How to make pizza dough fast and tasty?

Finding someone who wouldn’t like pizza is not easy. This baking, created in accordance with all the rules, replaces lunch, allowing you to quickly and satisfyingly feed all the participants of the feast and household, who at the same time have absolutely no need to worry about extra pounds. Specialists call home-made pizza not harmful junk food, but a truly hearty and tasty dish. However, those who set out to make a treat in the home kitchen should remember that more attention in the process of its preparation will have to be paid not to the filling, but to the dough. It is on the quality of the test that the success of the work begun depends in many respects. How to make pizza dough at home? We will try to answer this question in our article.

Thin crispy pizza

How to make pizza at home? Dough

It is known that Italian pizza is incredibly popular all over the world. A variety of restaurant recipes have long migrated to home cooking. However, housewives are not always able to make homemade pizza as tasty as it is made in Italian pizzerias and restaurants.

The classic Italian pizza familiar to everyone differs from home in the first place in the quality of the dough. In the restaurant it turns out very thin, crispy, with a beautiful crust of golden color. At home, on the contrary, it is lush, tall and often not crispy, more reminiscent of muffin.

About the features of cooking delicacy

Those who want to learn how to make pizza dough will be interested to hear that the basis for this baking can be fluffy, crumbly or thin, with or without acidity, depending on the recipe chosen. At the same time, as experienced home-cooks assure, when creating this popular pastry, it is necessary to observe some rules. So how to make pizza dough?

Pizza recipes usually recommend a certain amount of salt. Sometimes it takes too little, but you should know that salt is a very important ingredient that helps to balance or enhance the taste and aroma of the dough. If you add too much of it, the cake will be so salted that it will be impossible to eat. Therefore, it is recommended to strictly adhere to the proportions indicated in the recipe. This also applies to the use of sugar. In vain, some people think that since pizza is not a dessert, sugar in its dough is not needed - without this product it will be too fresh.

Pizza blank

The dough for this popular baking should be quite elastic: do not tear when stretched, because this is how cakes are formed. You can roll out the dough using a rolling pin, but this is not the best option. It will be right, according to the mistresses, to stretch it manually to the desired size, maintaining the shape of a circle. In the center, the dough should be slightly crushed, and left untouched at the edges, here it will be possible to form sides that prevent the sauce from spreading.

For beginners who want to learn how to make pizza dough at home, housewives recommend not to forget that dough is one of the main components of pizza, the taste of which must be clearly felt in the finished baking. Therefore, when applying the filling to the dough, you should know the measure.

Like pizza itself, baking the dough for this dish is necessary at the highest possible temperature - the temperature controller in the oven should be set to the maximum. Before baking, spread the dough on a hot baking sheet and put in an already preheated oven. Therefore, it is turned on in advance, in about 10 minutes. before baking. Ready dough is used immediately for baking pizza or prepared in advance and frozen.

How to make thin pizza dough?

The main secret of cooking thin pizza is the peculiarity of the temperature used, at which the dish is baked. In ancient times, pizza was cooked in large Italian ovens, heated to 485 ° C, and this temperature was maintained throughout the baking. This temperature regime allowed to bake the dough for one and a half minutes. This time is enough for it to take a crust, but to remain tender and soft inside. In restaurants and pizzerias, the dish is baked at this temperature. But how to make pizza dough (thin and crunchy) at home?

It turns out that in an ordinary oven you can cook a wonderful thin pizza, which will be no worse than the one that is baked in old Italian ovens. In modern ovens, you can maintain temperatures up to 250 ° C, which is enough to get a crisp on a delicious thin crust. Just bake pizza will need longer - about 10-12 minutes.

Thin pizza dough

Thin pizza: recipe (yeast)

An important point for obtaining thin dough is compliance with its recipe and rolling technology. The traditional, classic pizza dough is made using yeast. How to make pizza yeast dough? There are many different recipes for making popular pastries. Home-made thin pizza can be prepared using any of them, depending on individual preferences or the availability of necessary ingredients.


