How to smear psoriasis at home? Effective drugs, doctors advice, patient reviews

The treatment of psoriasis is not an easy task, especially if a delicate problem is localized on the face. The disease is considered incurable, but its external manifestations can be corrected using specialized medicines. To ensure an aesthetic appearance, to get rid of physical discomfort and psychological difficulties, you need to figure out what ointments can be applied to psoriasis, how to use them correctly to get the maximum effect.

general information

Scaly lichen, commonly known as psoriasis, is a non-infectious skin disease. It is not transmitted from person to person, it is impossible to contract psoriasis. You can notice the disease by reddish papules that stand out on the skin relief. The formations are dry and merge into plaques. The pathology is chronic. Having successfully chosen which ointment to smear psoriasis, you can get rid of the manifestations of the problem, but without an adequate continuation of treatment, sooner or later it will remind itself again. The risk of relapse accompanies a person all his life.

There is a risk of plaque on any part of the body. Psoriasis localized on the nails and face is considered especially unpleasant. Plaques form on the facial integument if the disease develops atypically. More often you have to choose than to smear plaques with psoriasis on the face, young people. The age category of risk is 15-25 years. Dependence on gender was not detected, equally papules can appear in women and representatives of the stronger sex. The distribution is approximately uniform.

than smear psoriasis on the hands

Where did the problem come from?

As scientists have found out, psoriasis develops due to immune failure. Specific protective cells of the body generated in the lower skin integument do not work properly, as a result of which the focus of inflammation is activated, the upper layer of the skin is deformed and hypertrophied, and a capillary network forms inside the integument. Although doctors know many options for smearing the skin with psoriasis, it has not yet been possible to determine the etiology of the problem. It was revealed that the root cause is immune disorders caused by genetic factors. In this case, the disease is not inherited. All patients with psoriasis have identified gene mutations.

Psoriasis can begin due to a malfunction in the endocrine system. Many patients have revealed hormonal imbalance, the most pronounced in terms of hormones of the reproductive system. However, psoriasis is possible against the background of malfunctions in the circulatory system. The start of the disease can give severe stress, a sharp shock, prolonged exposure to traumatic psyche factors. If, for any of the reasons listed above or for any other reasons that have not yet been identified by the doctors, the symptoms of the disease have begun, you should not choose on your own how to smear psoriasis with a child or an adult. The disease requires an integrated approach, and a qualified doctor can develop a course. First, he will conduct studies to confirm the diagnosis, only after that he will prescribe a correction program. Self-treatment can cause a worsening of the condition.

What helps?

So far, it has not been possible to develop such a therapeutic course that would help to cope with the disease once and for all. The doctor, telling how to smear psoriasis on the elbows, face, legs and trunk, will immediately explain: therapy is aimed at relieving symptoms and reducing the risk of relapse for the longest possible period. Nevertheless, one cannot count on a complete cure. Sometimes a disease, under the influence of a drug course, subsides for years, some manage to achieve treatment success for decades. There are several key aspects of the program.

First, they choose what to smear psoriasis on the hands, face and trunk, lower extremities in order to stop the most striking manifestations of the disease. Creams and ointments, special shampoos are developed. In addition, the doctor will choose a systemic treatment - drugs for oral and injective use. They will affect the immune system, slow down the processes leading to the formation of plaques. To improve the general condition, phytotherapy and ultraviolet treatment are also prescribed.

Where to begin?

Any patient with the disease in question, a person knows how to smear psoriasis in intimate places, limbs, trunk, face - for this there is a wide variety of hormonal drugs, non-steroidal. Creams and ointments quickly relieve symptoms, moisturize the skin, relieve itching. Drugs inhibit the activity of the focus of inflammation and relieve peeling of the area. The most popular non-steroidal agents are considered indifferent ointments, primarily salicylic and salicylic with zinc. The first is effective against peeling, the second has an anti-inflammatory effect. The drug slightly dries up the affected areas of the skin.

