Psoriasis on the fingers: photos, causes, symptoms and treatment

Psoriasis is a chronic ailment that many people have. Foci of plaques can be located in different parts of the body, including the arms. The disease can cause impaired mobility of the joints. The causes of psoriasis on the fingers and treatment are described in the article.

Why does the disease appear?

The reason why psoriasis occurs on the fingers is not exactly identified. But a greater risk of the pathology in question appears when:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • stress
  • dry skin type;
  • taking certain drugs - anticonvulsants, sedatives, antidepressants;
  • thyroid disease;
  • mechanical skin injuries - cuts, scratches.
psoriasis on the fingers

A high risk of psoriasis on the fingers appears in smokers who drink. The disease often occurs with excess weight, malnutrition. Whatever the cause of the disease, timely and effective treatment is necessary.


As you can see from the photo, psoriasis on the fingers looks unpleasant. Symptoms of the disease appear suddenly. What does psoriasis look like on fingers? First, small rashes arise, which then become large spots. Symptoms of the disease include the presence of:

  • outlined papules of a round pink shape;
  • dry reddish spots - psoriatic plaques;
  • peeling, itching at the site of plaque;
  • bleeding of the skin in areas of localization of papules, plaques;
  • small dots on the plate, its peeling.

According to the photo, psoriasis on the fingers is immediately noticeable. The rash appears on the back of the hand, on the fingers and between them. The danger of the disease is based on the fact that it can go into a complex form - psoriatic arthritis. In this disease, the joints are affected, due to which there is swelling of the hands, their deformation, impaired function of extension - flexion.

With psoriasis, cell division is impaired, which makes it 5-10 times faster than healthy cells. With this ailment, skin cells intensively multiply, immune cells, blood vessels are connected to the process.

Psoriatic plaques appear on the area of ​​smooth skin. The spot rises above the skin, an increase in blood vessels occurs. Psoriasis on the fingers does not occur by gender or race. Most often, the disease manifests itself in 15-35 years or after 60.

What is psoriasis confused with?

Pathology proceeds with symptoms that are similar to other dermatological diseases. An accurate diagnosis is made possible by diagnostic methods:

  1. Microbial infections. This disease develops after pathogenic microbes enter through wounds or microcracks. Pathology has symptoms of inflammation. Weeping often occurs on the fingers. To make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a blood test and conducts a study of scraping from the skin.
  2. Eczema hands. This disease develops suddenly. With eczema, spots, itching, pain appear on the skin. The late stage is characterized by the appearance of cracks with serous contents. Eczema is symmetrical and affects 2 hands at once. The ailment appears from chemical, mechanical irritants. Diagnosis is by biopsy.
  3. Fungal affection. With mycosis of the hands, severe itching, swelling and hyperemia of the skin appear. There is practically no pain. Sometimes there is an unpleasant odor of the skin. The diagnosis is made using histological examination.
psoriasis on the fingers photo


The following stages of psoriasis on the fingers:

  1. Aggravation is a stage of progression. At this time, the number and size of spots increases, itching and peeling increase.
  2. Stationary stage. On it, the disease fades, the color of the plaques changes, the spots decrease.
  3. Stage of remission. During this period, the symptoms of the disease disappear completely.

As you can see from the photo, the initial psoriasis on the fingers already has unpleasant symptoms. But timely detection and treatment will allow you to get rid of it without negative consequences.


Curing psoriasis between the fingers is much easier with minor symptoms. If you start the condition, then intensive therapy may be required. In this case, the forms of the disease are of several types:

  1. Pustular. The disease is usually manifested on the palms of the hands, forearms. With this form, red spots with pus appear. They merge, creating purulent lakes. Pustular psoriasis of the palms is considered the most dangerous form, since the case is complicated by large swelling of the hands, the appearance of nephropathy and dystrophic phenomena.
  2. Teardrop-shaped. Usually appears in the upper part of the arms, near the shoulders. The shape of the plaques is similar to droplets.
  3. Plaque. In this case, the plaques merge into groups, become covered with white crusts.
  4. Psoriasis of nails. There are longitudinal or transverse gray or white lines. The skin around the nail becomes thickened. The plate loosens and collapses.
psoriasis between the fingers

Psoriasis on the fingers, cracks deliver a lot of discomfort. With this ailment, competent treatment is required, which will improve the condition.

