Ointment "Levomekol." What is it for?

The drug "Levomekol" is one of the best remedies at the moment for various wounds, burns, suppurations, etc. It successfully replaces Vishnevsky ointment, gentamicin and many other similar agents. We will understand what its advantage is.

Pharmacological properties

levomekol for what
If you are faced with a choice which healing and antiseptic agent to buy, let it be Levomekol ointment. What it is intended for: relieves inflammation, destroys microbes, including staphylococci, E. coli, and other parasites. The scope of the drug includes deep penetration into the tissues of the skin, activation of the recovery process, renewal. If there are areas on the body with severe suppuration, then they are also treated with Levomekol, for which dressings with ointment are applied directly to the affected area. In this case, the drug does not lose its antiseptic properties. They persist in the presence of dying tissue. Another plus of the medical tool: it does not cause dysbiosis, even if it is injected into the cavities with purulent inflammation.

levomekol Price

The composition of the drug

Finding out what the ointment "Levomekol" is, what it is intended for, one can not say about its composition. It does not contain auxiliary elements, consists only of ingredients with a therapeutic effect. This is a combination of chloramphenicol with methyluracil. Both components determine such a diverse range of effects of the drug. They also contribute to the fact that Levomekol ointment, for whatever reason it is used, practically does not cause any allergic reactions in the patient, or addiction on the part of infectious pathogens.

Indications for treatment

And now in more detail, when we should resort to the help of funds.

  • Pressure ulcers, including chronic, with suppuration and necrotic fragments. Apply gauze dressings, liberally lubricated with ointment. If you need to keep the affected area open, simply squeeze the right amount of funds onto it from the tube.
  • Trophic ulcers - overlapping, similar to that described above.
  • Diaper rash, attritions, abscesses and boils. With such skin diseases, Levomekol ointment is prescribed to children, and not just adults.
  • External hemorrhoids, including chronic, in the stages of inflammation, bloody, as well as purulent discharge. It is worth adopting for all who suffer from the disease, especially in severe forms.
    levomekol for children
  • Early stages of gangrene - loose dressings need to be applied.
  • Boils in the ear canal. For treatment, gauze is rolled up into narrow tourniquets or strips, impregnated with a product and injected into the auricle, leaving half a day. Then the bandage changes.
  • Pustular rashes, abscesses, inflammation, skin infections of various etiologies.
  • Wounds after burns.

Supporting action

In addition to the antiseptic, Levomekol ointment, the price of which varies from 77 rubles to 103 or slightly higher depending on the region, also performs a regenerative, wound healing effect. In addition, the ointment actively affects the improvement of immunity, the body's resistance to various viral and inflammatory infections. Under the influence of methyluracil, the number of leukocytes in the blood increases, and a special protein, interferon, which produces an immunostimulating effect, is more actively produced.

The ointment is produced in tubes with a capacity of 40 and 100 g, the shelf life is up to three and a half years. Application - external.

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