Choosing how to smear psoriasis on the legs and any other part of the body, it is worth taking a closer look at Zincocap, a zinc ointment. These drugs facilitate the course of the inflammatory process and relieve swelling of organic tissues. The components contained in the medications help protect the skin from aggressive external factors, which is especially valuable for suffering from facial skin diseases.

how to smear psoriasis

Choice: Great

Choosing how to smear psoriasis at home, it is worth taking a closer look at tar-based medicines. On sale, these are represented by Berestin and Antipsorin products. Anthramine ointment is also made on tar. All of these drugs have a strong anti-inflammatory effect and activate regenerative processes. Under their influence, keratinization of the integument proceeds faster. Tar is one of the phototoxic compounds, which means that direct sunlight can be dangerous. On hot summer days, tar preparations are either not used, or they are used with extreme caution.

Doctors know many options by means and formulations, which means that they can easily choose how to smear psoriasis on the patient's face. Vitamin D-based products may be recommended. They are available for sale under the names Psorkutan and Dayvoneks. The vitamin component inhibits the pathological processes occurring in the skin.

Options and recipes

Understanding how to smear psoriasis at home, it is worth paying attention to substances based on oil products. Ichthyol and naphthalan ointments, “Losterin” and “Naftaderm” preparations are on sale. All of these tools effectively eliminate itching and help exfoliate diseased skin. Ointments based on petroleum products are used only after the successful elimination of the inflammatory focus.

A variety of herbal medicines have proven themselves well. Choosing how to smear psoriasis on the face, it is worth taking a closer look at the product "Kartalin". It contains chamomile and eucalyptus extracts, components of a series. Psoriatren, a drug made on the tincture of holly magonia, has a good reputation. Trust deserves the ointment "Antipsoriaz", containing calendula and celandine components, a series of extracts. The listed products moisturize the skin and deactivate the inflammatory focus.

how to smear psoriasis at home

Steroid drugs

Recommending the patient how to smear his head with psoriasis, the doctor may recommend the use of hormonal drugs. Such drugs quickly show a pronounced effect, but their use can provoke undesirable consequences. Steroid medications should be used under the supervision of a specialist, strictly following the accompanying instructions and doctor's prescriptions. There are weaker and very powerful drugs. Relatively harmless are Prednisol and Hydrocortisone. The average level of activity is inherent in the preparations "Fluorocort", "Afloderm". A similar power level is characteristic of ointments "Lokoid", "Loriden."

Beloderm and Sinaflan remedies are much more powerful drugs that a doctor may recommend, recommending than smearing psoriasis at home. Sometimes it is recommended to use "Ekolor", "Sinalar". A good reputation is distinguished by the Advantan tool. Among the most potent steroid ointments is the drug Dermoveit, based on clobetasol.

Psoriasis: subtleties

The doctor, explaining how and what to smear the head with psoriasis, will definitely pay attention to the need to follow the general rules of treatment. So, it will not be possible to cope with the symptoms of the disease if the patient is constantly tearing apart plaques. Manifestations can be alleviated if you leave your skin alone. To exclude accidental, unconscious combing of areas, ointments should be used to weaken itching and burning.

Particularly responsible is the need to relate to the choice of how to smear psoriasis during pregnancy. It is important not only to clearly follow the doctor's recommendations, avoiding dangerous and toxic drugs that can have a systemic effect, but also to monitor the products used to care for sick skin. On sale are special formulations for sensitive skin - in everyday life, psoriasis patients are allowed only such. After washing, you can not wipe the face, instead, the skin is wet with a soft cloth, and then treated with a greasy care cream.

Psoriasis imposes an almost complete ban on the use of decorative cosmetics. You should protect the delicate areas of the facial skin from scratches, prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation, which can provoke a burn. It is important to avoid contagious objects. You need to understand that it will not be possible to cure the disease, no matter how much you choose, than to smear psoriasis at home, but well-chosen drugs will help to forget about unpleasant symptoms for a long time.

how to smear psoriasis at home

What do patients say?

