Burn. First aid and treatment

Every day a person is faced with the danger of bodily harm, including burns. A burn is a mechanical damage to the skin, less often muscles, bones and tissues, which occurred under the influence of high temperatures, electricity or chemicals.

first aid burn

Burns are classified by severity, that is, the larger the area of ​​damage and the deeper they are, the higher the degree of damage to health. Distinguish:

1. 1st degree burns - minor damage to small areas of the skin; temporary redness and dryness that pass quickly. It is obtained by contact with hot objects or steam, as well as with prolonged exposure to the sun.

2. Burns of the 2nd degree - the appearance of blisters, redness of the skin. Very

burn treatment
painful sensations. Upon receipt, specialist assistance is required.

3. 3rd degree burns - the deep layer of the epidermis is affected, as well as the fat layer. Blisters are also present, their contents are a reddish liquid. The burned place is usually insensitive.

4. Burns of 4 degrees - there is damage to deeply lying tissues, sometimes bones. The skin acquires an unnatural color: yellow, white, sometimes black, releases a large amount of moisture. A person who has received such a burn, first aid should be provided as soon as possible. Otherwise, a very high probability of death.

Minor burn, first aid

At the first degree, the victim can provide first aid on his own. Rinse the burn immediately with cold running water to prevent further tissue damage. In no case should you touch the burned place, peel off the upper crust, you can bring the infection. The burn must be covered with a clean, dry cloth, and ointments or emulsions can also be applied to relieve pain and disinfection.

Chemical burn, first aid

First aid for chemical burns is to remove the substance that caused it from the skin as quickly as possible. To do this, the damaged area is washed with plenty of water. Alkaline burns are more serious than acid burns due to

first aid for chemical burns
high ability of the first to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. After washing, if possible, it is necessary to neutralize the chemical. agent: for alkaline burns, it is necessary to wipe the wound with a solution of citric or acetic acid, and with an acid burn - with a soap solution or 2% baking soda solution.

If the victim has an extensive burn, first aid must be provided by a specialist in order to avoid complications. Damage to tissues at the sites of passage of large arteries, especially in the inguinal region, in the neck and face, even minor ones, can cause a serious blow to health in the future.

The treatment of burns covering more than 15% of the body occurs in special burn centers. Patients are prescribed special shock therapy. The following is a set of procedures to stabilize the condition of the victim:

-blocking of a pain syndrome;

- restoration of fluid circulation in the body;

-conducting anti-infection therapy;

- Local treatment of affected integuments and tissues.

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