Why is self-medication dangerous?

Self-treatment of psoriasis on the fingers can lead to negative consequences. Although many medications for treatment are dispensed without a prescription, a person needs to know that treatment can be performed after the doctor’s permission. Otherwise, the consequences are irreversible:

  1. Hypercalcemia - appears with the use of ointments, topical creams. This condition can disrupt the heart rhythm and cause muscle cramps.
  2. Skin burn - occurs if you use local remedies, as well as after phototherapy.
  3. Addiction, withdrawal syndrome.
  4. Inflammation.
  5. Disorders in the endocrine, cardiovascular system after the use of hormonal agents.
  6. Pigmentation of healthy skin - it becomes brown.
  7. Skin atrophy.
  8. Frequent relapses of the disease, exacerbation of the course of the disease.

It is not safe to use any methods, medicines without the advice of a doctor in frequency, duration of treatment. If you do not know about the methods of therapy, then you can harm other organs and systems. In addition, this can aggravate the course of the disease. And in the absence of treatment, an aggravation of the pathology is possible up to the deformation of the fingers.

With psoriasis, you need to visit a dermatologist. This narrow-profile specialist is able to make the correct diagnosis after examination, palpation, and then prescribe the drug. If there is no dermatologist in the clinic, you should find a therapist, family doctor. These specialists are able to make a preliminary diagnosis. If necessary, give direction to a consultation with a dermatologist. In the presence of psoriasis on the joints, consultation with a rheumatologist is also required.

Topical preparations

How to treat psoriasis on the fingers? In the tactics of treating this disease, changes are constantly happening. Instead of cytostatics, which have side effects, non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs, aromatic retinoids are used, the task of which is to exfoliate dead skin cells, eliminate inflammation, and prevent the appearance of plaques. For local treatment, various creams and ointments with vitamins A and D are used.

The use of creams

Judging by the photo, psoriasis on the pads of the fingers has an unpleasant appearance. You can restore the skin with creams, which are divided into:

  1. Hormonal With them, the immune response is suppressed and the intensity of metabolic processes in painful skin cells is reduced. If there are vasoconstrictor components in the products, then this is even more effective, since the concentration of nutrients decreases with the action of the cream on the skin. The best hormonal drugs include Triderm, Dermoveyt, Travokort, Elokom.
  2. Non-hormonal. They have a pronounced moisturizing effect. Unlike hormonal creams, these drugs do not have dangerous side effects, do not upset the balance of hormones, and are also considered more affordable. The best remedies are Psoriasis Cream, Zorka, Pikladol, Sofora, Psorilom.
psoriasis on the fingers treatment

Standard children's creams for hands with chamomile, celandine, and calendula are also effective. They eliminate inflammation, moisturize and soften. Before using any external product, you need to perform a test on healthy skin.


For some patients, the doctor recommends using an ointment, and for others, a cream. What is their difference? This is due to the fact that the ointment is required to soften the skin. The cream is prescribed when itching, burning, swelling need to be eliminated, since it has a faster effect, quickly penetrating the skin.