Over the long years of life, people suffering from the described chronic disease try many dozens of options for how to smear their backs from psoriasis. There are frankly a lot of reviews about different medical practices. It is not easy to figure out among them, because helping one person may be completely unacceptable to another patient. If the doctor recommended using a drug whose feedback on the action is not always good, it is worth clarifying why this remedy is prescribed, can it be replaced with a more reliable one. At the same time, you need to understand: it is possible that a particular patient needs this particular composition that is not suitable for most patients.

It’s not worth hoping that only on the basis of responses about different means it will be possible to determine which drug best helps with psoriasis. Each case is individual, therefore it is important to follow the program developed by a specialist.

Will healers help?

Choosing how to smear psoriasis, it is worth taking a closer look at numerous folk recipes. The simplest involves the use of celandine. Warm baths are made with the plant. An alternative option is the treatment of skin integument with eucalyptus ointment with honey and aloe juice. To prepare the product, 30 g of eucalyptus oil will be three times less than the juice of the plant and 10 g of honey. The products are gently mixed, after which the ointment is used to treat the skin.

Another homemade recipe considered reliable is iodine. However, everything is not so simple. The most obvious use is to smear psoriasis. Why is he bad? There will be no effectiveness from such use, the itch will not weaken, the plaques will not dry out. To achieve a pronounced effect, you will have to practice a comprehensive therapeutic program, applying iodine under a special ointment. The task of the product is to disinfect the site and prepare it for contact with the main medicine. Such an application will help to quickly reduce the focus of inflammation, activate tissue regeneration. As the healers assure, iodine quickly destroys the pathological microflora, which provokes an aggravation of the condition of the patient with psoriasis. True, iodine is dangerous not only for harmful bacteria, but also for beneficial ones, which means that additional means must be used to stop the inflammatory process, otherwise you will not have to wait for a quick healing.

psoriasis on the face than to smear

Case features

Sometimes doctors, explaining to the patient how to smear psoriasis, can focus on the use of iodine or strictly prohibit it. This is more typical of cases of a disease caused by a malfunction of the endocrine system. Thyroid functional problems can affect the functioning of the body as a whole, which leads to the formation of a complex of pathologies. It is believed that in a short time the use of iodine can give the patient excellent chances to recover. Some doctors claim that almost all of our fellow citizens suffer from a lack of iodine in the body. To minimize the risks associated with this, you should eat foods rich in matter, take specialized nutritional supplements.

When using vitamin complexes with iodine, it is especially important to choose what to smear with psoriasis. To use iodine for this is contraindicated, since an excessive content of the element will cause intoxication. Before starting the treatment course, you need to check with the doctor to what extent the product is applicable in a particular case. The daily human need for iodine is estimated at 150 mcg. It is not difficult to calculate the norm, given the tables describing the qualities of various food products. Another source of iodine is air. Doubting his ability to correctly calculate the daily rate of iodine, it is worth contacting a doctor for help.

Application rules

Choosing how and how to treat apology, it is worth taking a closer look at the recipe for Golyuk ointment. You can cook it at home. For this, the solidol is mixed with honey and previously dried and crushed celandine. Egg white and cream are added to the mixture. The resulting composition can reduce unpleasant symptoms. The tool is strictly contraindicated in the acute period. The ointment must be applied in a thin layer twice a day, rubbing slightly into the affected areas.

Another option is a preparation on celandine and birch leaves. It includes dried sackcloth and flax oil, petroleum jelly. To prepare the medicine, solidol, camphor oil, lanolin, marigold inflorescences are used. The mixture has proven itself as a preventative. In the evenings, the drug is rubbed into diseased skin on average three times per hour. In the morning, gently washed.

You can try the ointment on a fat solidol. On sale, this is presented under the name "Cytopsor". It is used at the stage of pronounced progress, regression, as well as in a stable condition. The cream is applied a thin layer twice a day.

how to smear psoriasis on the elbows

Hormonal drugs and their features

Sometimes doctors prescribe Belosalik for psoriasis patients. This medication is based on betamethasone dipropionate. It contains petroleum jelly and mineral oil. The manufacturer used salicylic acid. The drug was developed for the treatment of various skin pathologies, including psoriasis. It must be applied evenly in small amounts, rubbing lightly into the affected areas. Frequency of use - twice daily.

