Ampicillin suspension for children: preparation, instructions for use, dosage, effectiveness

Ampicillin is one of the most popular semi-synthetic antibiotics that copes with many bacterial diseases. Since this drug usually does not harm the human body, it is allowed to use it, including for the treatment of children. Ampicillin is most often given to such patients in the form of a suspension, which is prepared on their own. Despite the fact that this medicine is not considered difficult, it is, of course, necessary to take it correctly. Giving Ampicillin to children is possible only after consultation with a doctor.

What is a remedy?

This drug belongs to antibiotics of the penicillin series. A medicine can be issued in different forms: tablets, powder for the preparation of a solution for injection. For children, as already mentioned, this tool is used in the form of a suspension. Such a medicine can be prepared from powder or granules purchased in a pharmacy.

Syrup "Ampicillin"

The dry mass intended for mixing Ampicillin suspension for children is delivered to the market in bottles with a risk mark. A measuring spoon is always included with the medicine. The powder or Ampicillin granules are white, slightly yellowish.

One package of the drug contains 40 g. After diluting this amount of powder or granules, 100 g of suspension is formed.

Active substance

As in tablets or solutions, the main active ingredient in Ampicillin powder and granules is ampicillin trihydrate. 5 ml of the syrup of this substance contains about 250 mg. Granules are also on sale in pharmacies today, after the dissolution of which a lighter suspension is obtained, intended for very young children. Such a syrup contains 125 mg of active substance in 5 ml.

In addition to ampicillin trihydrate, the suspension contains some additional substances:

  • sodium glutamate;

  • sugar;

  • raspberry essence;

  • sodium phosphate;

  • dextrose;

  • vanillin;

  • Trilon B.

How is the beneficial effect?

Once in the child’s body, Ampicillin is actively absorbed into the blood through the walls of the stomach. One of the features of this drug is that it does not break down in an acidic environment. In the child's body, the active substance immediately begins to negatively affect the growth of pathogenic cells. Ampicillin simply does not allow their shell to develop, as a result of which it is destroyed.

In organs and tissues, this medicine is distributed very evenly. The drug is metabolized in a child in the liver. Ampicillin is excreted in the urine. At the same time, the tissues are cleaned from this medicine quickly enough. Ampicillin is excreted from the body within 2-3 hours after administration. The active substance of the drug, among other things, does not cumulate. All this makes it possible to use Ampicillin for a sufficiently long time and in relatively large doses.


Like almost any other antibiotic, Ampicillin suspension for children can destroy many types of pathogenic bacteria in the body. Therefore, the spectrum of action of this medicine is quite wide. Most often, Ampicillin is prescribed for children with bronchitis or pneumonia. Also, this medicine can be prescribed by pediatricians for diseases such as:

  • abscesses and osteomyelitis;

  • diseases of the ENT organs;

  • cystitis, pyelitis;

  • gastrointestinal tract infections;

  • meningitis;

  • erysipelas;

  • scarlet fever, etc.

At the doctor

At what age can I use?

The medicine “Ampicillin” is allowed to treat children from 4 weeks of age. However, for too small infants, this drug is usually used only in the form of injections. Ampicillin suspension for children according to the instructions can be used only from the age of one year. But sometimes doctors still prescribe a drug in this form to very small patients. To treat a child in this case, however, a 125 mg / 5 ml syrup variant is usually used.


Ampicillin suspension is prescribed to children, thus, quite often. However, in the form of a suspension, doctors prescribe it for their young patients only with a not very serious course of the disease. In especially severe cases, the Ampicillin suspension is not prescribed for children, but the medicine is administered in the form of injections.

Infant Treatment

How to cook?

To make a suspension of powder or granules purchased in a pharmacy at home will not be difficult at all. Ampicillin syrup is prepared elementarily. To make a suspension, you need:

  • pour in a bottle of settled and purified water at room temperature to risks;

  • close the bottle tightly with a lid;

  • shake everything well.

The powder in the finished syrup should dissolve completely. Typically, 62 ml of water is added to the vial when preparing syrup.

Instructions for the suspension "Ampicillin" for children: dosage

Giving your child this effective drug, of course, can only be done in quantities that are recommended by the attending physician. Dosages of Ampicillin for the doctor’s children, in turn, are determined depending on the weight of the patient. It is believed, for example, that newborn babies can be given no more than 50 mg of the drug per 1 kg of body weight per day.

For children up to a year, doctors in most cases prescribe 100 mg / kg per day. Patients under 4 years of age are treated with pediatricians at the rate of 100-150 mg / kg of weight per day. Children over 2 years old can already be prescribed up to 1-2 g of the drug per kilogram of weight per day.

How to give?

How to use Ampicillin according to the instructions for children. Pour such syrup into a measuring spoon should be up to the mark of 125 or 250 ml, depending on the dosage prescribed by the doctor. The right amount of the drug should first be given to the child to drink. Next, the patient should definitely be offered to drink the medicine with water.

