The vaccine is necessary in order to protect the body from the disease and its consequences. Since immunity begins to be developed on the second day after vaccination, it is recommended to do it several days before the epidemic begins.
Flu vaccination
Influvac allows you to prevent the flu. Instructions for use states that the vaccine develops a form of immunity that resists the viruses of group A and B. Immunity appears 2 weeks after complete immunization. Its validity period is 1 year.
Non-living vaccines are chosen for vaccination, for example, Influvac, a drug that contains surface particles of the influenza virus. They form the immunity in the patient. You can also give preference to a split vaccine that contains virus cells in a destroyed form.
Each of these vaccines is completely safe and in action provides the same barrier to immunity. There is no live virus in any injection. Influvac vaccine is guaranteed to protect against flu. Instructions for use, reviews - this is additional evidence that the injection is effective and safe.
As a rule, domestic and imported vaccines differ in two ways:
- Purification of the drug, carried out in two stages.
- Quality control.
Due to these advantages, the Influvac vaccine does not cause side effects, so it can be given even to the smallest children aged 6 months, as well as to people with chronic diseases, pregnant or breast-feeding women.
Contraindications to the vaccine
Instructions for use "Influvac" contains certain contraindications for vaccination, including:
- An exacerbated disease or a chronic form of the disease on the day of vaccination.
- High sensitivity or allergy to chicken protein.
- An allergic reaction to some components of the vaccine.
- An unexpected and severe reaction to a previous vaccination with this medicine.
In addition, the patient's vaccination is delayed if he has a mild form of a cold or there is an acute intestinal infection, as a result of which a high temperature manifests itself.
Adverse reaction to Influvac vaccine
Side effects are also possible after vaccination with Influvac. Instructions for use do not deny the development of complications in some cases, but this happens in a small number of vaccinated people. Medical data show that among adults, a general reaction was manifested only in 1% of patients who were vaccinated, and in 4% of the population a local one was noted. As for exacerbations or complications after injections, none have been reported.
The response to the vaccine can be local or general, each with its own symptoms. For a general reaction, signs such as:
- Elevated body temperature for a while, no higher than 37.5.
- Chills.
- Short body weakness, frequent fatigue and signs of neuralgia.
- This condition is observed for a maximum of 1 day.
Symptoms of a local reaction to the vaccine "Influvac" instruction notes the following:
- Slight redness of the injection site.
- Small seal.
- In some cases, pain appears.
- Such a reaction lasts a maximum of 2 days and does not create severe discomfort.
In any case, if there is an adverse reaction to an injection from influenza, this indicates that the immune system is working at full strength. In some cases, anaphylactic shock can occur , therefore, in the office where the injection is made, there must be medications to relieve it, for example, adrenaline.
"Influvac" does not have any effect on the ability to drive any vehicle, this also applies to other machines or mechanisms.
Adverse reaction from the body
In some cases, the influenza vaccine Influvac (the instruction warns) causes complications on the part of certain organs of the body.
As a result of vaccination, the circulatory and lymphatic systems can suffer, which will entail a decrease in the number of platelets, therefore, a high risk of bleeding and problems with it.
On the part of the immune system, allergic reactions occur, and in some cases even anaphylactic shock.
Damage to the nervous system causes migraine, very rarely paralysis and convulsions, as well as encephalomyelitis or neuritis. But studies do not show that there is a connection between the vaccine and such a reaction.
Violations of the vascular system entail vasculitis, which is accompanied by transient changes with regard to the functioning of the kidneys.
Prescription of the vaccine "Influvac". Instructions for use
Vaccination helps not only protect the body, but also to carry out prophylaxis, for example, in young children. In addition, people who are at high risk are primarily vaccinated. This population is over the age of 65, with diseases of the respiratory organs or heart, suffering from chronic renal failure, and diabetics. Also in this group are people who have weak immunity, who take drugs that inhibit his work, or undergo therapeutic treatment against cancer, who receive a high dose of corticosteroids.
Children in school and adolescence under 18 years of age are vaccinated, especially those who took medications for a long time, which included acetylsalicylic acid. They are at risk of developing Reye's syndrome, which develops as an adverse reaction occurs after an infectious flu.
As a rule, the vaccine is given to pregnant women in the 2nd or 3rd trimester, but if there is a high risk of infection, then the vaccine is given at any time with Influvac. Instructions for use provide for such vaccination measures.
Method of application and tolerated doses
According to the established requirements, vaccination is carried out every year in the autumn period. The injection is administered intramuscularly or deep under the skin. Intravenous administration of any injection is not allowed. The Influvac vaccine also falls under such a strict rule. The instruction describes in detail how to use the drug correctly.
- Children from 6 months to 3 years old are injected with 0.25 ml of the drug.
- From 3 to 14 years, 0.5 ml of the vaccine is administered once.
- For adults and adolescents over the age of 14, the vaccine is administered once, with a volume of 0.5 ml.
- Children who have not previously had the flu or who have not been vaccinated are given the procedure twice with an interval of 4 weeks.
Safety of Influvac vaccine
Independent studies conducted by WHO experts confirm that modern vaccines are highly effective because they contain the surface elements of the disease. They have low reactogenicity, in simple words, in a minimal case cause an adverse reaction to an injection.
The drug does not contain preservatives, has passed numerous studies in various countries, where more than 100 thousand people took part. And for all the time of research, not a single case was noted when expressed or unknown side effects appeared.
After the introduction of the drug, the human body slowly protects against influenza, the required level is already reached at the end of the second week, in most cases, vaccination of people was accompanied by normal body temperature.
The effectiveness of vaccination with the drug "Influvac"
The advantage of the drug is achieved due to its effectiveness, this is facilitated by:
- High technology is used to create the Influvac vaccine. Instructions for use, manufacturer and international standards confirm this fact.
- The drug "Influvac" meets all the requirements of WHO.
- For 10 years, the vaccine has been successfully used among the population.
- Numerous studies have been conducted on the Influvac vaccine. Instructions for use contain all the necessary information.
The effectiveness of vaccination is complemented by another positive quality called the Smart Syringe. The fact is that many refuse to be vaccinated precisely because of a fear of an injection, the manufacturer took into account this shortcoming and issued a modern injection, which is very convenient to use and is called "Dufargekt."
The system allows you to enter the exact dose, it is tight and does not require special packaging, which saves time in the process of mass vaccination. And the needle is so thin that the injection will not be felt at all, since it is coated with silicone and sharpened with diamonds.
"Influvac", instructions for use, expiration date
Thanks to its qualities, the vaccine can maintain its properties throughout the year. To distinguish vaccines by shelf life, the manufacturer indicates the date of manufacture in the instructions, after which the drug is prohibited to use. As a rule, it is June 30 that the term for using the injection of the previous year of release expires.
In order to comply with expiration dates, it is necessary and properly stored, as well as transport the drug. Need protection from direct sunlight, compliance with temperatures ranging from 2 to 8 degrees. The maximum transportation temperature of Influvac reaches 25 degrees within 24 hours. Keep out of the reach of children and prevent freezing.