"Imunofan" for dogs: instructions for use, analogues and reviews. Is Imunofan possible for cats?

Diseases of various kinds now and then affect pets and cause concern to their owners. And not always the cause of the disease become infections or mechanical damage. Like humans, animals are inevitably affected by polluted air, lack of oxygen, poor quality nutrition, stress, temperature changes, complete absence or lack of vitamins. This all translates into a decrease in immunity. A symptom of this problem is frequent illnesses, poor skin, coat, mucous membranes, sleep disturbances and decreased appetite and activity. An effective way to increase the immunity of a four-legged friend is "Imunofan" for dogs (the instructions for use of the drug must be read).

Imunofan for dogs

The composition of the funds

The preparation "Imunofan" for dogs has been developed. On sale comes in the form of a solution for injection, packaged in ampoules of one milliliter each. The active substance of the drug is a hexapeptide of synthetic origin (a combination of a number of natural amino acids: arginyl-alpha-aspartyl-lysyl-valyl-tyrosyl-arginine). "Imunofan" for dogs is a clear solution for injection without a pronounced smell or color.

Drug action

The main advantage of Immunofan is the duration of its action. So, the drug “begins to work” already two to three hours after administration (since the drug is absorbed into the body for a short time and quickly decomposes into natural amino acids). From this time and during the first three days after administration, the fast phase of the drug’s action continues. Then, the middle phase lasts for a week, and for another four months - the slow phase, in which the pharmacological effect of the drug is fully disclosed. What is this about?

Imunofan for dogs instruction

The pharmacological effect of the drug is an active immunoregulatory and immunostimulating effect. Also, the use of this drug actively contributes to the protection and restoration of cells, and consequently, the functions of the liver. It has an active protective effect in the presence of different types of tumors at an early stage of their development. Effectively frees the body from all kinds of toxins. The drug provides high survival and, therefore, the viability of the cubs, while reducing the likelihood of various kinds of genetic diseases.

Judging by the reviews of veterinarians, the use of Imunofan as an accompanying drug for vaccinating an animal has proven itself well. This combination significantly increases the effectiveness of the vaccine, and also dramatically reduces the likelihood of occurrence and severity of any kind of adverse reactions, significantly increases all the defenses of the dog's body.

The drug is effective in combating intracellular infections. This effect is achieved during the second (middle) phase of the drug (therefore, a positive result should be expected about a week after application).

Imunofan for dogs dosage

Given the fact that the effect of Imunofan is in no way dependent on PGE2, the drug can be used without any fear in parallel with any drugs that have anti-inflammatory effects (both steroidal and non-steroidal).

It is reasonable to use the drug in order to normalize the sexual cycles of animals, to ensure effective fertilization and the safe course of all pregnancy cycles in females. As a result, the number of miscarriages, as well as the number of stillborn puppies, is significantly reduced.

Indications for use

"Imunofan" is used to correct the state of immunodeficiency in dogs, regardless of what caused it. Also indicated are a variety of tumors in the early stages of their development, viral and bacterial infections of various etiologies.

Drug use

One of the advantages of the Imunofan preparation for dogs is the dosage, namely the absolute convenience of its calculation. For all animals whose mass does not exceed hundreds of kilograms, the working dose of the drug for single use is one milliliter, if the drug is used as a prophylaxis. In the event that the medicine is used to treat any disease, the duration of therapy and the exact dosage are determined by the veterinarian, focusing on the severity of the condition, as well as on the individual characteristics of the animal.

Imunofan for dogs instructions for use

Side effects

"Imunofan" for dogs is unique in that, subject to the prescribed doses and regularity of use, it does not entail any negative consequences for the pet's body. So, for example, this drug is not able to cause any allergic reactions, therefore, it does not require concurrent administration of antihistamines.


Despite the general safety of the drug "Imunofan" for dogs, veterinarians do not recommend using it accompanied by any other means intended to restore or strengthen the animal's immunity.

Imunofan for dogs

Special instructions and warnings

As already noted, Imunofan has an active positive effect on the genetic stability of the dog’s body cells. In this regard, experts assure: if you give the drug to the dogs, parents, this will significantly increase the number of genetic indicators in their puppies.

According to the veterinarians, the use of the drug as an accompanying drug during vaccination helps to form a much stronger, positive cellular and humoral immunity.

The analogue of "Imunofan" does not exist (or rather, there is no means that would repeat its composition). However, some other products have similar properties. However, the reviews and practices of veterinarians and pet owners confirming the effectiveness of the Imunofan preparation for dogs leave no doubt about the superiority of Imunofan in its group of medicines.

It is recommended to store it no more than two years in the refrigerator.

Immunofan for dogs reviews

Probably the most effective immunostimulating and immunomodulating agent is precisely Imunofan for dogs. The instruction for this tool contains all the necessary information, which allows you to safely use the drug to strengthen the immunity of the animal. The use of this drug will ensure the health safety of the pet in a number of ways, so it would be wise to use it in the presence of appropriate indications.

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