykov, in tandem with Arkady Hayt, shot a lyrical, sad, but rather cruel story about school life. The film "Scarecrow" should be attributed to films similar to "Correction Class", because it broke the mass of Soviet cinema templates, demonstrating by no means in the best light both teachers and pioneer students. For the eighties of the last century, such a project was unusually bold and honest. It was this honesty that made the picture a masterpiece, despite the severity of the events described.

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