Lyophilisate - what is it? Lyophilisate for injection. How to breed lyophilisate?

The development of the pharmaceutical industry has led to the need to develop drugs that can, under various external conditions, retain their healing properties. For example, drugs based on biologically active components. How are beneficial microorganisms stored in such drugs? Storage occurs due to the innovative method of drying the biological components of the drug. This method is called lyophilization, and the substance itself, treated in this way, has the name "lyophilisate". What it is, in which drugs it is used, which has an effect - you can learn more by reading this article.

Lyophilisate - what is it?

What is lyophilization?

A true breakthrough in the pharmaceutical industry was the invention of the lyophilization method. Translated from Greek, this word means โ€œdissolveโ€, โ€œdryโ€. The essence of the method is to dehydrate medical material by freezing and further drying in a vacuum way. The advantages of this method of preparation of components for medicines are:

  • minimal physical and chemical processing of biological material is carried out, which allows to preserve the useful qualities of substances to the maximum
  • in the process of lyophilization, a minimal change in the structure and shape of the starting material occurs;
  • significantly increases the shelf life of the drug;
  • storage conditions expand, for example at high temperatures or high humidity.

From the history of the lyophilization method

A relatively recent lyophilisate was invented. What is it, medical experts learned for the first time in 1909. It was then that scientists first managed to dry the rabies virus in this way . A little later, they prepared dry blood plasma by lyophilization. In the same period, Russian scientists developed the first apparatus for sublimation, after which lyophilization began to develop and spread widely. This method began to produce a wide range of medical drugs: blood plasma, bacterial drugs, hormones, antibiotics and others.

Lyophilisate: instruction

Purpose of vacuum freeze drying

This method of preparing the components is most common in the pharmaceutical industry. How is lyophilisate formed, what is it and where is this method used? Using this drying method, a wide variety of medical preparations are made. But, besides this, the method is used in the chemical and food industries. The manufactured lyophilisates retain useful properties, do not require strict storage conditions, have a longer shelf life, and are as safe as possible for the consumer.

Lyophilization Instruments

Developed special apparatuses in order to produce lyophilisate. Instructions for the use of such devices require special technical knowledge and skills. Systems for the lyophilization of French-made Yusifroix, German Hochwakumm, English Edward, American Stoke have proven themselves. In Russia, the most common is the Czech-made device Frigera.

Lyophilisate: instructions for use

The concept of bacterial lysates

For the manufacture of immunostimulating, antiviral drugs, a lyophilisate of bacterial lysates is used. Let's figure out what such a complex medical terminology actually means. First you need to find out what bacterial lysates are. This is nothing more than microscopic particles of bacteria formed under the influence of mechanical, chemical or thermal influences. And, accordingly, they become lyophilisates in the process of special drying.

The use of bacterial lysates

Lyophilized bacteria lysates are used as immunostimulants. The mechanism of action is similar to the effect of the vaccine. Once in the body, the virus elicits a response from the human immune system, producing protective antibodies. Thus, in the case of further infection of a person with a pathogenic microorganism, the immune system will respond in a completely different way than with a primary infection. The presence in the body of protective antibodies, which are developed as a result of the fact that a person took prophylactic lyophilisate of bacteria, will significantly reduce the likelihood of infection or severe course of the disease. Most often, with the help of such drugs, respiratory viral diseases are prevented.

Bacterial Lysate Lyophilisate

Forms of use of lyophilisates

Medical preparations - lyophilizates are available in various forms: in the form of emulsions, dry powder and solutions. So, for example, the drug "Bifidumbacterin" is a lyophilisate in the form of a dry powder, which requires dilution before use. The correct dosage and method of administration can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Lyophilisate Injection

Often used lyophilisate for injection. For intramuscular and intravenous administration of the drug, it is necessary to prepare a medical solution. It is better if such a procedure is carried out by a specialist, since it is extremely important to strictly observe the proportions and technology of dilution of substances. Otherwise, you can not only spoil the drug (if the connection is incorrect, such a chemical reaction as oxidation can occur), but also harm the patientโ€™s health. Each drug has its own characteristics of dilution and use.

