Marvelon: reviews of doctors and patients

In this article, we consider the reviews of doctors about Marvelon, the pros and cons of the drug.

The composition includes two main active ingredients - ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel, and a number of auxiliary components: povidone, lactose monohydrate, colloidal anhydrous silica, alpha-tocopherol, stearic acid, potato starch.

Reviews on Marvelon tablets are abundant.

marvelon reviews

Release form

The manufacturer produces a medication in the form of tablets for oral administration. The package can be 1, 3 or 6 blisters, each of which contains 21 tablets. The form of the tablets is round, biconvex, the color is white. One side of the tablet is marked with the inscription "TR 5", the other - "ORGANON".

Reviews about Marvelon are mostly positive.

Pharmacological effects

"Marvelon" is a drug that is part of the group of hormonal contraceptive medications intended for oral administration.

The drug has a pronounced contraceptive effect on the body and prevents the onset of unwanted pregnancy due to the constituent ethinyl estradiol used as estrogen and desogestrel used as a progestin.

According to reviews, "Marvelon" after 35 years fits most women.

Along with the main effect, it has a number of other positive effects on the body:

  1. Reduces the severity of bleeding during menstruation.
  2. Regulates the menstrual cycle, helps to reduce soreness of menstruation.
  3. Helps reduce the risk of the onset and development of a disease such as fibrous cystosis.
  4. Significantly reduces the risk of anemia due to iron deficiency.
  5. Reduces the likelihood of tumors.
  6. Prevents the development of cysts.
  7. It stops the development of inflammation in the pelvis.
  8. It stops the likelihood of ectopic pregnancy.

Reviews on birth control Marvelon will be presented below.

The main components in the composition of the drug suppress ovulation and stimulate the production of cervical mucus.

Desogestrel, which is a progestogen, inhibits the secretion of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones by gonadotropic cells in the pituitary gland. As a result, the normal maturation of the follicle is interrupted, the onset of ovulation is blocked.

According to reviews by women after 40, Marvelon is well tolerated.

In addition, desogestrel is able to:

marvelon doctors reviews pros pluses
  1. Affect the composition of the mucus filling the cervical canal by thickening it. As a result, cervical mucus becomes impassable for sperm.
  2. Reduce the concentration of estradiol to the level characteristic of the early follicular phase.
  3. Do not affect the metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates.
  4. Do not affect hemostasis.
  5. Significantly reduce blood loss during menstruation. In women suffering from menorrhagia, blood loss normalizes and approaches the physiological norm.
  6. Improve the condition of the skin if acne is noted.
  7. Prevent some diseases of the gynecological sphere, including tumor nature.
  8. Normalize the menstrual cycle.

Women's reviews of Marvelon confirm that menstruation is becoming less abundant and almost painless.

Ethinyl estradiol is a synthetically produced hormone of a number of estrogens. Its pharmacological effect is similar to that of the sex hormone estradiol.

When taking ethinyl estradiol, the following changes occur in the body:

  1. Endometrial tissue increases due to the activation of cell division.
  2. Female secondary sexual characteristics develop (with their underdevelopment).
  3. The uterus develops.
  4. Lowers blood cholesterol.
  5. The processes of glucose processing are normalized.
  6. Increases insulin sensitivity.
  7. The level of beta-lipoproteins in the blood rises.

Ethinyl estradiol in high doses reduces, and in small - increases the activity of secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone.

When taken orally, desogestrel is absorbed in the stomach and intestines as fully and quickly as possible. In this case, transformation into etonogestrel occurs.

The bioavailability range of desogestrel is 62-81%. With daily use of the drug, the concentration of a substance in the blood rises three times.

Desogestrel is excreted and the metabolites formed after its transformation are excreted together with urine.

The etonogestrel substance is able to bind to globulin by 50-70%, with albumin. Only 2-4% of etonogestrel remains free.

Ethinyl estradiol increases the concentration of globulin, which is responsible for the binding of sex hormones, three times.

The bioavailability of ethinyl estradiol after its transformation in the body and absorption in the stomach and intestines reaches 60%.

Indications for use

The main indication for the appointment of a hormonal drug is the prevention of unwanted pregnancy.

According to reviews by women after 40, Marvelon does a great job of this.