The best ointments are the following:

  1. Naphthalene, ichthyol, "Kartalin" - have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effects.
  2. Sulfur-salicylic, the Cycloderm preparation - means quickly eliminate plaques, remove dead skin cells.
  3. Ointment "Dayvoneks" - increases the amount of calcium in painful skin cells, resolves psoriatic plaques.
  4. Ointment "Akriderm" - eliminates horny deposits, has a powerful antiseptic, keratolytic effect.
psoriasis on the fingers causes

General action drugs

For the treatment of psoriasis, in addition to local action, prescribe drugs intended for oral administration:

  1. Antihistamines. Eliminate severe itching, worse at night. This is Fenkarol, Diazolin.
  2. Monoclonal antibodies. These substances destroy the cells that cause psoriasis. This treatment method is used only in severe forms of the disease. Antibodies are administered intramuscularly.
  3. Cytostatic agents involved in the pathogenesis of psoriatic plaque formation.
  4. Medicines of the cyclosporin group having an immunosuppressive effect.
  5. Immunomodulators, vitamin preparations.
  6. Anti-inflammatory drugs - tablets "Metzhekt."
  7. Homeopathic remedies.
  8. Sedative medicines.

Psoriasis is a socially unadapted problem. Therefore, doctors emphasize that this is a life status, not a disease. The main task of people is the ability to live correctly with such a diagnosis. And doctors should tell people that the disease is not considered contagious.

Folk remedies

Excellent action have folk remedies. The following are recognized as the best of them:

  1. With a solution of birch tar, you need to process the skin using a cotton pad. The tool protects against peeling, performs discoloration of plaques. The procedure is performed several times a day.
  2. Used for the treatment of sea buckthorn or linseed oil. Products restore the skin, protect it from dryness, infection, provide nutrition with vitamins.
  3. Aloe has an antiseptic effect. It is necessary to cut the leaf of the plant along the length and attach it to the diseased area of ​​the skin. A bandage is placed on top or a patch is glued. Leave a compress for 30 minutes.
  4. Bay leaf has a cleansing effect. The treatment uses a decoction. To prepare it, pour bay leaf (300 g) with boiling water (glass). The product is boiled for 10 minutes. After cooling, a cotton pad is moistened in it and compresses are performed. They can be left all night.
  5. Clover cleanses the epidermis and prevents inflammation. Dry flowers (2 tbsp. L.) Pour boiling water (200 ml) and leave for 5 minutes to infuse. Perform lotions for 2 hours to the affected areas.
  6. With the help of baking soda, the skin is softened, inflammation is removed, and peeling is eliminated. On the basis of powder and water make a thick mixture. A cotton pad, which is wetted in the finished solution, is applied to the affected areas.
  7. Baths with sea salt eliminate inflammation of the itch, cleanse the skin of crusts and scales. To prepare a bath, a handful of salt is dissolved in warm water (2 liters). Hands should be kept in solution for 20 minutes.
  8. Hydrogen peroxide has an antiseptic effect, it cleanses and disinfects the skin. It is advisable to perform applications for 20 minutes.
psoriasis on the fingers photo initial

You need to use alternative methods only after consulting a doctor. These funds can eliminate the unpleasant manifestations of the disease and alleviate the patient's condition.


In the treatment of hand psoriasis, the use of:

  • cryotherapy;
  • ichthyotherapy;
  • ozone therapy;
  • bioresonance therapy;
  • phototherapy and PUVA therapy.

The doctor prescribes the treatment method individually. Psoriasis is an incurable disease. Therapy is required to improve the quality of life and reduce negative manifestations. If you follow all the recommendations of a doctor, a long-term remission is ensured.


Since psoriasis is recognized as an autoimmune disease, it is inherited. It is necessary to exclude other factors that lead a person to a risk group. Prevention is:

  • quitting smoking, drinking alcohol;
  • living in an ecologically clean area, choosing a place of work without contact with chemicals and other harmful components;
  • quality and timely personal hygiene.
how to treat psoriasis on the fingers

Diet is an important component of prevention. Do not eat allergenic foods, fast food, highly salted and smoked dishes, fast carbohydrates, fatty meat, fried and spicy foods. But allowed vegetables, seafood, dairy products, fruits, whole grains, clean water. Compliance with basic preventive measures will protect against psoriasis.

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