Cream and capsules for joints Hondrolock: real reviews of doctors and patients

Healthy joints are a luxury whose value can hardly be underestimated for those who have at least once experienced pain when walking or trying to raise their arm or leg. Millions of people around the world turn to doctors with similar complaints every year. And even if you managed to avoid such problems in your youth, then closer to retirement the "shelf life" of the skeleton is coming to an end. And here all problems come out. Then clicks, shoots there, shoots here. But the most unpleasant thing is the pain that fetters and deprives freedom of movement.

It's time to start active treatment. Today on the market there are a huge number of chondroprotectors, and each manufacturer assures that his product is the solution to all your problems. Today we will consider the modern drug Hondrolock. Real reviews will help us understand if this is really an effective drug or an expensive dummy.

hondrolock real reviews

What is this drug

This is a biocomplex that is indicated for the treatment of joint diseases, as well as the elimination of pain. Judging by the data provided by the manufacturer, it is a highly effective complex for eliminating the causes of pain. Using this information, doctors prescribe Hondrolock to their patients. Real reviews allow practitioners to evaluate the degree of therapeutic effect along with laboratory tests, therefore feedback is important for each doctor.

It is available in two forms, which are complementary. These are capsules for internal use and cream. It is indicated for acute pain in the joints and muscle discomfort. The full course effectively cures arthrosis and arthritis, osteoporosis and osteochondrosis, hernia. The manufacturer promises that literally from the first day you will feel significant pain relief.

Minimum course

Joint tissue is capable of regeneration, but only if there is a full course of treatment with adequate drugs. And what does the manufacturer Hondrolock tell us? Real reviews will allow you to assess the compliance with reality, but for now, let's examine the official information. So, in just 21 days a course of regular use completes the damaged areas of cartilage. This allows you to stop the destructive processes and return to normal life.

Cream for external use begins to help after the 2-3rd application. Once again we make a reservation, if we take into account official information from the manufacturer. Almost immediately, the pain begins to go away. Applying the cream stimulates the natural production of collagen and glucosaminoglucans. That is, the joints not only begin to recover, but also receive protection from repeated destruction. The manufacturer claims that clinical trials were conducted, which gave reason to draw similar conclusions. Official data on the studies could not be found. How real are these reviews? Hondrolock is not the only chondroprotector, but today we are not talking about the treatment principle at all, but about this drug.

hondrolock reviews

Causes of Joint Diseases

You didn’t have a question in your head when you read this information? Diseases of the musculoskeletal system can include dozens, if not hundreds of ailments, each of which will have its own cause. Is it really possible to create a magical tool that is capable of defeating them all alone? To be honest, doubtful. But let's see the reviews. Hondrolock may well have a therapeutic effect, because among them there are positive as well as neutral and negative. This means that the achieved effect can be explained by placebo. But let's get back to the reasons:

  • Joint diseases can develop against the background of any general infection of the body.
  • A popular diagnosis is osteoarthritis, that is, damage to the articular cartilage.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory process and joint swelling.
  • Psoriatic arthritis.
  • Reactive arthritis. That is, the infection is in the intestine or bladder, but it is the joint that responds to it.
  • Gout.
  • Connective tissue diseases.

And that's not all. Pain can mean an inflammatory process, the destruction of cartilage, a decrease in the amount of fluid in the joint bag and dozens of different phenomena that can be caused by a variety of reasons. How should the drug act in order to be equally effective in all these cases? Orthopedic specialists say that there is no and cannot be a unique medicine. Therefore, the manufacturer is clearly disingenuous, embellishing the effect of the drug on the body.

hondrolock doctors reviews

Chondroitin Source

The manufacturer gives an evasive answer to this question, stating that the cartilage tissue must be maintained in a healthy form, avoiding thinning. To do this, annual preventive courses of treatment with high-glucosamine and chondroitin supplements are required. The drug Hondrolock, reviews of which we are considering today, in addition to the active components, contains dozens of vitamins and amino acids. Judging by the instructions, most supplements should be taken for three to four months in order to achieve positive results. And the Hondrolock preparation allows you to complete the course in just three weeks. Is this possible? Doctors say that in such a short time it is impossible to achieve a complete cure, even with the most mild lesions of the joints. What can we say about chronic diseases.