For those who are interested in how to make pizza dough (thin, yeast), experienced housewives recommend using the following recipe. For cooking use:

  • warm boiled water - 300 ml;
  • 10 g dry yeast;
  • two tea spoons of sugar;
  • one teaspoon of salt;
  • 500 g flour;
  • 2-3 table. tablespoons of vegetable oil (olive or sunflower).
Cooking Yeast Dough

Cooking method

How to make a delicious pizza dough (thin)? To begin with, they cook the dough: pour warm water into a deep container, add salt and sugar, yeast and flour (one table. Spoon). All mixed and left to fit for 15-20 minutes. When the yeast ferment and cover with light foam, proceed to the direct kneading of the dough. In a separate container, the remaining ingredients are mixed: flour, salt, oil (sunflower or olive), the cooked dough is poured here. Then the dough is kneaded. A very important point is its correct consistency: it should not be too dense. Thin dough is considered ideal, resulting in malleable and ductile, well behind hands. In this case, the dough should not be torn.

Knead the dough

How to roll out?

This moment - rolling out - experts call in reality the most important. Roll out the dough as thinly as possible.

This recipe with the specified number of products is designed for 3 thin pizzas. Therefore, before you start rolling out the cake, you should divide the dough into three equal parts. Professional pizza makers for rolling do not use a rolling pin - they stretch the dough by hand, with the bones of your fingers, repeatedly scrolling it in your hands. Thus, the basis for pizza can be made thin in the middle, and thickened around the edges. But, of course, you can use the familiar rolling pin when rolling.

Baked pizza


After rolling out the dough, it is greased with sauce (tomato), sprinkled with spices, garnished with sprigs of oregano, spread mozzarella cheese, cut into slices, and tomatoes. Next, pizza should be placed in the oven and baked at t = 250 ° C for 10-12 minutes. Those who use a non-new generation oven with a lower maximum heating temperature should increase the baking time. Ready pizza can be decorated with fresh basil and served.

Pizza cake

Quick dough (yeast-free recipe)

Many are interested in how to quickly make pizza dough? Most often, yeast is not included in a quick pizza dough recipe. Therefore, when preparing it, it does not take much time, it will be enough to spend only half an hour on the whole process.

How to make pizza dough without yeast? A simple recipe involves the use of: wheat flour, a little warm milk, eggs (two pieces about 2 tbsp flour and half a liter of milk), a pinch of salt and a couple of tables. tablespoons of oil (vegetable). All ingredients (dry and liquid) are mixed separately in different containers, after which the egg-milk mixture is gradually poured into the flour. After 10 minutes continuous kneading the dough is ready. Before starting cooking, for a further fifteen minutes the dough should be aged.

Ready pizza

Product Composition

So, the recipe for a quick yeast test for 4 servings of pizza involves the use of:

  • 350 grams of wheat flour;
  • 250 ml of kefir;
  • 2 eggs (chicken);
  • 40 ml of oil (olive);
  • quarters a teaspoon of salt;
  • quarter teaspoon of soda.

Instructions for cooking

The process consists of several stages:

  1. Beat eggs with salt in a small bowl.
  2. Kefir is poured into a large container, soda vinegar is added. Beat eggs are poured to kefir, mix well
  3. Add flour (in parts so that you can control the consistency of the dough). You can use a blender for stirring, but experienced housewives prefer to knead this dough with their hands.
  4. Add oil (olive) to the dough. Then the dough is mixed. By consistency, it should resemble thick sour cream (as a result of the reaction of soda and kefir, it turns out to be liquid and at the same time lush).
  5. After this, the pan is greased with oil (vegetable) and the dough is poured.
  6. A baking sheet is placed in an oven heated to 200 ° C. When the dough is browned, spread the filling and bake until cooked.
  7. Ready pizza is taken out. Fresh greens (arugula, spinach, romano, iceberg) are used as an ideal additive to ready-made pastries, which are sprinkled on a ready-made dish before serving.
We start making the dough


Some craftswomen recommend using sour cream instead of kefir for making a quick test. 250 grams of sour cream are added to the dough, pre-mixed with soda, slaked vinegar.

Puff pastry pizza (without yeast)

Many young housewives ask: how to make pizza from puff pastry? To prepare puff pastry for pizza without yeast use:

  • flour - two tbsp .;
  • water - a quarter cup;
  • butter - 200 grams;
  • sugar - one teaspoon;
  • salt - one pinch;
  • citric acid to taste.