The main contraindications that may interfere with the use of the drug include:

  1. The presence of a history of thrombosis of large blood vessels (arteries and veins).
  2. Marked diabetes, accompanied by damage to blood vessels.
  3. The presence of a history of ischemic disease, angina pectoris, or other clinical manifestations of thrombosis.
  4. Present or pronounced risk factors for arterial and vein thrombosis.
  5. Estimated or established pregnancy.
  6. The period of breastfeeding.
  7. Vaginal bleeding, the nature of which has not been established.
  8. Severe liver disease (if hepatic functional indicators differ from the norm).
  9. Tumor diseases (both existing and previously noted). The drug is contraindicated both in malignant formations and in benign ones.
  10. Suspicion or presence of malignant tumors in the reproductive system or in the chest.
  11. Migraine, which is accompanied by a neurological deficit.
  12. Individual intolerance to any component of the drug.
  13. Triglyceridemia (elevated blood triglycerides).

Negative impact

According to reviews of Marvelon, in some cases, when taking a woman, they notice the manifestation of side effects, expressed in violation of the performance of individual organs or their systems.

The following negative effects may occur on the part of the reproductive system:

  1. Amenorrhea.
  2. Violation of the secretion of cervical mucus.
  3. Swelling and coarsening of the mammary glands.
  4. Genital bleeding observed between menstruation.

From the gastrointestinal tract, nausea and vomiting can be noted.

marvelon reviews of women after 40 years

From the side of the central nervous system, the appearance of migraine, headaches, dizziness, lability of mood is possible.

Sometimes when taking Marvelon according to reviews of women after 35 years, fluctuations in body weight, fluid retention and, as a result, slight swelling occur. The occurrence of chloasma, rashes on the skin, nodose (nodular) erythrem is not excluded. Possible complete or partial intolerance of contact lenses, the risk of clogging of blood vessels with a blood clot increases.

Women's reviews of Marvelon confirm this.

Dosage of the drug, method of use

Take the medication orally. Tablets should be taken without chewing at the same time of the day with a small amount of water. The drug is taken one tablet per day, in strict accordance with the order indicated on the package.

One course of taking the drug is 21 days. You can continue taking the drug after a break of 7 days. A similar schedule is due to the fact that during the seven-day break the patient should have menstruation.

As a rule, menstruation begins within two to three days after taking the last pill of the course. Sometimes it does not end to the onset of a new course of taking the drug.

If hormonal-type contraceptives have not been used before, then it is recommended to start the course of taking Marvelon from the first day of a new menstruation cycle.

It is acceptable to start taking the drug between the second and fifth days of the cycle. In this case, it is important to understand that the necessary contraception effect occurs only after seven days. In this regard, contraception in the first week of the cycle should also include non-hormonal methods of preventing pregnancy.

Women in their reviews of Marvelon birth control pills report that pregnancy sometimes occurs if this rule is not followed.

If the patient proceeds to take the drug after a course of other hormonal contraceptives, then the optimal solution would be to take the first Marvelon tablet the day after the last tablet of the previous drug was taken.

If there is a transition to contraception of the estrogen-progestogen type from progestogen drugs (these include contraceptives in the form of injections, implants, mini-pills), then Marvelon begins to take:

  1. When using mini-drank - any day.
  2. When using an implant - on the day of its removal.
  3. When using injections - on the day of the next proposed injection.

Important: each of these cases of transition should be accompanied by additional methods of contraception during the first week.

If a woman has had an abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy, then she can start taking Marvelon immediately, without resorting to additional contraception.

If the abortion was postponed in the second trimester of pregnancy, or after childbirth, the course should begin at 21 or 28 days. At a later start of the Marvelon course, taking tablets should be combined with barrier-type contraception.

If a woman had sexual intercourse between birth or abortion and the start of the drug before taking Marvelon, pregnancy should be completely excluded.

According to the instructions for the use of hormonal contraceptives, if you miss the next pill, the effect lasts no more than 12 hours. Take the missed tablet immediately as soon as it became known about the pass. In the future, the reception is carried out according to the usual scheme, at a convenient time.

If you exceed the interval of 12 hours, the effect of contraception is significantly reduced.

In the event that the pass was allowed in the first week of the course, Marvelon should be taken as soon as the woman remembered this. Even if this implies the need to take two tablets at the same time.

After this, the course should be continued according to the scheme described in the instructions, and supplemented with barrier-type contraception. It should be borne in mind that if in the previous week a woman had unprotected sex, then she may well be pregnant.

Moreover, the more tablets were missed, and the closer the interruption in admission is to sexual intercourse, the higher the likelihood of becoming pregnant.

