Any neurological diseases require great attention from specialists. Patients with the appearance of headaches or sleep disorders should immediately consult a doctor. The neurologist will conduct a full examination and prescribe a course of treatment. Pantokalcin, a drug belonging to the group of nootropic drugs, is popular with specialists. Before using it, you should carefully study the instructions.
Release form and composition
The medicine "Pantocalcin" is presented in the form of white tablets. The main active ingredient is calcium hopantenate. As auxiliary components, calcium stearate, potato starch, magnesium hydroxycarbonate and talc are used. The tablets go on sale in cardboard packaging or plastic containers.
The drug has neurotrophic properties. This is due to its nootropic effect. The main active ingredient helps to increase the resistance of the brain to various toxic substances, as well as hypoxia. Thanks to the pills, anabolic processes in neurons are born.
The drug Pantocalcin is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Analogs work in the same way. The maximum concentration of the active substance in the blood is reached after an hour. The drug is most concentrated in the walls of the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. The main active substance is not metabolized.
The drug is completely excreted unchanged after two days. The main part of the active substance comes out with urine.
The drug can be used in the treatment of cerebrovascular insufficiency as part of complex therapy. Most often, tablets are prescribed if the disease is provoked by atherosclerotic changes in the vessels of the brain. In mental patients, the drug is used to treat cerebral organic failure. After traumatic brain injuries, the drug Pantocalcin can be prescribed to children. Instructions for use indicate that the medication is approved for use in patients older than three years.
Patients who suffer from epilepsy, the drug is used to prevent the slowdown of mental processes. Tablets are used in combination with anticonvulsant drugs. A good effect is exerted by a medication with various psycho-emotional overloads. For the purpose of prevention, the medication Pantocalcin may be prescribed for children. The instruction describes the positive effect of the drug on the body: tablets help improve concentration and memory, increase efficiency.
In case of acute renal failure, the drug Pantocalcin cannot be prescribed. Analogs are also undesirable. It is worth contacting a specialist who can prescribe a suitable treatment. During pregnancy, Pantocalcin tablets should be used only under the supervision of a specialist. Using the medicine in the first trimester is the most dangerous. The main active ingredient can adversely affect the development of the fetus. Therefore, the use of Pantocalcin is necessary only if the potential benefit to the mother exceeds the potential harm to the baby. During lactation, the medication is not contraindicated.
In childhood, it is possible to use Pantocalcin tablets. Analogs can also be used. But previously itβs still better to consult a pediatrician. There are age restrictions. The medicine is not prescribed to patients under three years of age.
With caution, it is worth using the drug to people who are prone to allergic reactions. In some cases, hypersensitivity may develop.
The medication is taken orally. It is advisable to take pills half an hour after a meal. In this case, the bioavailability of the drug increases. A single dose for adult patients is 1 g (two tablets), for children - 250-500 mg. The course of treatment usually lasts at least a month. The average duration of therapy is three months. In the most difficult cases, patients have to take the medicine for at least six months. After completing the course, you can repeat it no earlier than three months later.
Children with mental disabilities may be prescribed Pantogam and Pantocalcin medicines. The difference between these medicines is practically absent. Small patients take one tablet (500 mg) 4 to 6 times a day. The daily rate depends on the patient's age of the symptoms of the disease. The course of treatment is three months.
Patients who suffer from epilepsy are prescribed one tablet 3 times a day. The course of treatment lasts at least six months. Repeated treatment can begin three months after the end of the previous course.
Data on overdose of the drug in the instructions are not provided. However, experts do not recommend using tablets in an increased dosage. This can lead to the development of side effects. If any incomprehensible symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor for advice.
Side effects
Side effects are quite rare when using the drug "Pantocalcin". Analogs also act gently on the body. However, in some cases, the development of non-standard symptoms is possible. Most often, these are allergic reactions, which manifest as rhinitis or a rash on the skin. All these phenomena are reversible and do not require discontinuation of the drug. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you can additionally use antihistamines.
Stop taking the medicine immediately if hypersensitivity develops. It is worth contacting a specialist who can replace the drug "Pantocalcin". Instructions for use, reviews of analogues - all this in details can be found in a medical institution.
Drug interaction
It should be used with caution in combination with other medicines medication "Pantocalcin". Instructions for use for children say that the main active component of the drug helps to prolong the action of barbiturates. In addition, tablets enhance the effect of local anesthetics, as well as anticonvulsants.
Pantocalcin tablets are often used in conjunction with antipsychotic drugs. This is due to the fact that calcium hopantenate is able to remove side effects from taking such medications. Tablets can be prescribed along with drugs such as Phenobarbital, Carbamazepine, as well as antipsychotics.
In combination with drugs such as Glycine, Xidiphon, the action of the main component of the drug is enhanced. This must be taken into account in order to avoid the development of adverse reactions.
If the necessary medication was not found in the pharmacy, you can always choose a quality substitute. The drug "Pantocalcin" or "Pantogam" - which is better? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. After all, both of these drugs have the same effect. The main component of the medication is the calcium salt of hopantenic acid. As auxiliary substances, calcium stearate, talc, methyl cellulose, as well as magnesium hydroxycarbonate are used in the manufacture of the Pantogam preparation.
The analogue "Pantocalcin" has some differences. For example, it is prescribed only to patients older than 3 years of age, while Pantogam tablets can be prescribed for children under three years of age. But before starting treatment, it is necessary to fully examine the body of a small patient.
There are other analogues of the drug Pantocalcin. Gopantam tablets are widely used. The main active ingredient in the drug is also the calcium salt of hopantenic acid. But this substance in the drug is used in a reduced dosage. The medication can be prescribed for children over two years old.
"Calcium Hopantenate" is another popular drug that is used by many experts. The medicine is rapidly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. The patient can feel the positive effect within an hour after taking the pill. A medicine is removed along with urine after 48 hours. The drug is prescribed to patients older than three years. Contraindication is the first trimester of pregnancy, as well as hypersensitivity.
Reviews about the drug
Before starting treatment, it is worth examining the complete information about Pantocalcin tablets. Instructions, reviews - all this can be obtained from your doctor. Most specialists respond well to the drug and recommend it to their patients. The tablets give really good results and have virtually no contraindications.
The drug Pantocalcin is widely used in pediatrics. Kids with neurological abnormalities recover in a few months. The only negative is the long course duration. With some ailments, the medicine has to be taken for six months.
Negative drug reviews are also present. They are most often associated with the fact that patients inattentively study the instructions for use, and as a result, then suffer from an overdose or, conversely, do not observe the proper effect of the treatment.
Particular attention should be paid to the section "Drug Interaction". Some drugs reduce the bioavailability of Pantocalcin tablets. That is, the medication is taken almost in vain. Pay attention also to the sections "Side effects" and "Contraindications."
How much is the medicine? Where could I buy?
Pantocalcin tablets are available only by prescription. Due to this, the likelihood of taking the medicine without the recommendation of a doctor is significantly reduced. The drug belongs to the middle price category. For one package of tablets you will have to pay about 1,500 rubles of the Russian Federation. Medication is available in almost every pharmacy. In extreme cases, it can be replaced by an analog.
You can save if you buy pills over the Internet. In online pharmacies, the drug costs 100-200 rubles cheaper.