Powder "Rehydron": indications for use, instructions

Dehydration of the human body, regardless of its causes, can lead to irreversible consequences. The use of medications can prevent a decrease in the concentration of salts in the body and replenish their supply. To prevent the deterioration of the condition and the possible development of complications, experts prescribe Rehydron.

The main function of the drug

Dehydration is a rather serious pathological condition in which the water norm in the human body drops to a critical level and leads to metabolic disturbance.

Signs of dehydration

The main consequences of reducing fluid in the body:

  • tachycardia;
  • excessive sweating;
  • dizziness;
  • lack of consciousness;
  • kidney failure;
  • hallucinations;
  • death.

Poisoning of various nature, accompanied by unpleasant symptoms in the form of vomiting and diarrhea, and other conditions, including infectious diseases leading to dehydration, are indications for the use of Regidron. Since any intoxication and its consequences lead to a decrease in the concentration of salts in the body, the main task of the drug is to restore their balance.

Release form and composition

The product is produced in Finland in the form of a crystalline powder for the manufacture of a solution including:

  • potassium chloride and sodium;
  • sodium citrate;
  • dextrose monohydrate.
    Release form

A powder weighing 18.9 grams is packaged in foil in the form of a sachet. Bags - sachets in the amount of 4 or 20 pieces are placed in a cardboard box.

Mode of application

Adult use

In accordance with the indications for the use of Rehydron powder, the preparation and use of the solution, unless otherwise specified, must be carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Pour the contents of one sachet into a liter of warm boiled water.
  2. Stir the resulting mixture until the powder dissolves visibly.
  3. For the first time, it is enough to drink 200 g of liquid in small sips. In cases of nausea and vomiting, the solution must first be cooled.
  4. After 30 minutes, drink the same amount of solution again.
  5. After each bowel movement, a little medicine is necessary again. A large amount of the drug drunk at a time can cause vomiting.
  6. It is not required to wash the product. It is advisable to avoid taking another liquid, in particular, containing sugar, until the condition improves.
  7. During the treatment, it is necessary not only to drink the solution, but also to eat the right food, excluding fatty foods.
  8. Before each dose, the medicine must be mixed.
  9. It is not recommended to increase the concentration of the solution, diluting it in a smaller amount of liquid.
  10. Course treatment includes the use of at least 55 grams of the drug, dissolved in 3 liters of water for 3 to 4 days.
  11. Storage of the finished liquid in the refrigerator is allowed for no more than 24 hours.

Indications for use

Indications for the use of the drug "Regidron" are reduced to the restoration of normal water and electrolytes in the body. Most often, the medicine is prescribed to help the patient in the following critical situations:

  • heat damage;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • uncontrolled diarrhea;
  • high degree of perspiration;
  • weight loss due to rapid withdrawal of fluid.

"Regidron" for children

Use in childhood

If diarrhea or vomiting occurs, the child is more likely than an adult to be dehydrated. At the first signs of intoxication of the child's body for any reason, fluid replenishment begins immediately. The main purpose of the doctor in this case will be the use of a solution of "Regidron" inside. For children, the indication for use is the need to quickly restore the amount of water and salts. You can give a solution to a patient of any age. During each hour, the child should drink the medicine, at the rate of 2-6 grams per kilogram of weight. The smallest are recommended to use the product with a frequency of 10 minutes through a syringe or pipette. In cases of frequent vomiting, regardless of age, the drug is used up to 5-7 times per hour.

If relief does not occur, an ambulance team must be called in. A doctor's examination will help to correctly prescribe and conduct emergency therapy or hospitalize a sick child.

"Regidron" for adults

To participate in the fight against dehydration and increase the concentration of minerals in the patient's body is the main task of the drug. The calculation of the required amount of solution for adults is carried out based on body weight. From the beginning of treatment, they drink an amount of 10 ml per 1 kg of weight. Noticing improvement, the dosage is halved. If the symptoms returned after a decrease in the drinking fluid, then they return to the original amount in the amount of 10 ml per kilogram.

