Biography of Larisa Valley - a successful jazz singer of Russia

One of the most successful jazz singers of Russian pop music, Larisa Valley, whose biography will be briefly described in this article, was born in sunny Baku and bore her father's surname Kudelman in childhood. Valley is her mother’s maiden name, which her daughter took in her youth. What is interesting biography of the Larisa Valley? How did she achieve world fame, and what did she have to go through?

biography of the valley of larisa

Biography of the Larisa Valley: a difficult childhood

The singer was born in the family of the glazier Alexander Markovich and the typist Galina Izrailevna in 1955 on September 10. Three years later, the family left Baku and moved to live in their parents' hometown, Ukrainian Odessa. There, as Larisa recalls, it was hard for her. The girl and her parents lived in a damp basement, and in a communal apartment, where in addition to them about twenty people lived. The room was very damp, and Larisa earned chronic bronchitis there, which sometimes even now makes itself felt. A seriously ill grandmother (mother of Galina Izrailevna) lived with them in the same room for several years. When she died, the family decided to move. This time, little Larisa with her parents was in a room in a communal apartment, which was still tiny previous. There was not even a place to put a crib, so the girl slept on a cot for many years, which spoiled her spine. Since Larisa is from a Jewish family, her schoolmates often called her “Zhidovka” at school, which she was very offended until she found out that this word simply means “Jewess”. The girl’s parents wanted a better life for her daughter, and her mother took Larisa to a music school to learn to play the cello, which she hated for the rest of her life. She really didn’t like to play, but she always loved to sing.

singer larisa valley biography
Biography of the Larisa Valley: the beginning of a career

After school, Larisa entered the "Gnessin" music school for a vocal class. In 1971, the girl sang in the pop orchestra "We are Odessa residents", from which her career began. Later she was a soloist in the ensembles “The State Variety Orchestra of Armenia”, “The State Variety Orchestra of Azerbaijan”, “Sovremennik”. The solo career of the singer began in 1985. With the first program, she traveled all over the country and gained the long-awaited popularity. At the same time, she begins to develop as a director of various programs. Her television "brainchildren" are the programs "A protracted jump", "Little Woman", "Ice", "Contrasts."

In 1988, the world saw the legendary rock opera under the name "Giordano", in which the Valley played the main female role, while the male went to Valery Leontiev.

Larisa Valley biography

The singer has repeatedly received prizes for participating in various competitions and festivals, in 1991 she was called the "Best singer of the country." The biography of the Larisa Valley is rich not only in variety achievements, the artist also successfully sings in films. 1993 gave Dolina the title of Honored Artist of Russia.

Singer Larisa Dolina: biography. A family

The actress was married three times. Anatoly Mionchinsky, a jazz musician and conductor of Sovremennik, was the first husband of Larisa Dolina (from 1980 to 1987). In 1983 she gave birth to a daughter from him - Angelina. The second husband of the singer was Victor Mityazov (bass player), with whom she lived until 1998. She went from him to producer Ilya Spitsyn, who is her life partner until now.

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