Mechanism of action

This interests us today in the first place. Based on the instructions, we can say that the biological product has a two-phase effect. It simultaneously destroys inflammation from the inside with capsules and anesthetizes the cream from the outside. From this it can be assumed that the drug is an analogue of diclofenac. Thanks to the complex effect, it is possible to restore joint mobility in the shortest possible time.

Hondrolock, cream and capsules is the only supplement in Europe and Russia that is able to complete damaged tissue. Very bold statement by the manufacturer. The instructions emphasize that in 90% of cases after the first application, the pain already recedes. So, you will move as a healthy person. Ointment and capsules are completely harmless and are combined with any medication. They can be taken at any age, if there is no allergy to the components. It is already becoming very interesting what this drug contains. Let's look at the composition.

hondrolock drug

Cream for external use

His main duties are to save a person from pain. Studying the composition, we see extracts of medicinal herbs of Altai. They saturate with vitamins A, E, B, C and minerals not the whole body, as a regular multivitamin complex does, but directly cartilage, muscles and dermis. This increases strength.

The main active ingredient is the extract from the shark liver. It has an antiseptic effect and effectively relieves pain and discomfort. Together with it, an extract from maral antlers works, which has an anti-inflammatory effect and relieves swelling. This effect is enhanced by the Cinquefoil extract. It relieves inflammation and improves joint mobility. Can these natural and safe ingredients really have such an effect? Negative reviews of doctors about Hondrolock are based on the fact that there is nothing in the composition that could restore cartilage. That is, it is quite possible that the cream will have some effect, but it will not be as described in the instructions. Perhaps the cream for external use is only an adjuvant, and the main effect is provided by the capsules?

Capsules for oral administration

And we continue to consider how the cream and capsules for Hondrolock joints. Now let's look at what is included in the capsules for oral administration. Here, the instruction highlights the following components:

  • Glucosamine is the main building block for joint tissues.
  • Pantohematogen - its unique properties are difficult to underestimate. It perfectly saturates the cartilage and bone tissues with minerals, vitamins and amino acids.
  • Chondroitin is the third active ingredient. It helps strengthen and strengthen joints. The main effect is the normalization of the production of synovial fluid to moisturize the articular cup.
  • Mummy - the beneficial properties of the “mountain tear” have been studied by folk healers for a long time. If very reduced, it turns out that the mummy removes toxins from the vessels and toxins that can slow down blood circulation.
    hondrolock cream and capsules for joints

Instructions for use

The composition does not see strong substances that can harm the body. But this is more likely not a medicine, but a dietary supplement, which usually serves only as an addition to the main treatment. The Hondrolock drug is often called an effective remedy, after which the state of health noticeably improves. Of course, they do not contain the results of the examination before and after, which makes it impossible to talk about their reliability.

So, for prevention, it is recommended to take only capsules, and if one of the diseases of the joints is diagnosed, then both drugs are already used in combination. In the package, the capsules are divided into No. 1 and No. 2. The first are perfectly absorbed in the daytime, and the second are activated during sleep. Accordingly, the first should be taken before lunch, and the second - before dinner.

Use of ointment

It can be kept in a medicine cabinet just in case, like Voltaren or its analogues. If you suddenly grabbed your back or knee, then you can apply a tool to alleviate the condition. The instruction recommends applying the product after bath to steamed skin. Open pores will improve the absorption of substances. Apply the product in a thin layer, massage gently. Now you need to give time to fully absorb, after which you can put on an elastic bandage. It does not need to be washed off, it does not leave a feeling of greasy or sticky. The procedure should be performed at least twice a day. But it is best if both Hondrolock products are used together. A complex for the treatment of joints, reviews of which the most controversial (from positive to sharply negative) are actively advertised. True, among practicing orthopedic surgeons, not a single one could be found who would say that this complex can successfully replace any other treatment.

