Atheroma in a child is a fairly common phenomenon. It is a tumor of benign etiology that forms on the surface of the skin. Its size and location may vary. Subject to timely removal, the pathology does not pose a health hazard. However, when it is detected, it is urgent to show the child to the doctor.
Causes of occurrence
Atheroma is a benign tumor in the form of a squamous cyst. It is located in the area of subcutaneous fat and consists of overgrown elements of sebum.
The main cause of its occurrence is considered increased activity of the sebaceous glands. Excess secretions secreted by them cannot be evenly distributed on the surface of the skin. Gradually, they accumulate, and as a result a cyst forms.
Most often, atheroma in a child is diagnosed in adolescence. This is due to serious changes in the body, occurring mainly during puberty. In particular, we are talking about hormonal changes. They affect the entire body and the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Atheroma is often found in infants. In this case, the main cause is a hereditary predisposition.
Doctors separately distinguish a group of factors, the presence of which increases the likelihood of a defect:
- Improper hygienic care for the newborn (irregular bathing, abuse of powders, creams and other cosmetics).
- Diseases of the scalp (e.g., seborrhea).
- Increased sweating.
- Acne.
- Excessive UV exposure to the skin.
Another factor provocateur is illiterate skin care for the baby on the head. In most children of the first year of life, unaesthetic crusts form on its scalp. This process is a variant of the norm and is quite natural. However, many parents try to immediately eliminate them by combing and injuring the baby's skin. It is in such areas that atheromas form on the child’s head.
Clinical picture
At the beginning of its development, atheroma is a small nodule. It is located in the upper layers of the epidermis. Pathology is not accompanied by pain syndrome and does not pose a threat to life. In newborns, a cyst is usually localized on the cheek, groin, or armpit.
After inflammation, the tubercle begins to redden, it becomes hot to the touch. Pus or even blood may ooze from the duct. Pressing atheroma causes pain. It shows sensitivity and the area around it. Over time, in young patients, the temperature rises, weakness appears, and appetite worsens.
In adolescents, a similar defect is most often found on the head, neck and face. However, it can be localized on other parts of the body.
Is atheroma dangerous?
This pathology is a consequence of blockage of the sebaceous glands. Such a defect may be internal or external. As a result of its development, the following problems arise:
- accumulation of sebum;
- deformation of the sebaceous gland and its duct;
- rupture of the sebaceous gland;
- the appearance of inflammation in the lesion.
In the absence of inflammation, atheroma is considered a safe phenomenon. Especially if it has a fairly impressive size and is located in open areas of the body. Nevertheless, this cosmetic defect requires constant medical supervision. With infection of the focus and the appearance of inflammation, surgical treatment of atheroma in children is indicated.
Diagnostic Methods
When making a diagnosis, the doctor performs a physical examination of a small patient and evaluates the associated symptoms. If necessary, an ultrasound examination and histological analysis of the contents are prescribed.
Differential diagnosis is crucial. It allows you to distinguish an atheroma from other similar neoplasms. We are talking about malignant tumors, dermoid cysts, boils, etc.
Atheroma is often confused with another no less common ailment - lipoma. Indeed, they are similar, but have some differences. Lipoma is a hyperplasia of adipose tissue. It is very elastic to the touch, and is localized mainly on the internal organs. Over the neoplasm, the skin gathers in folds. Atheroma is more often infected. For a long time, it remains small, but at the same time it shifts with the skin. The favorite place for localization is subcutaneous tissue. Only a doctor can distinguish an atheroma from a lipoma.
Therapy Features
While the atheroma in the child is in a calm state, it does not require specific therapy. If complications arise (the progression of the disease, the onset of the inflammatory process, the appearance of purulent discharge), the question of the treatment is decided. You cannot try to fix the defect yourself. Seek qualified medical help immediately.
Drug therapy
In newborns, the removal of atheroma is unacceptable, since the operation cannot be performed using local anesthesia. Any movement contributes to damage to the capsule of the cyst. As a result, its contents can infect nearby tissues, leading to an abscess.
Therefore, after assessing the situation, the doctor prescribes drug therapy. It consists of taking antibiotics to stop the inflammatory process. Medicines are used injected or orally, as well as topically. In the latter case, the following antibiotic ointments have proven themselves well: Levomekol, Zinerit, Gentaxan.
Removal of atheroma in older children is also not always indicated. For example, with an active inflammatory process, surgical intervention can only aggravate the situation. In this case, medication with antibiotics is also prescribed. After removing the inflammation, you can decide on the operation.
