Maltofer: patient reviews

People should approach the treatment of any disease very carefully and carefully. Therefore, we will further study the reviews of Maltofer. What is this drug? How to take it? Should I even get in touch with him? To understand all this and not only we will try further.

"Maltofer" in drops

Short description

What is Maltofer? This is the name for a high iron supplement. It is prescribed primarily for iron deficiency anemia in humans. Available in various forms, which pleases patients. Everyone can choose the optimal interpretation of the drug.

Maltofer reviews indicate that the substance is not a dietary supplement. This is the most common real vitamin that you need to use according to the instructions.

Indications for use

The studied drug with iron content is prescribed in different situations. As a rule, the main indication for use is the presence of low hemoglobin or iron deficiency anemia.

Judging by the reviews, Maltofer not only increases the level of iron in the body, but also accumulates it. Due to this, in a person, the cells involved in hematopoiesis are restored.

Sometimes patients take the studied drug with poor nutrition or in order to prevent iron deficiency in the body. Nevertheless, it is not recommended to prescribe Maltofer yourself. Such negligence can lead to serious negative consequences.

Maltofer Injection

Who is suitable for

It is impossible not to notice that the studied tool with an iron content is almost universal. Thanks to different forms of release, people can choose the best interpretation for use.

At the moment, Maltofer is being prescribed:

  • newborns;
  • children
  • Adults
  • To old people;
  • pregnant
  • breastfeeding women.

There are a small number of contraindications. But otherwise, the iron preparation is universal. It is suitable for almost every patient. And that is why Maltofer is very popular.

Release Forms

A little later we will familiarize ourselves with the instructions for use of Maltofer. Reviews about this drug are mostly positive. And this phenomenon awakens confidence in the means of the population.

As we have already said, the iron-containing product is available in various forms. For instance:

  • tablets;
  • syrup;
  • drops for oral administration;
  • solution for oral administration;
  • solution for intramuscular injection.

The last two interpretations of the drug in the general population are not in demand. But they are actively used in medical institutions. But, as a rule, anemia is treated at home. Therefore, we will focus on more popular forms of release.

take pills


What about the composition of the product is written in the instructions to "Maltofer"? Reviews of patients about the appropriate drug emphasize that the medication is a natural vitamin. It practically does not have any chemistry or harmful substances. Only a natural composition that almost does not cause allergic reactions.

In the "Maltofer" you can find:

  • ferric iron;
  • flavoring;
  • Excipients.

The last component varies depending on the form of release of vitamins. Sucrose is contained in the drops, in addition to it, there is ethyl alcohol and sorbitol in the syrup, and in the tablets are vanillin and cocoa powder.

It follows that in addition to iron, there are no active substances in the preparation. So, he must do his job well. But is it really so?

How to use

Now consider the Maltofer instruction. Reviews of patients emphasize that taking the drug is not difficult. Especially when it comes to drops or syrup. The main thing is to correctly calculate the dosage. It is advisable to check with your doctor and not self-medicate. Otherwise, destructive side effects may begin in the body.

Swallow or chew tablets in the right amounts during or immediately after a meal. If we talk about drops and syrup, then first you need to pour the necessary amount of liquid into the cap or spoon, then drink it. You can mix the drug with juice or soft drinks.

The duration of treatment with Maltofer depends on the specific situation, but the patient will have to prepare for long-term use of iron. The thing is that the reviews about Maltofer boil down to the fact that this is a drug that provides for a long-term intake of an iron-containing substance. Under no circumstances can you achieve a quick result from this medication.

Dosage for children

Now consider the possible dosage of the drug. All proposed layouts are approximate. More accurate dosage information can only be provided by your doctor.

Babies are more often prescribed drops. For the treatment of anemia, it is proposed to use 15-30 drops of the drug once a day. In some cases, the dose is increased to 50 drops. Newborns up to 3 months can be given up to 3 drops, for babies up to a year - up to 10 drops. Tablets are not prescribed for children, and syrup is not in special demand.

When can children use Maltofer tablets? Customer reviews indicate that this form of release is available only after 12 years. Until this time, you will have to be treated with drops or syrup. Tablets containing iron give the baby in an amount of 1 to 3 pieces.

Maltofer as a solution

Pregnancy and Iron

What Maltofer reviews during pregnancy? As we already said, the studied drug is a good drug to eliminate iron deficiency in the body. But it does not suit everyone.

Pregnant women can choose the form of the drug. Most often, these are drops. Such an interpretation helps to avoid problems with swallowing capsules or tablets.

During pregnancy, women are prescribed from 30-40 drops of Maltofer. More accurate information will be reported to the patient by the attending physician. It is set depending on the degree of iron deficiency.

If we talk about pills, then women in position can take 2-3 pieces a day with anemia. You just need to increase hemoglobin? Then just 1 tablet is enough.

Dosage for adults

Reviews about the Maltofer tablets are mostly good, but mostly among adults. For children, as was already emphasized earlier, a remedy in this form is not prescribed.

Ideally, the treatment of anemia in adults (including the elderly) people involves the use of 1 to 3 tablets "Maltofer" with food. Sometimes the dose is increased to 4-5 pills.

