"Interferon" for children: reviews and application

Not a single child has yet grown up without illness. Some children are more likely to be affected by viruses, while others are more likely to encounter a bacterial infection. And in that, and in another case, it is necessary to start treatment in a timely manner. Only this will help to avoid complications. This article will focus on the drug "Interferon" for children. Reviews of this treatment are more often positive than negative. Why - you will learn further. It is also worth mentioning what application “Interferon” found for children.

What it is?

Before you find out what drug “Interferon” (for children) has reviews, you need to consider what kind of substance it is. During the development of a viral or bacterial infection, the body begins to actively combat pathology. An important role in this process is played by immunity.

To remove pathological microorganisms and cells, the human body secretes a substance similar to that contained in the preparation. If this natural process does not occur or it is somewhat slowed down, doctors prescribe the drug "Leukocyte interferon." For children of the first year of life, such a tool is indispensable. This is because in the indicated period the babies have not yet formed their own immunity, and they are more often susceptible to diseases.

interferon for children reviews

The drug "Interferon": use for children

Depending on what pathology struck the baby, the method of using the medicine may be different. Currently, manufacturers are offering to purchase the drug in several forms. It can be rectal suppositories, powder for the preparation of a solution, a liquid form of a medicine, and so on. It is also very popular recently to do inhalation with Interferon. For children, this treatment is more like a game and does not cause any discomfort. Consider in detail the possible ways to use the drug.

interferon application for children

The first option: rectal suppositories

Suppositories "Interferon" for children are often prescribed for diseases of the respiratory tract and during intestinal infections. The drug in this form is perfectly absorbed and penetrates all the cells of the body. Candles "Interferon" for children can have the following names: "Kipferon", "Viferon" and so on. Use them as follows.

Separate one capsule from the commissure. After that, open the package and take out the preparation. Enter the drug directly into the anus until the suppository disappears completely. Be sure to clean the intestines naturally before use.

Candles "Interferon" are prescribed twice a day. It is better to administer at regular intervals. The course of admission depends on the pathology and is selected individually. In some cases, the medicine is used for one month without interruption.

interferon candles for children

Second option: dry powder

In this form, the drug "Interferon" is used for children in the nose. However, before using the product, it must be properly prepared. Most often with infections of the respiratory tract, the drug “Interferon” (ampoules) is prescribed. Instructions for children indicate that the powder must be diluted with water. However, many doctors recommend the use of saline.

Open one vial and pour one milliliter of water into it. After this, you need to wait a few minutes (until the powder is completely dissolved). It is better to inject the solution with a syringe. You need to install such a tool in each nasal passage after a thorough cleansing of the mucous membrane. You can use different nebulizers for children after six years old or a dropper for babies. A single dose should be two to four drops in each nostril. On the first day of the disease, you need to enter the drug every half hour. In the following days, you can reduce the dose to three times a dose.

interferon inhalation for children

Third option: liquid solution

This type of drug involves inhalation with Interferon for children. However, the tool can be used in a manner similar to the previous one. Also, liquid medicine is used for local treatment of wounds and throat.

If you are prescribed to introduce the drug “Interferon” into the nebulizer for children, then it is worth using equipment with heating. In this case, the effect will be faster. Take three ampoules and mix the solution with four milliliters of water. After that, place the solution in a nebulizer and inhale. Such treatment should be repeated twice a day with an interval of at least six hours.

For local treatment of wounds and throats, you need to use the tool as follows. Open one ampoule and moisten a cotton swab with a liquid composition. After this, apply the product on an open wound for several minutes. If you need to treat the throat, then lubricate the area of ​​the tonsils with cotton wool, dampened with plenty of “Interferon”. Such processing can be performed an unlimited number of times. However, a break between sessions should be at least three hours.

interferon for children in the nose

Can I inject with Interferon?

Due to the fact that the drug in question is highly effective in combating viruses, the following question arises: "Can it be used for intramuscular or intravenous administration?"

The instructions for powder and liquid form indicate that such use of the product is strictly contraindicated. Otherwise, a completely unexpected reaction may occur. Remember that the medicine should always be used as indicated by the doctor or described in the instructions.

Interferon medicine for children

Reviews this tool is more positive. The instruction states that after entering the human body, the medicine activates the immune system. The drug has an immunomodulatory and immunostimulating effect. It is worth noting that the personal protection status of a person does not matter.

Also, the substance actively damages viruses and bacterial cells, preventing them from multiplying. At the same time, the medicine “Interferon” is not addictive and addictive. Many parents are worried that after regular use of the substance, the child’s body will no longer fight the disease on its own. It is worth saying that this is completely wrong. Consider in detail what kind of drug "Interferon" for children has reviews.

interferon ampoules instruction for children

Low cost

Parents note that the drug in question has a fairly affordable price. In comparison with similar immunostimulants, the drug can be called cheap. If we are talking about dry powder (the most affordable form), then the drug will cost you within a hundred rubles.

Safety in use

The tool is a completely safe medicine. It is prescribed from the first days of a child's life. Also, the drug can be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding. All these conditions inspire parents with the feeling that their baby is safe during treatment.

interferon for a child

Quick action

Moms and dads say that the drug "Interferon" produces a very quick effect. A few hours after use, the medicine begins to act actively and kills harmful viruses and bacteria. Unlike antimicrobials, the drug does not have a detrimental effect on the microflora of the intestines and stomach. Even when using rectal suppositories in children, there is no negative reaction to the drug.

The drug is often prescribed for the treatment of colic in newborn babies. It actively kills pathological bacteria, while leaving beneficial microorganisms.

Ability to use for prevention

Parents note: the absolute advantage of the drug is that it can be used not only for treatment, but also for prevention. If there is contact with a sick person or an epidemic of the virus has begun, then you can take the medicine once a day. In this case, preference is given to powder or liquid form, as well as rectal suppositories.

With close contact with the sick, you can also use an agent in the form of an ointment.

The possibility of inhalation

Parents note that the drug is quite easily perceived by children during inhalations. This can not be said about other remedies that have strong perfumes. The drug is practically odorless. Children perceive the drug as a normal aqueous solution, not a medicine.

No side effects

The drug "Interferon" almost never causes a side effect. It is very easily perceived by the patient. Unlike other therapeutic compounds for instillation into the nose, the product does not cause irritation and itching. Only in some cases can an allergic reaction be observed, which is caused by intolerance to additional active substances.

The simplicity of the composition of the drug

Parents and doctors claim that interferon-containing drugs have become very popular recently. However, the composition of such a medicine is not always the best. In some cases, one or another remedy cannot be used for children just because of the presence of additional components. That is why the medicine "Interferon" is the best of all immunomodulators. It can be used for influenza, viral infections, bacterial infections, digestive problems, during various inflammations or poisonings.

leukocyte interferon for children


So, now you know how to properly use the drug "Interferon" in one form or another release. Always follow your doctor's recommendations and start treatment in a timely manner. Choose only safe and proven medications for your children. Good health to you and your children!

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