Vladislav Yama. Achievements and personal life of the dancer

Dancer Vladislav Yama appeared on blue screens 10 years ago. Then he famously lit on the floor with his partner, the famous singer Natalia Mogilevskaya in the television competition "Dancing with the Stars." The energetic athlete with a stylish bald head and bottomless blue eyes won the spectators once and for all.

Vladislav Yama

Lysina Vladislav is a forced measure. The first time he shaved baldly for the Lolita Milyavskaya show. This step was not easy for him. Having beautiful hair, Vladislav Yama (photo will confirm this) sacrificed his hair to image and convenience. Expressive appearance and talent helped Vlad make his way to TV. At the moment, he is a jury member in most show projects on the Ukrainian channel STB. Occasionally appears as an invited coach in the program "Everything is good."

Vladislav Yama photo

A family

Hometown athlete - Zaporozhye. Here he was born on July 10, 1982 in an intelligent family of history teachers. The elder brother of Vladislav is a talented lawyer who successfully works as a judge.

Vladislav Yama met ballroom dancing by chance at the age of five thanks to dad. Walking around the city, father and son went to the ballroom dancing championship and sat there for about five hours. The child did not want to leave the event. At the age of seven, Vladislav Yama became a member of the Zaporizhzhya dance group Krok. Later, he moved to the club of sports and ballroom dance "Fiesta". After he moved to Kiev, he continued training at the Dance Center. It can often be seen at events of the Ukrainian Federation of Modern Dance.


In the first grade, the future famous dancer went to the second gymnasium named after Lesya Ukrainka, then moved to another educational institution.

Vlad Yama in 2003 received a diploma from Zaporizhzhya National University. He studied at the Faculty of Physical Education.

Young trainer

The amazing ability to work and talent of the young athlete allowed him to become not only an excellent dancer, but also to start training at a young age. Already in the 9th grade, Vlad taught dance classes for first graders. At 19, he began to train students of all age categories. The athlete continues to give dancing lessons to this day, is a teacher at Kiev University of Culture. There he graduated from graduate school. Manages a network of dance studios in Zaporozhye, Kiev and Ivano-Frankivsk.

pit Vladislav growth


  • He considers the first place in the open championship of London to be the biggest victory, where he performed in tandem with Martha Bakai. After a year he trained in England under the guidance of world-famous dancers: Richard Porter, Karen Hardy, Sergey Surkov.
  • He is the owner of the Ballroom Dance Cup of Ukraine.
  • Second place in the first season of the project "Dancing with the Stars." A couple of Zelensky - Shoptenko passed Vlad the Pit and Natalia Mogilevskaya.

Personal life

In 2007, Vlad met Liliana. The girl struck the dancer on the spot with her bright appearance. On September 1, 2015, journalists wrote that the couple allegedly legalized their relationship and was expecting a baby. Rumors of a wedding and pregnancy were personally denied by Yama Vladislav Nikolaevich. The personal life of the artist has not changed. He also lives in a civil marriage with his beloved, replenishment is not yet expected, but the couple will be immensely glad if this happens. He calls his wife Liliana for a long time, but the couple is in no hurry to put a stamp in the passport.

Yama Vladislav Nikolaevich personal life

Lifestyle and physical parameters

Vladislav Yama practically does not drink alcohol. Adheres to a sports diet, but loves flour. Sometimes it can break and eat a piece of something forbidden. This happens infrequently, but on Sundays, the athlete relaxes: he sleeps until noon and enjoys the sweet that his beloved spoils him. Liliana perfectly cooks cheesecakes and tiramisu, which Yama Vladislav loves so much. The dancer is 180 cm tall and weighs 75 kg. Vlad’s daily schedule has a legal place for exercise equipment or cardio training. Such excellent physical data is the result of hard work. So sometimes it’s not a sin to eat something high-calorie. The motivation to control yourself is the need to go on stage.

Star diet

As you know, physical activity gives results only in combination with proper nutrition. Vladislav Yama used to limit himself in food. His daily diet looks something like this:

  • Breakfast: any porridge, except oatmeal. Plus four eggs (sometimes the dancer adheres to dietary rules and excludes the yolks).
  • First lunch: chicken breast with rice and asparagus.
  • Second lunch: white fish with salad.
  • Dinner is very light: low-fat cottage cheese, grapefruit or unsweetened apple.

Liliana's beloved girlfriend prepares food. Sometimes they eat at restaurants. But the showman still prefers homemade food, as he does not always find dishes suitable for him on the menu.

Vladislav Yama

A professional athlete does not like hunting and fishing. Beer prefers lemonade. Of purely male hobbies, extreme driving can be distinguished. Now, according to the dancer himself, this helps to cope with riding on Kiev roads. Vlad is relaxing in the gym and on the tennis court.

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