In the case of drops, everything is much simpler. The patient must take from 50 to 120 drops for anemia. To prevent iron deficiency and to replenish the corresponding component in the body, 20-30 drops of the drug are enough.


Reviews of drops for children "Maltofer", as already mentioned, are mostly positive. This remedy really helps get rid of iron deficiency. But he (in any form of release) has a certain number of contraindications.

These include:

  • individual intolerance;
  • tendency to severe allergic reactions;
  • diabetes mellitus (use is possible only under strict medical supervision);
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • megaloblastic anemia;
  • hemochromatosis;
  • hemosiderosis;
  • impaired absorption of iron in the body.

Otherwise, there are no contraindications. Reviews of the Maltofer tablets, as well as of any other form of drug release, prove that the drug is very effective in making up for the lack of iron.

What do Maltofer tablets look like

Side effects

We studied the instructions for drops "Maltofer", reviews about the drug and information about the different forms of release of funds. But what else should you pay attention to?

The thing is that the studied medication affects the body. And it can cause a number of side effects. As a rule, Maltofer is well tolerated by humans. But there are exceptions.

Reviews of Maltofer for children and adults indicate that almost always a person changes the color of his stool. He is blackening. This is normal, because excess iron is excreted from the body precisely with feces.

Among the "side effects" can be identified:

  • nausea
  • diarrhea
  • constipation.

In exceptional cases, after using Maltofer, vomiting occurs. Under such circumstances, the course of treatment will have to be stopped and consult a doctor as soon as possible. It is possible that a specialist will help you choose another iron-containing drug.


Reviews of the "Maltofer" negative type relate to its value. This is far from the cheapest drug. One of its packaging on average costs 400-500 rubles, sometimes more expensive.

Ultimately, the course of treatment with the drug is expensive. Especially if a person is being treated for a severe degree of anemia. You will have to spend money, but the result will be significant.

Other opinions

We studied the instructions for use "Maltofer". Customer reviews are also considered. But there are some aspects that have not yet been said. For individuals, they may seem significant.

For example, it is important to consider that Maltofer in drops and syrup has a strong coloring effect. It is problematic to remove this liquid if it gets on clothing or furniture. Therefore, before use, it is recommended that the child put on a bib or something that is not a pity to spoil. Some parents did not manage to get rid of traces of drops of the drug.

In reality, there are extremely negative reviews about Maltofer. The instruction does not say anything about some "side effects", but they are actively observed in children. What is this about?

The thing is that some parents began to notice how the teeth of babies are destroyed while taking the drug. This is due to the fact that calcium is absorbed worse due to Maltofer. And therefore, long-term treatment with the drug can negatively affect children's teeth. In adults, such problems are almost not observed.

Another nuance is that when you take drops or syrup, your teeth may turn black. As a rule, tooth enamel will recover after a course of treatment of anemia with the use of Maltofer. A similar situation occurs with the use of any iron-containing drugs. In exceptional cases, teeth have to be whitened.

at the dentist

Taste qualities

We found out if Maltofer is possible for a child. Instructions, reviews and contraindications have also been studied. What else can you learn about the drug?

For example, about its taste. It has already been said that the product contains flavorings. Because of them, syrup and drops have a pleasant smell of vanilla. But the taste of the liquid is not too pleasant. Not everyone will like it. Nasty "Maltofer" can not be called, rather, the taste of this drug is specific.


It’s clear what kind of reviews there are about Maltofer. And what do people say about the assimilation of this remedy?

We have already said that the studied drug helps well in the fight against anemia to people of different ages. But because of the ferric iron in the composition, the absorption of the drug is difficult. Because of this, Maltofer is not suitable for some people. Then you have to look for similar iron-containing drugs.

Accordingly, due to poor digestibility, the course of treatment increases with the dosage of the drug. According to statistics, only thirty percent of the iron produced is taken by the human body.

However, Maltofer has a so-called “accumulation effect." You can see it by regularly taking a blood test for ferritin. At first, the indicators will remain low, then they will increase and will actively increase. In addition, after a course of treatment with Maltofer, a person will not need to take additional funds with iron for a long time. The effect of using the studied drug remains for a long time.


We have read reviews about Maltofer. Analogues of this drug can be selected in real life, but it is not always easy to do. But if you try, such a task is quite real.

Ferrum Lek

At the moment, you can find such analogues of "Maltofer":

  1. Actiferrin. A good substitute for the studied tool, but it contains ferrous iron. Therefore, the drug is absorbed better. Its effectiveness is not so strong. Actiferrin costs about 350-500 rubles. Most often found in the form of drops. Suitable for all people.
  2. "Ferrum Lek". This is the name of a full-fledged substitute for Maltofer. Available in the form of syrup, tablets and injections. It costs from 450 rubles per pack.
  3. "Biofer". It has folic acid and ferric iron in its composition. It is found as tablets. Suitable only for adults and adolescents from twelve years.

Now it’s clear what drugs can be used to increase the level of iron in the body. Everyone can easily choose a good analogue of Maltofer. We studied the reviews, instructions and other important information about this drug in detail. And from now on, patients will be able to appreciate all the pros and cons of the drug.

Instructions for use of drops "Maltofer", reviews about this drug and other important information about the product will no longer cause any trouble. However, only the attending physician should prescribe the form of the drug, its dosage and dosage regimen.

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