Description of preparation

How to make pizza dough? The recipe provides the following actions: add oil to the flour, mix it with flour and chop into small pieces. Then the remaining components are added to this mass and mixed well. The finished dough is rolled out, folded several times and placed in the refrigerator. After a couple of hours, the dough is taken out and proceed to the preparation of baking.

Another option

To prepare chopped puff pastry for pizza use:

  • flour - two glasses;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • butter or margarine - 300 grams;
  • one egg;
  • lemon juice - one teaspoon;
  • salt - half a teaspoon.
Thick crust

How to cook?

Sift the flour, add oil (chilled), cut into small pieces, into it and chop finely with a knife. Make a small deepening in flour with butter, pour water (salted) into it, add an egg, lemon juice and quickly knead the dough. The finished dough is rolled into a ball, covered with a napkin and cleaned in a cold place. Before baking, the dough is rolled out about 2-3 times and stacked in three to four layers.

Diet pizza (no dough)

This recipe can be a valuable find for those who are afraid of gaining weight. How to make pizza without dough? In order to cook it, you do not need any yeast, nor flour, nor butter. Use only healthy carbohydrates, proteins and other products necessary in order to eat properly, but do not gain extra pounds: tomato, pepper, chicken, mushrooms. It will take one hour to cook.

The basis

Flour is not involved in creating the base. To prepare 6-7 servings of the dish use:

  • 1 kg chicken fillet (without skin and bones);
  • 2 eggs of chicken;
  • salt to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • seasonings for chicken - to taste.


For the filling you will need some fresh food. It is prepared from:

  • 7-10 tomato (cherry or other small);
  • 200 grams of champignons;
  • 2 small bell peppers;
  • greens - to taste;
  • 150-200 g of hard (low-fat) cheese;
  • tomato paste - to taste;
  • salts to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste.

Cooking Features: Inventory

For those who want to learn how to make pizza without dough, experienced housewives recommend using:

  • baking tray;
  • a kitchen knife;
  • a wooden spoon;
  • chopping board;
  • a deep bowl;
  • a blender;
  • parchment for baking;
  • hot pot holders;
  • disposable paper towels.
Cooking process

Description of the process: step by step

First, prepare the stuffing for the base. Chilled (not frozen!) Chicken fillet is washed with running water, then dried with paper towels, divided into several parts and placed in a blender bowl. Chicken meat is crushed, then eggs are added to the minced meat, salt, pepper and seasonings are added. The resulting mass is mixed until uniform.

Next, bake the base. The oven is heated to 180-190 ° C. On a baking sheet, spread the paper and spread the chicken stuffing on it. The base can be given any shape: traditionally round, "heart", rectangular, etc. The base is sent to the preheated oven for about twenty minutes. This time is enough for her to bake and “grab”.

Pizza making

Tomatoes are washed with warm water, dried and cut into thin slices. The champignons are washed, dried, the earthy part is cut off from their legs, dark spots are removed. Mushrooms are cut into very thin slices. Bell peppers are halved, seeds are removed from their cores and the stalks are cut. Then the vegetables should be washed (outside and inside) and dried. Peppers cut into cubes or strips. Fresh herbs (dill, onions, parsley, basil) are washed, slightly shaken off excess moisture and chopped. Any cheese (non-greasy) is grated. It is not recommended to use this product in amounts exceeding those indicated in the recipe.

The base is slightly cooled, and then proceed to the formation of pizza. First, grease the baked minced meat with paste (tomato), then layers or freely spread the filling, which is sprinkled with greens and grated cheese. Next, pizza is sent to the oven, heated to 170-180 ° C, for another half hour. Fragrant, mouth-watering diet pizza is divided into portions and served.

Diet pizza

Recipe Recommendations

The toppings for this pizza can be used in a wide variety. Pineapple rings and ham are great. Tomato paste can be replaced with low-fat yogurt (natural) or sauce (tomato). You can also use mashed fresh tomatoes. Instead of minced chicken, you can also use meat (pork, beef), but this pizza can no longer be considered dietary.

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