Some parents are also interested in whether Ampicillin for children can be used when eating. Doing this, according to the instructions, is impossible. It is supposed to take this medicine no earlier than an hour after breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack or dinner.

Bronchitis treatment

Are there any contraindications?

The instructions for the use of Ampicillin suspension for children, of course, also include a description of those cases when this medicine cannot be used. Of course, not all children are allowed to treat various kinds of diseases using this agent. Before you begin to give your child this antibiotic, of course, you need to consult a doctor. In some cases, Ampicillin may be contraindicated in children. Pediatricians do not prescribe this remedy, for example, if their patients have problems such as:

  • lymphocytic leukemia;

  • colitis due to antibiotics;

  • hypersensitivity to penicillin preparations.

Infants should not receive Ampicillin with their mother’s milk. That is, you can not take this drug, including lactating women.

With caution, "Ampicillin" is prescribed for:

  • hay fever;

  • bronchial asthma;

  • renal failure;

  • all kinds of bleeding.

Interaction with other medicines

The absorption of this drug can be reduced, among other things:

  • food;

  • antacids;

  • laxatives.

A feature of Ampicillin is that it is able to enhance the action of anticoagulants.

Side effects

Most often, the negative effect of Ampicillin on the child's body manifests itself in the form of an allergy. In this case, a characteristic rash may appear on the body of a small patient after using the suspension. Also, an allergy to this drug is easy to determine by edema and severe itching.

In addition to an allergic reaction, the side effects of Ampicillin may occur as follows:

  • headache;

  • dyspepsia;

  • tremor;

  • anemia;

  • decrease in platelet count;

  • cramps

  • leukopenia.


Exact observance of the instructions for the use of Ampicillin for children contributes to a quick recovery. However, sometimes doctors, of course, replace this antibiotic with other drugs with the same therapeutic effect. In most cases, of course, instead of this drug, doctors prescribe children from the penicillin group for children. This could be, for example:

  • Amoxicillin;

  • Amoxiclav;

  • Ospamox.

All these funds can be produced including in the form of granules intended for the preparation of a suspension. Instead of Ampicillin, pediatricians often prescribe Oxacillin for newborns. This product is marketed, however, only in the form of solutions used for injection. The drug "Oxacillin" acts on the body of young children very gently. Many doctors believe, among other things, that this medicine can be prescribed even to premature babies.

Ospamox syrup for children

What will happen with an overdose?

Ampicillin can be given to children in fairly large quantities. However, home therapy using this drug, of course, is necessary precisely according to the scheme that the doctor developed and recommended. The tool is not too heavy. But a lot of “Ampicillin” cannot be given to a child, of course. An overdose of this medicine is primarily depressing for the baby’s nervous system. This is usually manifested in overexcitation.

Particularly carefully, the Ampicillin suspension should be given to children with kidney problems. Unfortunately, this medicine can have a very strong effect on the nervous system of such babies. On their own, children with kidney diseases should not be prescribed this drug in any case.

Also, when taking too much Ampicillin, the child may experience such unpleasant symptoms as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. In case of an overdose of these tablets, the victim should rinse the stomach, and then give some sorbent. In severe cases, children are also prescribed hemodialysis.

Drug Reviews

The advantages of "Ampicillin" patients include primarily its availability. You can buy this medication at any pharmacy if you wish, and without a doctor’s prescription. Ampicillin is very inexpensive. Today it is perhaps the cheapest antibiotic in Russia.

The answer to the question of whether Ampicillin can be given to children is, therefore, a positive one. As many parents note, this drug causes side effects extremely rarely. However, an overdose of it can actually be dangerous. In addition, in some children, it still causes allergies. Therefore, use this remedy for the treatment of infectious diseases should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Judging by the reviews, this tool helps children, since their body is not yet accustomed to antibiotics and helps quite well. But of course, the effect of Ampicillin is far from manifested in all infectious diseases. The active substance of this drug does not destroy some bacteria. This must be remembered. If a child has any problems at home, you should definitely call a doctor and consult with him, including about the possibility of taking Ampicillin.

Syrup treatment for children

There are practically no negative reviews about this drug on the Web. If we talk about the suspension itself, then its small digestion can be considered only not too good digestibility (40%). Injections of Ampicillin are in any case much more effective than syrup (as well as tablets). Also, this drug, like any other antibiotic, can disrupt the intestinal microflora. This, of course, consumers also refer to the disadvantages of the drug.

Storage conditions

It is necessary to keep Ampicillin granules intended for suspension preparation at home at a temperature of no higher than 20 ° C. That is, in summer this tool should be put in the refrigerator. The shelf life of this medicine is 2 years. Suspension "Ampicillin" for children after preparation can be stored at room temperature, but not longer than 8 days.

Temperature in a child

Ampicillin tablets are stored at home at a temperature of 15-25 ° C. Powders for injection are kept at t no higher than 20 ° C. The solutions prepared from the preparation in this form are not subject to storage, according to the instructions for use.

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