For example, injections are carried out with drugs such as Longidaza, Chondrolone. How to dilute lyophilisate for injection? Consider the method of using the drug on the example of the antifungal drug Vfend. This medicine is a dry powder packaged in sterile vials. The preparation of the solution for injection is carried out in 2 stages: directly dissolving, and then diluting the resulting concentrate substance. The bottle of the drug must be dissolved in 20 ml of the supplied solvent. Then the necessary single volume of the drug concentrate is diluted with a solution of sodium chloride or glucose.

Lyophilisate for injection

Immunomodulating drug "Polyoxidonium"

"Polyoxidonium" is another example of a drug that is used in the form of intramuscular and intravenous injections. This medicine is lyophilisate. Instructions for its use indicate that it is prescribed for both children from 6 months of age and adults with complicated viral respiratory infections or for the purpose of their prevention.

The dosage of the drug is prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account many factors. For the manufacture of an intramuscular solution, 6 mg of lyophilisate is dissolved in 2 ml of sodium chloride. And for intravenous injection, 3 ml of solvent will be needed, after which the concentrate is diluted in 200 ml of hemodesis or dextrose solution.

"Polyoxidonium lyophilisate" can provoke an allergic reaction and is incompatible with some other medicines, therefore, before use, consult your doctor and carefully read the instructions.

The drug "Bifidumbacterin lyophilisate": instructions for use

The medicine "Bifidumbacterin" is a lyophilisate of living bacteria. Available in the form of a dry powder for the preparation of oral solutions.

It is used to restore intestinal microflora, for example, after prolonged use of antibiotics or in childhood dysbiosis. It is prescribed for diseases such as:

  • intestinal infections;
  • gastric and duodenal ulcer;
  • pancreatitis
  • poisoning and other disorders of the digestive system.

Bifidumbacterin lyophilisate is also used externally. Instructions for use indicate that with purulent wounds, an application made of gauze soaked in a solution of the drug can be applied.

Intravaginally used in violation of the vaginal microflora, rectally in the postoperative period.

Bifidumbacterin lyophilisate: instructions for use

The drug is prescribed even for newborns, it can be used for nursing mothers. During pregnancy, you should consult your doctor before using the medicine.

The powder of the drug is dissolved in a small amount of warm liquid: breast milk, sour-milk products, juice, boiled water. Dosage depends on the age and disease of the patient.

It is very important to remember that you can not dilute Bifidumbacterin in a hot liquid, take it in parallel with antibacterial drugs, and also keep the diluted powder.

Lyophilisate "Interferon"

Interferon lyophilizate, a Russian-made drug, is available in powder form, packaged in vials. The components that make up its composition are natural alpha interferon and white blood cells of donor blood. "Interferon" is an antiviral agent, and also increases the body's resistance to various infections.

The drug is used nasally, i.e., they are instilled or sprayed with special devices into the nasal passages. In order to carry out such a procedure, it is first necessary to dissolve the lyophilisate. To do this, open one bottle and add distilled warm water to it to the highlighted mark of 2 ml. Then you need to shake the bottle until the dry particles dissolve.

Instill a solution in the nose of 5 drops several times a day or carry out the inhalation procedure using special devices.

Under no circumstances should this lyophilisate be administered intravenously or intramuscularly, as well as orally ! Instructions for the drug mention only the nasal method of use.

Interferon lyophilisate

The invention of lyophilisates has contributed to the emergence of many modern pharmacological preparations. This form of release of drugs significantly reduces their cost and increases the shelf life, and the use does not cause special difficulties, even at home. But, like any other medicine, requires prior consultation with a specialist drug-lyophilisate. What it is, in which cases there is a need to take such a drug, only the attending physician will explain in detail.

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