Surgical removal
The most effective method of eliminating the defect is surgery. The main indications for its conduct are the following cases:
- soreness when pressing a cyst;
- the presence of bloody or purulent discharge;
- progressive inflammatory process;
- rapid growth of the neoplasm;
- aesthetic discomfort when atheroma is located on the nose of a child or on another part of the face.
When referring to surgery, the doctor must take into account the features of the pathological process and the patient’s age, a possible change in the structure of the neoplasm. Depending on these factors, an intervention option will be chosen. Today, both the classical operation and the radio wave method or laser removal of atheroma for a child are used.
The classic operation involves excising a cyst with a scalpel. Today, they resort to her help most often because of accessibility. In addition, atheromas with a diameter of more than 5 cm are not removed in other ways. Two other options for surgical treatment are described in detail later in the article.
Radio wave method
Removal of atheroma by means of radio waves is the modern and safest method of therapy. The procedure involves exposure to the affected area of the skin with high frequency radio waves. As a result, a small incision is formed at the site of the lesion. The heat generated during exposure to radio waves penetrates the capsule of the cyst, evaporating it.
Laser destruction
Laser removal of atheroma for a child is recommended at the initial stages of the development of pathology. After the procedure, scars or scars do not remain on the skin. She herself is absolutely painless and does not cause discomfort to the little patient. In addition, the effect does not cause a violation of the integrity of the skin. Therefore, the risk of infection is reduced to zero.
Help traditional medicine
Some parents, having noticed an atheroma in the child’s leg or any other part of the body, do not rush to the doctor and try to fix the defect on their own. They resort to the help of recipes of folk healers.
One of the most popular are compresses. For example, using the leaves of coltsfoot, plantain and cabbage. Rinse them thoroughly under running water and mash them slightly so that the plants let the juice flow. Then any of the leaves should be applied to the affected area for several hours. Especially good is a similar recipe for use in open areas of the body. For example, with atheroma on the face of a child.
It is important to understand that traditional medicine is a temporary treatment. It does not allow forever to forget about a cosmetic defect.
Care after treatment
After removing the atheroma in the child, it is important to follow the doctor's recommendations for caring for the affected area in order to avoid the development of complications.
- With the small size of the cyst and the absence of sutures, it is enough not to wet the crust formed after the intervention within a week.
- In the event that there are stitches left after the operation, it is necessary to treat the wound with peroxide twice a day and change the sterile dressing. Before going to bed after the next rehabilitation, it is recommended to apply Levomekol ointment for speedy healing.
- After removing the sutures, the wound also needs to be treated with peroxide and glued with a special tool until it is completely healed.
In some cases, after treatment, the doctor gives individual recommendations for caring for the lesion. They are extremely important to observe in order to avoid relapse. In approximately 3% of cases, after some time, the atheroma returns again.
Forecast and consequences
Atheroma in a child in the photo presented a little higher in the article looks very unattractive. However, provided that you seek timely medical help, you can overcome this cosmetic defect. The prognosis and consequences of the disease are largely determined by the chosen method of treatment. The most effective is the surgical option to eliminate the cyst. If the treatment was carried out exclusively with medication or using traditional medicine recipes, the prognosis in most cases is unfavorable. These methods do not completely get rid of the problem.
Despite the fact that atheroma is considered a safe neoplasm and has a benign course, it requires constant monitoring. Clogging of the sebaceous gland is a prerequisite for infection and inflammation of this area of the skin.
Can atheroma spontaneously disappear?
Many parents, rightly fearing the effect of anesthesia, are trying in various ways to postpone surgery to remove the neoplasm. In medical practice, there are cases when the contents of the capsule due to regular mechanical stress poured out. In this case, the cyst is so reduced in size that it becomes almost invisible. However, after a short period of time, its capsule remaining under the skin begins to be filled again with a secret. Atheroma recurs. In this case, postponing surgery is simply unacceptable. As long as the capsule remains under the dermis, a neoplasm will occur.
Prevention Methods
One of the causes of atheroma is oily skin. Therefore, parents from the first days of a child’s life should monitor their hygiene and carefully select cosmetics.
If it was not possible to avoid the formation, you should immediately consult a doctor. In the absence of indications for immediate removal, it is important to prevent excessive trauma to the surface of the cyst. For this purpose, you need to select loose clothing made from natural fabrics. Gently comb the hair on the head.