Hot dog: recipes, cooking features and reviews

A hot dog is a simple but tasty dish. Its base is an oblong bun and sausage inside, and tomato sauce and mustard are usually used as additives. There are countless variations of the dish. And it is not necessary to go to the diner for the sake of this treat, because everyone is able to cook a hot dog on their own. The recipe is very simple. And now it will be discussed.

Hot Dog Sausages

French hot dog

This treat will appeal to connoisseurs of spicy dishes. To prepare four servings you will need:

  • 4 buns;
  • 4 meat sausages;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 2 pickles;
  • 1 sweet onion;
  • French mustard
  • mayonnaise;
  • tomato sauce;
  • a bunch of parsley.

According to this recipe, grilled sausages go to a hot dog. Fry them (7 minutes on each side). But you can just send them to the microwave, after making a few cuts on the surface.

While the sausages are cooked, buns must be dried in the oven, heated to 190 Β° C. After 5 minutes, remove them and take out the crumb. The vacated space should be greased with mayonnaise, and then with tomato sauce. Usually put one tablespoon, but more can be.

Then inside you need to put a sausage and add chopped tomatoes, pickles and onions in half rings. Sprinkle mustard on top, sprinkle with parsley, after which you can serve.

Hot dog with fresh vegetables

With fresh vegetables

Very tasty version of the hot dog. The recipe is simple, in addition to 4 buns and sausages, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Dijon mustard - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • wine vinegar - 3 tsp;
  • red onion - 1 pc.;
  • fresh tomato - 2 pcs.;
  • celery greens - 1 bunch;
  • pepper and salt to taste;
  • canned chili - 4 pcs.

Onions need to be cut into half rings, pepper - into thin slices, and tomatoes - into slices. In a small bowl, mix the bite, mustard, salt and pepper. Beat well to make a homogeneous mass. Then add chili, red onion and tomato. Stir and leave for 10 minutes.

At this time, you need to cook sausages on the grill (or in the microwave). Fry the buns too. Then cut them, make small grooves where to put the sausages. Then vegetables are laid out on top along with the sauce in which they were pickled and served on the table.

Danish hot dog

Another variant of a mouth-watering and satisfying snack. According to this recipe, a hot dog is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • 4 buns;
  • 4 sausages;
  • 4 small onion heads;
  • 4 pickled cucumbers;
  • mustard, flour, ketchup, salt, olive oil.

The onions must be peeled and chopped, dividing each head into 4 parts. Then fry it in a pan with preheated oil. The onion should become golden. After that, you can salt it and sprinkle with pepper. Stir and sprinkle with flour (enough 2 tbsp. L.). Continue frying, stirring constantly.

As soon as the onion becomes crispy in appearance, it must be laid out on a paper towel that will take away all the excess fat. Fry sausages in a pan with the remaining oil. Then put them into pre-cut and greased ketchup rolls. Sprinkle with chopped rings cucumbers and onions on top. Sprinkle with mustard and serve.

Fresh Onion Hot Dog Recipe

Hot dog in pita bread

Not the most standard version of this dish, but as tasty as the classic one. According to the recipe, everyone can make a hot dog in pita bread at home. You will need:

  • 8 hunting sausages ;
  • 8 sheets of pita bread;
  • 350 grams of sauerkraut;
  • onion head;
  • 5 tomatoes;
  • olive oil;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • pepper, salt and zira (cumin) to taste;
  • mustard;
  • pickled gherkins.

According to the recipe for a hot dog in pita bread, first you need to heat the olive oil in a pan and throw chopped onion there. After 5 minutes add sauerkraut and cook over low heat over 20 minutes. Then put finely chopped tomatoes there, mix. Add bay leaf, pepper, zira. Stir and leave for another 5 minutes. Then you can remove the pan from the fire and drain the liquid.

Then you need to fry sausages in olive oil. After that, lay on cabbage leaves, previously coated with mustard, cabbage-onion-tomato mass, finely chopped gherkins and sausages. Almost done! It remains only to tightly wrap the pita breads, put them on a baking sheet, for 8 minutes send them to bake in the oven, heated to 200 Β° C.

Seattle-style hot dog

Seattle recipe

Be sure to mention him. According to this recipe, a home-made hot dog turns out to be very tasty, satisfying, mouth-watering and spicy. But you will need special ingredients:

  • coarse ground sausage sausages in a natural shell;
  • sesame or corn oil;
  • cream cheese slices;
  • jalapeno pepper;
  • sriracha sauce.

Sausages need to be fried in oil. When they are browned, immediately wrap them in slices of cream cheese. Then put one sausage in a bun, sprinkle with chopped jalapenos and pour with sriracha sauce, if one was found. It has a special taste, reminiscent of smoked chili with saffron.

Hot Dog Bun Recipe

Delicious Bun Recipe

Many people don't like baked goods. They prefer to cook buns for hot dogs. The recipe is simple. To prepare 5 pieces, you will need the following ingredients:

  • milk - 100 ml;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • salt, sugar, yeast - 1 teaspoon with a small hill;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • wheat flour - 375 g;
  • sesame seeds - 2 tsp.

Mix warm water and milk, dilute sugar in a mixture, add yeast. Mix thoroughly and leave for 15 minutes. Then add oil there.

Sift flour into a bowl, sprinkle with salt, mix. Pour in the yeast mass and begin to knead the dough with a spoon. As soon as you get a lump, put it on a board sprinkled with flour and continue with your hands. You should get a soft and uniform bun.

Divide the dough into 5 parts, knead each of them well and put on the board. Cover with a towel and leave for 40 minutes. Then roll each piece into a layer and roll it up. Leave for another 40 minutes to proof.

Then grease future buns with water, sprinkle with sesame seeds and send to the oven preheated to 180 Β° C. When they become golden, you can take out. This usually takes 30-40 minutes.

Here is such a simple recipe. It’s easy to cook hot dogs at home, the main thing is to follow the instructions and do not forget to show imagination. After all, you can put anything inside - from fried mushrooms to olives. The main thing is that the products combine successfully.

Judging by the reviews, home-made hot dogs are tasty and satisfying. And if you used still fresh vegetables and herbs from the garden, then the dish will turn out to be also useful.

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