"Regidron" during pregnancy

The drug is approved for use in categories of pregnant and lactating women. The only contraindication may be glucose intolerance. Naturally, a woman should consult a specialist for prescribing a medicine. Relief of symptoms in critical situations can be provided by an ambulance team. The benefits of using Rehydron in this case far exceed the potential risk.

Pregnant Use

Use for alcohol poisoning

In cases where it is necessary to cope with alcohol intoxication, the drug is initially used to induce vomiting. Dilution of a sachet of the substance in 100 ml of water and the use of this dose in one gulp helps to achieve a result. Subsequent use of the drug is carried out in the usual dosage for an adult. The use of "Regidron" according to indications allows you to quickly correct violations in the functioning of the nervous system, improve brain and liver function, relieve headaches and clarify confused consciousness.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

The drug is quite loyal and can be used in almost all categories of patients. It is not recommended to use the drug in cases where the patient has:

  • diabetes;
  • kidney disease
  • bowel obstruction;
  • individual intolerance.

Of the side effects, the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction to glucose is allowed.

The development of symptoms of an overdose is possible due to an increase in the concentration of the solution and leads to confusion, convulsions, excessive drowsiness, weakness, which does not exclude respiratory arrest.

Application features

In cases of eliminating the symptoms of poisoning of any nature, it is necessary to use "Regidron" according to the instructions. Indications for use exclude the use of the drug in cases of a high degree of dehydration with a weight loss of more than 10%. Such fleeting weight loss requires the delivery of drugs to the body through droppers and intravenous injections. After urgent therapy, the appointment of "Regidron" in order to restore the balance of minerals.

Sometimes, despite the indications for the use of "Regidron" in adults, the use of the drug does not lead to an improvement, and in some cases, deterioration is observed, accompanied by:

  • cessation of diarrhea with the appearance of pain;
  • impaired speech function;
  • persistent drowsiness;
  • the appearance of a stool with blood impregnations;
  • lack of urination;
  • raising the temperature to a mark of 39 degrees and above.
Dehydration symptoms

Any complications require contacting an ambulance. It is especially important not to miss the time to call home specialists for children. It is impossible to hope for indications for the use of Regidron powder according to the instructions, in case of complications that have manifested. Self-medication and ignoring a worsening condition can be fatal.


Despite the available analogues used in the treatment of poisoning, Regidron has proven itself to be the best. Indications for the use of other means may be associated with:

  • lack of drug in the patient or in the nearest pharmacy;
  • intolerance to components;
  • the inability to use the solution orally due to confusion or loss of consciousness.
    Intravenous infusion

In these cases, the following medications are prescribed:

  1. "Trisol" refers to a means of restoring water and electrolyte balance, with a bright detoxification effect. It is used as a solution for infusion with a volume of 100 to 500 ml. The use of the drug begins with intravenous jet infusion. After a visible improvement, droppers are used.
  2. Trihydron is the cheapest drug of all available analogues of the powdered form of Regidron. Indications for use are identical to solutions of this pharmacological group. The drug is made in the form of a powder with a dosage of half as much and diluted in half a liter of water. No other significant differences are observed.
  3. "Hydrovit forte" is an analogue of German production, containing 3 times less medicine in one sachet. The recommended amount of liquid for dilution of one dose is 200 ml. The main difference, in addition to dosage, is the presence of auxiliary flavors and dry dye.
  4. A solution prepared independently, at home. To make the medicine, you need to mix ½ teaspoon of salt, soda and, if possible, potassium chloride. Add 4 tablespoons of sugar. After boiling and cooling 1 liter of water, fill them with the resulting dry mixture, stir. You need to use the solution in the same dosages as Regidron. Indications for use of the prepared mixture will be to prevent dehydration and replenish the amount of salts in the body.


Powder "Rehydron" has earned a lot of excellent reviews. The choice of patients and doctors in favor of the drug is based on:

  • ease of use;
  • effectiveness;
  • safety of use in almost all categories of patients;
  • minimum number of adverse reactions;
  • profitability;
  • application possibilities for the prevention of dehydration.

The negative aspects include a not very pleasant brackish - sweetish taste, noted by both children and adults. And yet, thanks to the use of "Regidron", patients quickly cope with the disease, and most patients characterize the drug exclusively on the positive side.

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