Lingonberry in syrup - the benefits of the dish and the recipe for cooking

Lingonberry is a small shrub that belongs to the evergreen species. The berries of this plant provide an incredible charge of benefits and energy, due to the unique composition of lingonberries. They contain natural sugars, vitamins, catechins, pectins, minerals, anthocyanins and tannins.

Lingonberry in syrup

The berries themselves contain many different acids, it is they that give the lingonberry an acidic taste. And thanks to benzoic compounds, these gifts of nature can be stored for a very long time, without losing their appearance and their inherent properties.

Many different dishes are prepared from this berry, including preparations for the winter. One of the simplest, most beneficial and widely used recipes is lingonberry in syrup. Of course, there are many other options. They use both plant leaves and flowers. Lingonberries are also used in the treatment of certain diseases of the genitourinary system - in the form of decoctions.

Lingonberry in syrup still has its advantages, which consist in the maximum preservation of useful properties. In addition, such a syrup is very easy to prepare and pleasant to use for both adults and children. Lingonberry, the photo of which you see in this article, has extremely powerful properties. The substances contained in it cope with the strongest microbes and bacteria: even Trichomonas, Giardia, staphylococcus and other pathogens. That is why all kinds of recipes based on this medicinal berry are so actively used in folk medicine, and not only.

lingonberry photo

However, despite such positive qualities, cranberries and preparations based on it should be used with extreme caution. The fact is that those strongest substances that fight microbes so actively can have the opposite effect - toxic, but this is possible only with an overdose. Of course, cranberries in syrup will not bring harm. But preparations based on it, for example, decoctions from leaves, should be used strictly in accordance with the recommendations indicated in the recipe. If nausea, vomiting, diarrhea are noted with prolonged or frequent use, then treatment should be stopped for a while.

General recommendations include the fact that between the courses of treatment it is necessary to take breaks, for example, a month or two, etc., depending on the current disease and other chronic conditions of the body. In this regard, it is advisable to obtain a preliminary consultation of a specialist or attending physician.

fresh lingonberry

Lingonberry in syrup is prepared according to the following recipe. Take a kilogram of lingonberries, 300 grams of sugar, 200 ml of water and the juice of one lemon. Berries must be sorted, washed under running cool water and transferred to a clean glass container. Next, prepare the syrup: pour water into the pan, add sugar and lemon juice to it, bring to a boil and cook until the sugar dissolves. After it cools down, it can be filtered, after which they are poured with berries. The container with the finished product is covered with parchment and tied with twine. It should be remembered that the recipe uses fresh lingonberries, not frozen. The berries are stored in syrup in a cool dark place, consumed after infusion, 1 teaspoon 2 times a day - as a tonic.

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