Braised pork with cabbage and potatoes: recipe and cooking secrets

Want to please your home with a delicious and nutritious dish? We advise you to cook the most tender pork with cabbage and potatoes. It is perfect for both lunch and dinner. In this dish there are many useful vitamins, and in addition, it turns out not very high-calorie. The combination of meat and vegetables will appeal to the most demanding gourmet. In the article we will describe in detail all the details of cooking stewed pork with cabbage and potatoes.

pork with cabbage and potatoes

The history of the origin of the dish

The idea to stew pork with cabbage and potatoes arose even in our ancestors. The dish turned out to be very satisfying and incredibly tasty, and what a flavor it came from! Mistresses often began to pamper their families with such a nutritious dinner. Braised pork with cabbage and potatoes was popular not only in Russia, but also in European and Asian countries. This dish has many names: bigus, iceberg in Berlin, Alsatian shukrut and others. There is a legend that the Polish king, Vladislav Jagiello, loved to eat a bigus on a hunt, during a halt. That is why for a long time it was believed that stewed pork with cabbage is a traditional dish of Polish cuisine.

step by step recipe

Essential Ingredients

Cooking pork with vegetables does not require special culinary skills. Also, you do not have to spend a lot of money to buy the right products. After all, vegetables are almost always in any kitchen. If they are not, then in the store they are quite inexpensive. Another plus: you do not spend a lot of time preparing a dish. So you will need:

  • Pork - 400 g. This is the main product on which the taste of the finished dish depends. Be sure to buy only fresh meat, of good quality. Do not forget to look at the expiration date.
  • Potato - 3 pcs. Some housewives are replaced by eggplant, zucchini or tomatoes. This will not spoil the recipe.
  • Cabbage - 1/2 head of cabbage. Rinse vegetables thoroughly before use. The upper leaves are better to remove, they can give the dish a bitter taste.
  • Onion - 1 pc. You can do without it. To prepare stewed pork with cabbage and potatoes, both onions and feathers of green onions are suitable.
  • Vegetable oil for frying.
  • Tomato - 1 pc. Sometimes use tomato paste. There will be no difference.
  • Seasonings (bay leaves, peppers, sunnelli chili, Provencal or Italian herbs, etc.). They will give a delicious taste and aroma to the dish. In addition, spices accelerate metabolism and promote fat burning.
  • Salt -1-2 pinch, to taste.
real jam

Stewed cabbage with pork and potatoes: recipe

The main secret of the popularity of this dish: it is quite simple and quick to cook. Increasingly, housewives choose it not only as a dinner option for households, but also serve it on the festive table. The guests are delighted, and the hostess receives a lot of pleasant words. Carefully follow all the steps of the recipe, and then you get fantastic pork with potatoes and cabbage.

  1. Let's start by rinsing the cabbage thoroughly. You can use soap and a special household brush. Remove the top leaves and throw them away. Finely chop the cabbage, some housewives prefer to cut the vegetable in large pieces. This saves a lot of time.
  2. Now we start cooking meat. This is a very important stage. After all, we want to get not hard, but juicy slices of pork. We rinse the meat, cut it into small pieces and send it to the pan (in preheated oil). Fry until golden brown. At the end, add spices and bay leaf.
  3. Thoroughly wash the potatoes, peel them and cut into large cubes. Add it to the meat and fry until a beautiful golden crust. Then we reduce the heat a little and add the onion to the pan. So we only do with onion, green, just sprinkle the finished dish. About five minutes all fry. Do not forget to mix, so as not to burn.
  4. The final stage: we send cabbage to the pan and fill all the ingredients with half a glass of warm water. Stew under the lid for 30 minutes, not forgetting to stir. If the water boils, then you need to add a couple more spoons. Five minutes before cooking, add peeled tomato (or tomato paste), mix well and simmer a little over low heat. Our amazing braised pork with cabbage and potatoes is ready! You can serve the finished dish to the table.
incredible recipe

Cooking secrets

In order for your dish to turn out to be very tasty and not cause you trouble during cooking, use the advice of experienced housewives. They will help you to please guests and home with a wonderful treat.

  • We remind you that the quality of the finished dish depends on how you cook the pork. Therefore, carefully remove all fat and film and fry the meat well.
  • You can choose any kind of cabbage: white, cauliflower or pickled. It will be tastier if you chop it not in large pieces, but finely.
  • If you want the dish to be less high-calorie, you need to put cabbage and meat in a pan at the same time. This is a very useful tip for those who follow the figure.

In the end

We recommend trying to cook pork with sauerkraut and potatoes. The dish also turns out to be just fantastic. Before cooking, you need to soak the cabbage for a while in water. The dish is usually served with soft brown bread, which enhances the taste of vegetables. You can also put pickles and tomatoes on the table. Cook with pleasure! Enjoy your meal!

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