Until the end of the 19th century, rubella was not considered a separate disease, since its manifestations are similar to measles or scarlet fever. It is transmitted by airborne droplets. But getting infected with this disease is harder than the above, since short-term contact with an infected person is not enough.
Rubella symptoms suggest a red rash throughout the body. The risk of infection during the incubation period is increased, that is, when the disease does not give itself away, but is already developing, and also within six days after the formation of the rash. People throughout their lives remain susceptible to this type of infection. If measles is mainly affected by children, then rubella with the same frequency affects both adults and children.
An adult has rubella: symptoms and treatment.
Even before the appearance of the most important symptom of the disease - a reddish rash, the patient has a significant increase in lymph nodes, usually in the back of the head and a little lower on the neck. This indicates the end of the incubation period and the early appearance of small red spots on the skin.
Rubella symptoms differ from measles in that the rash is smaller and not prone to peeling at the site of damage. In addition, its appearance can be expected already on the first day of the disease. Typically, small spots spread along the back and go to the buttocks, and are especially pronounced in the bend of the joints.
At the same time, a person feels a slight malaise, tormented by a headache and discomfort in the muscles and joints. The general weakness of the body is associated with an increase in temperature to 39 degrees Celsius. Rubella symptoms may include the sudden onset of pharyngitis or rhinitis. Often there is conjunctivitis.
The doctor diagnoses rubella on the basis of a blood test, as the level of leukocytes decreases, and the lymphocytes increase. Experts recommend conducting treatment in a hospital, but home care is also possible if the patient wishes. The exception is the appearance of any complications, then hospitalization should be carried out urgently.
There is currently no clear treatment plan for rubella. As a rule, the patient's condition is symptomatically relieved, that is, drugs that eliminate the symptoms are used. And with a severe rash, allergic ointments are used.
Rubella in children: symptoms and treatment.
Rubella in children occurs as well as in an adult. It can only be more difficult to recognize it, because the symptomatic manifestations are either absent or extremely weakly expressed. If earlier infections of adults were very rare, since in childhood the majority had already suffered this disease, now everything has changed. And this is not surprising, because in childhood vaccination is carried out, so the child can hardly get sick. But the effect of immunity lasts from 30 to 50 years, and therefore, cases of transmission of the virus to adults are becoming more frequent. This can not be called a positive fact, because rubella is easier to survive in childhood.
So, rubella symptoms in children suggest a rash in the form of red spots . Localization of their distribution includes the area of ββthe face and neck, as well as a place behind the ears, then it goes to the back, stomach and legs, arms. In children, red spots can even penetrate the mucous membrane, so the oral mucosa is no exception. Usually after three days the skin is cleansed.
The baby becomes restless, sleeps poorly due to the itching that torments him in the affected area. Sometimes the temperature rises to 38 degrees Celsius, resulting in loss of appetite. Rhinitis does not occur, but a mild cough may occur. In rare cases, headache is noted. Conjunctivitis, if it appears, is also weakly expressed.
Rubella symptoms can be seen only after an incubation period, which usually lasts two to three weeks. Inflammation of the lymph nodes occurs no earlier than 11 days.