How to freeze apples for the winter?

All people are looking forward to the summer. And the thing is not only that at this time of the year it is much warmer and most often take a vacation. In the summer there are always a lot of different vegetables, fruits and berries, which are so lacking in the winter months. Of course, now you can always buy them at the supermarket. Only their taste is significantly different from summer. And, probably, this is most noticeable in apples. Purchased in the store have virtually no aroma and taste. Yes, their benefit is very doubtful. It would be much better to freeze summer apples in order to preserve all their qualities.

freeze apples
Like any harvest for the winter, apple freezing should begin with the selection of suitable fruits. Any grades are suitable for this purpose : sweet, sour-sweet and sour. The main thing is that they are ripe and fresh fruits. If, however, they still have small traces of spoilage, you can simply cut off these places. Before proceeding with further processing of apples, they must be washed well and the stalk and leaves removed.

To freeze apples for the winter, they most often use the dry method. To do this, they are cut, the core with seeds is removed and cut into 6-8 parts, depending on size. Optionally, you can peel apples from the skin, if it is not needed in ready-made dishes. So that the slices do not darken, it is recommended to lubricate them with lemon juice or water with ascorbic acid dissolved in it (per 100 ml 1 teaspoon). Now you need to lay the prepared apples on a plastic board and leave in the freezer for 2-3 hours. Frozen finished apples are packed as tightly as possible in a plastic container or bag.

frozen apples
If in the future fruits will be used for making compotes, desserts and pies, they can be processed in sugar syrup before freezing. For him, mix a glass of sugar and a half glass of water, add a little citric acid so that the apples do not darken. Dip the ready-made slices in this syrup and put them in a bag or container. After they managed to freeze such apples, they can be stored for up to 12 months. Do not worry about the syrup remaining in the bag. A small amount will give the finished dish extra sweetness.

frozen apples good

Another way to freeze apples is to use the whole product. In the future, they can be used for baking in the oven or adding to pies. For this variant of freezing, only selected fruits are suitable without traces of rot and darkening. Wash and dry the fruit with a paper towel. In apples, remove the seed core with a special knife. Prepared in this way, the fruit is dipped in lemon juice or water with ascorbic acid. Wrap it with cling film, removing air as much as possible. Put the apple in the freezer and use as needed.

Regardless of how the frozen apples will be used in the future , their benefits exceed not only the benefits of imported varieties, but also those stored in cellars and cellars. Thanks to freezing, even at the beginning of the next apple season, they retain all the properties of fresh fruits. Indeed, they can be stored in the freezer for 6 to 12 months, without worrying that they will deteriorate.

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