hondrolock joint treatment complex reviews

When to wait for the results

The instruction says that you must definitely undergo a full course of treatment, that is, 21 days. During this time, you need to adjust your diet. In particular, it is important to reduce the consumption of salt and sugar, alcoholic beverages. It is important that the body is now only concerned with the repair of damaged joints. If you have a long-running and advanced arthrosis, then one course may not be enough. And again, the manufacturer pleases with a rainbow picture. He promises that during the course of treatment the pain instantly eases, the infection is destroyed, the inflammatory process stops. A person gets rid of pain and swelling in the joints. Bone and cartilage tissue is gradually restored. Does the Hondrolock complex really provide such an effect? Reviews on independent sites are difficult to find, and if you consider those that are located on the seller’s site, then doubts arise. Most of the reviews are very good, they report that the drug had an instant positive effect. The disease, which has been haunting for many years, has ceased to bother.

Where to buy

This drug can not be bought at a regular pharmacy, which is already a little alarming. Negative reviews of Hondrolock are called another miracle tool from the Internet, of which there are many today. Indeed, if the drug is so effective, why is it not sold through the pharmacy network, and orthopedic surgeons do not take it into service? The cost of the complex is 1900 rubles, and a discount is periodically announced, and the complex comes to customers for 950 rubles. It includes 20 tablets and 60 ml of cream. It turns out that this amount is enough for a maximum of 10 days. That is, the course will require a minimum of 2 packs. Reviews of patients of Hondrolock are called not at all a cheap remedy, especially considering the dubious effectiveness. At thematic forums, people who sometimes throw money away and have not received any effect sometimes exchange experience. On the other hand, when buying medicines via the Internet, you can be glad that you have not yet harmed your body.

hondrolock doctors reviews

And what does official medicine say?

First of all, doctors are guided by the composition that the instruction on the official sales website offers us. If you buy ointment, then you can not count on any result. The indicated components cannot have anesthetic or restorative effect. That is, the composition will not be able to affect the structure and performance of damaged or normal joints. Reviews of doctors of Hondrolock are called a completely useless drug that you should not spend money on.

Consider capsules

This is the second component of the treatment course, and the main therapeutic effect is attributed to the capsules. In fact, doctors do not deny that chondroitin and glucosamine are useful for arthritis and arthrosis, but there are nuances that need to be well understood. These substances are capable of exerting a therapeutic effect only in certain doses. At the same time, how much of one and the other substance is in capsules is not known. If the amount is too small, then you should not count on a positive effect.

The second point is the timing. For 21 days it is impossible to achieve persistent positive effects - this is what the doctors say. Hondrolock is recommended for use within three weeks, although it has already been proven that chondroprotectors must be used for at least three to six months. In this case, the effect of therapy will be quite moderate. Painful sensations will decrease, but there is no need to talk about a complete restoration of the joint.

If we talk about the universality of the drug, then there is also a big question. In spinal pathologies, chondroitin and glucosamine are ineffective, because they increase the release of synovial fluid, so that a person feels an improvement. In the intervertebral joints, it is absent. And finally, the price. Both active ingredients are sold in any pharmacy at a very affordable price. They should be taken for a long time, sometimes for years.

Hondrolock is another dietary supplement

This conclusion comes from every orthopedic surgeon who studies the composition of the drug and its distribution through the site. The following arguments speak in favor of this opinion. 1300 mg of chondroitin and glucosamine must be consumed per day to achieve positive dynamics. In two tablets, such an amount is difficult to put. But there are many other elements in the composition. Reviews of the Hondrolock drug emphasize that it is a dietary supplement, not a drug. This suggests that, despite the manufacturer's assurances, there is no clinical substantiated efficacy in this drug.

Instead of a conclusion

It turns out that through the Internet they are trying to sell us another dummy. False advertising promises us unrealistic effects. In most cases, in fact, the advertised funds are base, although they are sold in beautiful boxes at inflated prices. Therefore, doctors once again recommend: if something hurts you, then you do not need to self-medicate. Pass the examination and get a competent appointment, after which the specialist will select the necessary drugs. You won’t have to overpay, let alone give money for dietary supplements, which will not have any effect.

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