Often when injuring with sharp-cutting objects, bleeding occurs due to a violation of the integrity of blood vessels.
Types of bleeding:
- capillary bleeding (small capillary vessels located on the surface of the skin are injured). Blood with capillary bleeding has a pure red color.
- venous bleeding (occurs when there is a violation of the integrity of large vessels called veins). With venous bleeding, the blood has a dark red color.
- arterial bleeding (occurs when the integrity of the largest vessels called arteries is violated). The danger of arterial hemorrhage is that it is very difficult to quickly stop the blood coming out with tremors under high pressure.
- mixed bleeding.
In second place in terms of danger to life, as mentioned above, is venous bleeding. In contrast to capillary blood, it is expelled from blood vessels under high pressure. Blood with this type of bleeding comes out in large volumes, and if you do not know how to properly provide first aid for venous bleeding, you can "lose" a person.
The patient can be saved if venous bleeding can be stopped in time, and blood loss is not more than 1000 ml.
When a large artery ruptures, a person can lose more than 1000 ml of blood in a matter of minutes, which will lead to an inevitable death.
First aid must be provided before the victim loses blood in a volume exceeding the allowable (500 ml) limit. Otherwise, further blood loss will lead, if not death, then to a long recovery of the victim’s body and a long rehabilitation period.
When assisting older people whose age is more than 70 years old, one must remember that venous bleeding, even in small volumes, is very dangerous for them, since by this age people usually have a "bunch" of diseases, including age-related, which weaken the body very much. The same applies to young children, but the danger lies in the fact that children have a relatively small mass and blood loss, small by the standards for an adult, can be very expensive for them, since immunity has not yet developed and the weakened body is prone to the penetration of viruses.
With any type of bleeding, the victim must be given first aid. In order not to harm, it is necessary to be able to accurately determine the type of bleeding.
From capillary venous bleeding, it is easy to distinguish by the following signs: the blood has a dark, dirty red color, and slowly continuous pulsating tremors emerge from the vein to the surface. The greatest danger to life is damage to the yoke, femur and subclavian veins.
Venous bleeding can be both open (when wounds are pricked with cutting objects), and internal. A prerequisite for internal venous bleeding is varicose veins.
If a person has open venous bleeding, first aid consists in applying a pressure bandage. A pressure dressing should be applied slightly below the wound. This is due to the fact that blood flow through the veins goes from the peripheral vessels to the heart. As a dressing material, in the absence of an individual dressing bag, you can use clean bandages, gauze, or any clean cloth that is currently at hand.
It is necessary to fix a pressure bandage so that it does not move out very carefully. For tight and strong fixation, each subsequent bandage tour should overlap the previous one by 50 - 70%.
To determine the correctness of applying a pressure bandage, you need to see if there is bleeding. If there is no bleeding, check for pulsation in the vein below the pressure bandage. If there is a pulse, everything is done right.
If bleeding continues, we’ll make a new dressing over the already fixed bandage, following all the steps described above. Bandage should be very tight. In order to restore blood flow in the damaged area, put an ice pack on top of a pressure dressing for 10 to 15 minutes. Call an ambulance.