Sometimes prescribed "Dayblast." The main component is the same as above. In addition, the manufacturer used calcipotriol monohydrate. The drug is intended for daily application in small volumes to the affected area. Ointment is used once every 24 hours.

The popular drug "Elokom" is produced on mometasone furoate. It is prescribed for itchy, inflamed skin areas. Every day, once a day, a small amount is applied in a thin layer to areas in need.

Non-hormonal drugs: nuances

Hardly not the most popular non-steroidal drug can be called "Psoricap." It is based on zinc pyrithionate and is used for a wide range of skin pathologies. The tool is rubbed lightly into diseased skin twice daily. The substance should be applied in a thin layer only on the affected areas. If the disease manifests itself on the head, you need to move the hair and gently apply the product to the skin.

In pharmacies you can buy "Vishnevsky Ointment." This medicine is based on xeroform, contains tar and castor oil.Ointment is used for a variety of skin lesions, is actively used to treat thrombophlebitis. Affected areas need to be rubbed with a healing composition.

Among non-hormonal ointments is Kartalin. This drug is based on solidol, contains chamomile extract, honey and a series of lavender and eucalyptus oils, salicylic acid and lysozyme. The mixture is effective against the activity of the inflammatory focus, stimulates regenerative processes. On psoriasis plaques, the medicine is applied once a day or twice, evenly distributing, but not rubbing.

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how to smear psoriasis to a child

A fairly simple version of what you can smear plaque of psoriasis at home is egg ointment. To prepare it, you need one egg, vinegar (200 ml), butter (a glass). The products are mixed, let stand for a week in the refrigerator. The finished medicine is applied to diseased skin areas six to ten times daily.

Pork fat comes to the aid of patients with psoriasis. The unsalted product is taken in the amount of half a glass, drowned, and the same amount of fresh caustic sedum is added. The grass is ground through a meat grinder, intervening a couple of tablespoons of camphor. All products are mixed and gradually heated, without ceasing to interfere.

Cow urine is thought to be beneficial for psoriasis patients. Fresh product must be wiped clean the area affected by the disease. The tool helps at first, but with significant progress, the disease is ineffective. Similarly, from the very beginning, you can use pure body lotion. Use fresh plant juice.

What else to try?

It is believed that relief from psoriasis can be achieved by periodically taking herbal baths. To do this, use celandine and a series, add chamomile inflorescences and sage leaves. The components are taken in equal amounts and poured with boiling water (water - ten times more than herbs). Another option for a warm bath is salty. A kilogram of sea salt is taken to a full bath. The procedure is repeated shortly before bedtime daily for a week. Duration is a quarter of an hour.

Garlic can help against psoriasis. The product is thoroughly crushed, the pulp obtained from several cloves, diluted with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for a couple of hours. Ready compress is applied daily several times. Before going to bed, you can make other lotions based on pre-dried sorrel (use non-food varieties of field grass). For 50 g of the product, the same amount of celandine is taken, it is carefully ground into powder and poured with tar. Compress with the drug is applied to diseased skin areas shortly before bedtime.

An easy-to-use and affordable financial way - treating patients with a skin area with fish oil. Three times daily, the product is applied to areas in need. You can also try using a combination of soap dish and alcohol. The skin is lubricated first with alcohol, then with the juice of a medicinal plant. Frequency of use - once daily.

psoriasis in intimate places than to smear

The subtleties of treatment

The use of alternative methods of treating psoriasis, although effective, can provoke undesirable consequences. Like medications, folk prescriptions can cause an allergic reaction or intolerance. Allergy is usually expressed by itching, flushing, swelling, burning. To minimize the risks, you should try a new medicine in a small area in order to check tolerance. Only when clarifying the good susceptibility of the body continues to use the selected recipe for the treatment of all plaques of psoriasis.

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