If you miss an admission in the second week of the course, you need to take the next pill as soon as the woman remembers the admission. Further, the course continues in the usual mode.

According to women after 40 about Marvelon, such a pass happens very often, but if you take the next pill, pregnancy does not happen.

If the medication was taken stably for seven days before the pass, then there is no need to use additional contraceptives. If in the current week there were also gaps, or at the moment more than one admission was missed, then in the next week the course should be supplemented with barrier contraception.

marvelon reviews women

If you miss the drug in the third week of the course, the effect of contraception decreases. This is due to the fact that in the future there will be a break in the reception of Marvelon. To avoid the need for barrier contraception, you can adjust the course of taking the drug. A prerequisite - during the previous week there should be no passes. Otherwise, when resuming the course of the drug, it will need to be supplemented with other contraceptives.

It is necessary to take the pill immediately after the woman remembers it (even if necessary, take two tablets at the same time). In the future, the course of admission continues according to the usual scheme.

The next packaging of the drug should begin after the second. A break between the two packages should not be done. The probability of the onset of menstruation before the end of the second package of the drug is extremely small. Nevertheless, such a probability exists - some women report weak spotting or rather abundant discharge.

An alternative course adjustment is to stop taking the drug after the first package is over and withstand a seven-day break before taking the second package. In a seven-day break, the days of omissions of the drug should be taken into account.

If menstruation does not occur during the interval between courses, this may indicate pregnancy. The second course should be started only after pregnancy is excluded.

The occurrence of such a side effect as vomiting indicates an incomplete absorption of the drug. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to the recommendations regarding skipping pills.

If you do not want to change the usual scheme of the course of the drug, a woman should supplement the course with one or more tablets from a new package.

If necessary, delay the time of the onset of menstruation, the second package of the drug begins to be taken immediately after the first, without the usual seven-day break. You can postpone your period for any number of days until the end of the second Marvelon pack. During this period, there may be weak vaginal discharge of a bloody type. The usual regimen of the drug is started only after a week's break.

If necessary, move the first day of the menstrual cycle from the date on which it occurs in the usual pill regimen, it is necessary to shorten the break before taking a new package for the required number of days.

The shorter the break in taking Marvelon, the higher the likelihood of the absence of menstruation during this break and its onset while taking a new pack of tablets.

Reviews of women after 30 about Marvelon are presented at the end of the article.


Ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel are low-toxic substances, and therefore the likelihood of side effects that threaten health is extremely low.

If several tablets were taken at the same time, nausea and vomiting, weak spotting from the vagina may be noted.

The drug has no antidotes. If an overdose occurs, symptomatic treatment should be carried out.

We will also consider the reviews of doctors about Marvelon.

marvelon after 35 years reviews

Interaction with other substances

The contraceptive effect of the drug is suppressed by such substances as carbamazepine, rifampicin, griseofulvin, hydantoin derivatives, topiramate, isoniazid, barbiturates, oxcarbazepine, felbamate, primidone.

Along with a decrease in the effect of contraception, profuse vaginal bleeding can occur.

The effect of "Marvelon" is also inhibited while taking it with penicillin and tetracycline antibiotics, activated charcoal, laxatives, chloramphenicol, neomycin.

Marvelon, in turn, inhibits the action of drugs such as oral coagulants, anxiolytics, tricyclic antidepressants, theophylline, caffeine, clofibrate, glucocorticosteroids, antidiabetic drugs.

Terms of sale, storage, expiration dates

The drug is dispensed in pharmacies strictly according to a doctor’s prescription. Keep the drug in a dry and dark place inaccessible to children, at a temperature of 2 to 30 degrees Celsius. The pharmacological properties of the drug remain for three years from the date of release, and the use of "Marvelon" after it is strictly prohibited.

Analogs of Marvelon

According to reviews, the drug we are describing is well tolerated, but if for some reason it did not fit, it can be replaced by another. The following medicines are related to analogues:

  1. Three Merci.
  2. Novinet.
  3. "Regulon."
  4. Mercilon.

Each of these drugs is a combination of ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel. The main difference between them is price. Quite often, when appointing Marvelon, the doctor advises the Regulon as an analogue. If you have a question about which of the drugs is better, you should pay attention to the active substances in the composition. They are identical both in composition and in action. The difference is the country of origin. Marvelon is available in the Netherlands, Regulon in Russia, which is of direct importance in setting the selling price of these drugs.

According to reviews, Marvelon, after 40 years, works better than its counterparts.


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Advantages and disadvantages

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