Syrup Actiferrin: composition, instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Syrup "Actiferrin" is used to replenish the amount of iron in the body. The manufacturer produces Actiferrin in three forms: drops, capsules and syrup.

In the last drug, the active ingredients are: D, L-serine and iron sulfate heptahydrate. In addition, the composition of the drug includes excipients:

  • flavorings;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • water;
  • ethanol;
  • invert sugar syrup.

pharmachologic effect

Iron is very important for the proper functioning of the body, it is part of enzymes, as well as hemoglobin, myoglobin, activates erythropoiesis, and is involved in some redox reactions.

The balanced composition of the syrup contributes to the intake and more effective absorption of iron into the bloodstream, which helps to quickly stabilize its level in the body. This medication helps to reduce the laboratory and clinical symptoms of anemia, and also replenishes iron deficiency.

When taken orally, iron is instantly and completely absorbed from the stomach and intestines into the general bloodstream. The more iron is lacking in the body, the better its absorption. Its maximum concentration in the blood is observed two to four hours after taking the medicine. It is excreted from the body with sweat, feces and urine.

actiferrin syrup instruction


The described syrup is recommended for use during periods of increased body need for iron. These include:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • correction of the consequences of malnutrition,
  • time of active growth of the child;
  • condition after resection of the stomach;
  • correction of the consequences of large blood loss.

The diseases in which "Actiferrin" syrup is prescribed include:

  1. Duodenal ulcer (a lesion that occurs due to the action of acid and pepsin on the mucous cavity in individuals with hypersensitivity).
  2. Chronic gastritis (damage to the gastric mucosa, which occurs under the influence of bacterial, chemical, thermal and mechanical factors).
  3. Iron deficiency anemia (a hematological lesion, which is characterized by a violation of the formation of hemoglobin subsequently iron deficiency, manifests itself in anemia and sideropenia).
actiferrin syrup

How to take medicine

According to the instructions for use, Actiferrin syrup for children is taken orally, with or before meals.

The determination of the maximum daily dose is based on the age and weight of the patient, as well as in terms of hemoglobin level:

  • The use of "Actiferrin" is recommended from two years. The use of the drug should be accompanied by water intake.
  • According to the instructions for syrup "Actiferrin", children aged two to six years are prescribed to take half a teaspoon, three times a day.
  • Children aged six to twelve years are recommended a dose of one teaspoon two to three times a day.
  • Adolescents from twelve years old or more - one teaspoon three times a day.

The period of therapy is prescribed by a medical specialist and, as a rule, lasts a month. After hemoglobin and iron have stabilized, prophylactic treatment is carried out for eight to twelve weeks.

actiferrin syrup instructions for use

Adverse reactions

This medication can cause certain negative effects. Among them:

  1. Urticaria (skin disease, dermatitis of mainly allergic origin, characterized by the appearance of severely itchy blisters).
  2. Anaphylaxis (an allergic state of a sharply hypersensitive organism).
  3. Flatulence (increased gas formation in the intestine, manifested by bloating, possibly abundant secretion of a large amount of digestive gas).
  4. Diarrhea.
  5. Encephalopathy (a pathological condition in which, due to insufficient intake of oxygen and blood into the brain tissue, its nerve cells die).
actiferrin syrup for children instruction

Features of the use of the drug

This drug is prescribed with extreme caution to people suffering from the following ailments:

  • Diverticulitis (an intestinal lesion characterized by inflammation of diverticulitis).
  • Allergic diseases.
  • Crohn's disease (a chronic autoimmune disease of unknown origin, which is characterized by inflammation with damage to various parts of the digestive system).
  • Enteritis (an inflammatory process in the small intestine, accompanied by a violation of its functions and dystrophic changes in the mucous membrane).
  • Rheumatoid arthritis (a systemic lesion of connective tissue with a lesion of small joints).
  • Ulcerative colitis (an inflammatory lesion of the colon mucosa that appears as a result of the interaction between genetic factors and the environment).
  • Bronchial asthma (chronic inflammation of the respiratory system involving a variety of cellular elements).
  • Etilism (the most severe and dangerous form of the disease, gradually turning into a strong individual and biological dependence).
  • Diabetes (an endocrine disease that is associated with impaired glucose uptake and develops as a result of absolute or relative insulin deficiency, resulting in a persistent increase in blood glucose concentration).

To avoid lowering the absorption of the drug, it is not washed down with coffee or tea. The interval between the use of such food and the drug should be at least two to three hours.

In order for plaque not to form on the teeth, it is necessary to use syrup in a diluted form. The use of the drug provokes staining of feces in black, which is considered a normal indicator.

At the same time, hemoglobin and serum iron levels are monitored.

actiferrin syrup for children


If the drug is used improperly, the following symptoms may develop:

  1. Lowering blood pressure.
  2. Fatigue and weakness.
  3. Vomiting.
  4. Hyperthermia (accumulation of excessive heat in the human body with an increase in body temperature, which is provoked by external factors that impede heat transfer to the external environment or increase the flow of heat from the outside).
  5. Cramps.
  6. Paresthesia (one of the types of sensitivity disorder, characterized by spontaneously arising sensations of burning, tingling, crawling ants).
  7. Diarrhea with blood (a pathological condition in which the patient has rapid bowel movements, while the stool becomes watery).
  8. Cyanosis (a bluish tint of the skin and mucous membranes, which is due to an increased concentration of carbhemoglobin in the blood).
  9. Symptoms of hyperventilation (intense breathing that exceeds the body's oxygen requirements).
  10. Coma (a condition between life and death, which is characterized by loss of consciousness, as well as instant weakening or lack of reaction to external stimuli).

In case of poisoning, the following therapy is carried out:

  1. Gastric lavage, eating raw eggs or milk.
  2. Parenteral administration or administration of "Deferoxamine".
  3. In acute overdose, five to ten grams of “Deferoxamine” dissolved in water is used.
  4. In the case of iron absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, a special treatment is prescribed by the doctor.
  5. In case of a shock, one gram of “Deferoxamine” is administered intravenously with a dropper.
  6. In rare situations, dialysis is prescribed.


The absorption of Actiferrin is affected by its simultaneous use with certain drugs. Among them:

  • calcium preparations;
  • drugs that contain caffeine;
  • medicines that reduce the acidity of gastric juice.

Vitamin C increases the absorption of iron in the body. And ethyl alcohol increases the risk of toxic complications and iron absorption.

High concentrations of Actiferrin lower the renal absorption of zinc drugs.

Storage conditions

According to the instructions, the Actiferrin syrup should be stored at temperatures up to +25 ° C. Shelf life is 24 months. After opening the bottle, its storage should not exceed 1 month. Such a medication is prescribed by a doctor and dispensed strictly according to a prescription.

actiferrin syrup instructions for use for children

Analogs "Actiferrin"

Drugs with a similar effect:

  1. "Ferroplex".
  2. Sorbifer.
  3. Ferrum Lek.
  4. Ferlatum.
  5. Maltofer.
  6. Heferol.
  7. Fenyuls.

The cost of the drug "Aktiferrin" varies from 180 to 400 rubles.

actiferrin syrup reviews


In patients about the described medication, generally positive reviews. The drug is well tolerated, adverse reactions are extremely rare. Many people like the relatively low price and variety of dosage forms.

Many parents in their reviews of Actiferrin syrup note that the drug perfectly increases the level of hemoglobin, the baby becomes more active, his skin tone improves.

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