Swelling of the eyelids: causes and solutions

Many people face this problem when there is swelling under the eyes in the morning . If this happens systematically, it means that there is a problem in the body itself, therefore, it is necessary to understand the cause and eliminate it.

Swelling of the eyelids: causes

Most often, this problem overcomes people who drink a large amount of liquid in the evening, especially before bedtime. At night, the work of all body systems is significantly slowed down, and the excess volume of fluid does not find a way out and is collected in the subcutaneous layer.

Each person at least once in his life noticed that after a stormy night in a fun company with a variety of alcoholic drinks, the skin of the face does not look the best, often swelling of the eyelids. The reasons for this lie in the properties of alcohol, since its structure contributes to the retention of fluid in the cells.

Salted products act on the same principle. If during the day you eat foods high in salt, especially smoked foods and various kinds of pickles, then in the morning you should not be surprised that puffiness of the eyelids arose. The reasons for this phenomenon are a violation of the normal water-salt balance.

People with large enough bags under the eyes often observe swelling of the eyelids. The reasons often lie in the stretching of the skin due to the development of hernial sacs. There is an easy way to determine their availability. You should close your eyes and slightly press on the lower eyelid. If there are hernial sacs, then to the touch they will be soft, swollen. In this case, you can get rid of swelling by surgical removal of the bags.

For older people, the appearance of edema is a normal process of skin aging. Indeed, with age, the skin loses its main properties - firmness and elasticity, and the eyelids are no exception.

As you know, physical well-being depends on the stability of the human nervous system. When people are constantly in a stressful situation, many diseases begin to develop, sometimes very serious. And if a person cries from experienced troubles, then this is reflected on the eyelids. Part of the liquid after tears remains in the skin of the eyes and for some time does not appear, which leads to the formation of edema.

The onset of swelling in the eyes may indicate a lack of vitamin B5, which is a very important component that ensures the normal functioning of all internal organs. You can restore balance by carefully selecting your diet. When compiling a daily menu, it is worthwhile to focus on products such as meat, fish, liver, legumes, beets, mushrooms, especially white, cauliflower. Well, of course, you should not forget about dairy products, which are a storehouse of useful trace elements, as well as choose high-quality bread made from whole grains.

If we talk about health problems, then swollen eyelids are a symptomatic manifestation of many pathologies of internal organs, for example, the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system. In some cases, a swollen eyelid is the result of an inflammatory process due to a small injury.

Do not exclude the possibility of a genetic cause of the appearance of edema. After all, such a problem can be passed on from generation to generation by inheritance, as it is inherent in the genotype.

If the health of the body is not subject to any doubts, then to eliminate this little trouble, it is enough to exclude the intake of fluids at a later time of the day, especially alcohol, and make up for the lack of vitamins.

In any case, one should not disregard a phenomenon such as swelling, the causes of which can be caused by the appearance of various disorders in the body.

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