"Nystatin" or "Fluconazole" - which is better: difference, comparison of compositions, what to choose

Fungal diseases are a common problem that can be solved by the use of effective medications, which are Fluconazole or Nystatin. Their doctors prescribe for many years, that is, they are considered time-tested means. But sometimes it’s not easy to decide, which is better: “Nystatin” or “Fluconazole”? We will deal with this issue in more detail.

Antifungal properties of drugs

To get rid of a fungal infection, medications are used that belong to several groups. They inhibit vital activity and slow down the growth of mushrooms.

nystatin or fluconazole which is better from thrush

So, the drugs are divided into two groups according to the method of exposure. They may be:

  • Local.
  • Systemic.

Local effects have drugs in the form of ointments for external use, vaginal and rectal suppositories. Systemic drugs include tablets or capsules. Against the background of taking these drugs, a therapeutic effect on the body is produced.

When using drugs, it is important to strictly follow the instructions for use. To determine which is better - "Nystatin" or "Fluconazole", we give a description of each medication.

The drug "Fluconazole"

Doctors often prescribe Fluconazole, which belongs to the azole group, for patients. It shows its effectiveness against many fungi, prevents the development of spores and their spread. However, it is worth noting that the tissues and cells of the human body itself do not suffer from Fluconazole.

what is more effective fluconazole or nystatin

This drug has many analogues, which include a similar active substance. The case in point is “Diflucan”; Flucostat et al.

Any of these medicines can be replaced with "Fluconazole" in the implementation of antifungal treatment.

On sale you can find capsules for oral administration and a solution for injection. Depending on what specific disease a person has, doctors select the appropriate treatment regimen. The dosage of the capsules is 50 and 150 mg of fluconazole. In some cases, it is enough to take 150 mg once to recover. If the case is severe and neglected, a simultaneous administration with Nystatin is prescribed.

Medication "Nystatin"

What is better against thrush - "Nystatin" or "Fluconazole", the doctor will tell. In "Nystatin" the active substance is different, it is a polyene antibiotic. In especially difficult situations, its effectiveness is significantly inferior to azoles. “Nystatin” has an effect on the walls of fungal cells, as a result, their internal environment cannot be maintained. The focus of this drug is narrower when compared with Fluconazole, since its activity is limited mainly by fungi belonging to the genus Candida.

what is better from thrush

Fungistatic drug is released in convenient forms. This is about:

  • ointments for external use;
  • tablets for oral use;
  • candlelight.

The course of therapy with Nystatin includes, as a rule, the simultaneous use of several forms of release, so a comprehensive effect is achieved and the best result is achieved.

Combining the intake of Nystatin and Fluconazole is not prohibited, but usually such therapy is not prescribed, since the action of these two drugs in relation to candida overlaps.

nystatin or fluconazole which is better

We continue to find out what is better with candidiasis - "Fluconazole" or "Nystatin." To conduct a complete comparison of drugs, you need to evaluate not only the effectiveness of the effect, but also a list of indications and contraindications.

Indications and contraindications "Nystatin"

This drug is available in several forms, which allows you to use the medicine for therapy:

  • cutaneous candidiasis;
  • vaginal;
  • fungal damage to internal organs;
  • mucosal candidiasis.

The medication "Nystatin" is contraindicated in:

  • individual intolerance to active or auxiliary components;
  • pancreatitis;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines;
  • pregnancy
  • breastfeeding.

Is there a difference between Nystatin and Fluconazole in the indications and contraindications, it is important to find out in advance.

what is better nystatin or fluconazole against thrush

Indications and contraindications "Fluconazole"

This drug has a wide range of indications. It is prescribed for:

  • mycosis;
  • candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • cryptococcosis;
  • thrush;
  • generalized disease.

The drug is prohibited for use:

  • in children under 3 years old;
  • with individual intolerance to the drug;
  • taking certain cardiac drugs;
  • pregnancy and feeding the baby;
  • serious pathologies from the kidneys and liver;
  • exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Before using any of these drugs, you need to consult a specialist. The doctor will necessarily take into account the general condition, the presence of other ailments and the severity of the lesion.

Side effects

What is better from thrush - "Nystatin" or "Fluconazole" in terms of side effects? The negative reactions of the body to taking these drugs are similar. The drugs negatively affect the digestive tract, lead to nausea, abdominal pain, etc. The development of allergies, headaches, and hair loss is also possible.

It is possible to replace “Fluconazole” with “Nystatin” if necessary. It happens that during the treatment of candidiasis, intolerance of the latter is detected.

fluconazole or nystatin

How are thrush treated with Nystatin and Fluconazole

A common type of fungal infection is thrush, it occurs in most women, and men rarely suffer from it. Both partners need to be treated at the same time, sexual intercourse should not be carried out until a full recovery occurs.

Vaginal candidiasis has one feature. The body of even a healthy woman contains a small amount of fungi. This is considered the norm. But if some external or internal factors begin to influence, the fungi become activated, which is fraught with pathological processes.

Due to the occurrence of cheesy discharge from the vagina in this disease, candidiasis is called “thrush”. Women suffer from itching and unpleasant burning sensation, causing severe discomfort.

As a means of therapy, such drugs as Fluconazole and Nystatin are prescribed. Therapy can be oral, in which "Fluconazole" acts as an analogue of "Nystatin", or complex, combining systemic and local effects.

Many patients are interested in what is better - "Nystatin" or "Fluconazole". Consider below the role in the treatment of Nystatin.

What is the role of Nystatin?

When using it, there is a different effect on microorganisms, which depends on the concentration of the active component:

  • if there is a high concentration - the death of fungi occurs:
  • if low concentration - their development slows down.

Vaginal suppositories “Nystatin” have a rather high efficiency. But they do not affect the whole organism. Their use can be supplemented with ointment, which should be applied to the external genital organs, which is very convenient for the treatment of a woman's sexual partner. Tablets can be used for prevention, as well as a comprehensive measure to combat vaginal or intestinal candidiasis.

The drug "Nystatin" can be replaced by "Fluconazole." This is a good alternative. It is often combined with topical preparations, for example, candles. If thrush occurs for the first time, only 150 mg is prescribed once.

nystatin and fluconazole difference

What is more effective - "Fluconazole" or "Nystatin"?

If we consider the antifungal intensity of the action, then “Fluconazole” is clearly more effective. This is confirmed by many clinical studies and analyzes.

For example, in the presence of oral candidiasis (in the mouth), both drugs were used. In adults, after a week of therapy, improvement occurred in 82% of cases from Nystatin and in 91% of cases from Fluconazole. In children, the difference is overwhelming: 32% and 100%. This can be explained by the fact that the action of the suspension of "Nystatin" was carried out only at the place of ingestion in the mouth (in young patients it is difficult to control), and "Fluconazole" worked everywhere. Only a doctor can prescribe medications for candidiasis to a child. In this case, the correct calculation of the dosage according to body weight is important.

We found out that it is better - "Nystatin" or "Fluconazole" with the development of thrush.

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