Actor Denis Matrosov: biography, personal life, filmography

Who is Denis Matrosov? Biography, career, artist's work - we will talk about all this in the presented material. We also consider how the actor’s personal life has developed.

early years

Actor Denis Matrosov was born in Moscow on December 10, 1972. The parents of the future artist were engineers. When the boy reached the age of 10, his father suddenly passed away. The blame for the unsuccessful surgical operation, during which there was a medical error. The upbringing of the guy and his younger sister fell on the shoulders of the mother, who never married a second time.

Denis Sailors Biography

From early childhood, the boy dreamed of filming in films. The guy closely watched the events in the world of domestic and foreign cinema. Closer to adulthood, the future artist became interested in theater. After graduating from a regular school in Moscow, Denis Matrosov, whose biography is considered in our material, applied for admission to the Moscow Art Theater, where he was successfully enrolled. After graduating from a prestigious higher education institution, the guy entered the VTU named after Shchepkin. Even during training, Sailors began to participate in small stage productions.

Theatrical activity

In the mid-90s, the young actor Denis Matrosov decided to go to the army. Almost the entire period of service was for him in the artistic troupe of the theater of the Russian Army. The artist worked here until 2002, until he received an offer to move to the more prestigious Mayakovsky Theater. In a new place, the artist began to participate in quite successful projects.

Theatrical works of the artist

During his work in the theater, Sailors Denis Vladimirovich managed to play roles in the following plays:

  • “Crazy weekend”;
  • "Tram" Desire ";
  • "In the bag";
  • “Be healthy, Monsieur!”;
  • “Baby for rent”;
  • "Hello, I am your mother-in-law";
  • "Fatal passion";
  • Hanuma
  • "Madness of Love";
  • "Adventurous family";
  • Gingerbread cookies;
  • "Trap";
  • “Two in the elevator, not counting the tequila”;
  • "Filmmakers."

A television

On television, Denis Matrosov, whose biography interests his fans, appeared in his youth, almost immediately after graduation. At this time, the talented guy received an offer to take part in the filming of a popular children's program called “Visiting a Fairy Tale”.

After a successful debut on television, Sailors decided to try himself as a host. In 1992, the artist signed a contract with the RTR television channel, where he began to release the author's program “6 hundred parts”. In parallel, Denis led the morning entertainment show "Mood", which was broadcast on the TV Center channel. Here, the actor was engaged in a review of events that featured popular print media on their pages.

Denis Sailors personal life

In 2010, Denis Matrosov, whose personal life will be discussed later, became a participant in the entertainment show "Ice and Fire", which was broadcast on Channel One. In the program, the artist happened to prove himself as a skater. Denis's partner was the famous athlete Irina Law. It is worth noting that together young people managed to perform fairly complex tricks on the ice platform.

Work on the radio

In the late 90s, Denis Matrosov, whose biography speaks of him as a versatile person, began dubbing films and animated films. Soon, the artist received an offer to become the host of the Sport-FM radio station. Then for him followed by work at the station RDV (Radio for Adults). Here Sailors received the post of DJ. In 2003, the station was renamed Troika Radio. The artist remained on the air for a year, until he decided to completely devote his life to acting.

Movie debut

Denis Matrosov began acting in films in 1990, while still a student at the Moscow Art Theater. The first work of the artist was the film "Made in the USSR". Here, the aspiring actor played a young photographer named Lech.

actor denis sailors

After a rather successful debut for Matrosov, a period of calm followed. Only in 1996, the young actor got the role of the guy Mitya in the short film “Love on a Raft”. Then Denis began to act in films regularly. The artist was trusted both small and quite noticeable roles. Matrosov’s face became more or less recognizable due to the filming of the films “Stop on Demand”, “Scavenger”. Then the artist played in several series. In particular, he got roles in the series “People and Shadows”, “Two Fates”, “Give Me Life”.

Artist's finest hour

In 2005, Denis Matrosov, whose films were not very successful, was invited to the role of Anton Astakhov in the successful series “Carmelita”. The actor successfully got used to the character's image. Sometimes his minor character attracted even more attention than the main characters of the picture.

Denis Sailors and Maria Kulikova

The next breakthrough in his acting career for Denis Matrosov was shooting in the film "Profile of the killer", which was released in 2011. Here, the actor performed in a rather atypical role for himself. The actor got the role of a strict, serious person - the head of the profiler department by the name of Udaltsov. In 2015, Sailors appeared on the screens in the image of the same character, starring in the continuation of a successful motion picture.


During his career in domestic cinema, Denis Matrosov managed to star in the following films:

  • "Made in the USSR" (1990);
  • “Love on the Raft” (1996);
  • The Garbage Man (2001);
  • “Stop on demand” (2001);
  • The Fatalists (2001);
  • “Do not even think” (2002);
  • “Two Fates” (2002);
  • “Give me life” (2003);
  • “Carmelita” (2005-2010);
  • The New Russian Romance (2005);

sailors denis vladimirovich

  • “My Love” (2005);
  • “Detectives” (2006);
  • “Hold me tight” (2007);
  • “Squirrel in a Wheel” (2007);
  • “From Prison and from Sumy” (2008);
  • “Obsession” (2008);
  • “Snowstorm” (2008);
  • The Cuckoo (2010);
  • “Profile of the killer” (2011);
  • The Other Man (2011);
  • “Happy Ticket” (2012);
  • “All for the better” (2013);
  • “House with Lilies” (2013);
  • “I am no longer afraid” (2014);
  • “Profile of the killer-2” (2015);
  • “Householder” (2016).

Denis Matrosov - personal life

Denis Matrosov has always been popular with a female audience. And this is not surprising, because most often in the movies he got images of heroes-lovers. However, the artist tried to ignore the numerous fans. Even while working in the theater, Denis Matrosov had a relationship with a stage colleague Lyudmila Tatarova.

Young people began to live in a civil marriage, moved to a joint apartment in Moscow. Soon the twin boys were born to the couple. However, the actor decided not to recognize the children, citing the fact that the sons were supposedly born as a result of the betrayal of Tatatarova. Denis's statement led to a great scandal, inflated to an incredible scale in the press and on television. Subsequently, Lyudmila forbade Matrosov to see children for a long 13 years. Denis Matrosov has repeatedly told reporters that he does not consider the boys who were born as a result of an alliance with Tatarova to be his own. The actor even initiated a DNA test. However, Lyudmila noted that she did not need such radical decisions.

Denis Sailors Movies

For a long period after the breakup of relations with Tatarova, the artist was left alone. Then Denis suddenly had an affair with another actress - Maria Kulikova. The young people met during a joint work in the multi-part project “Two Fates”. Denis Matrosov and Maria Kulikova began to live together even before the filming of the series was completed. Officially, the actors entered into a marriage a few years later.

Denis Matrosov and Maria Kulikova lived together happy 14 years. The couple helped each other in the development of an acting career, built a house, gave birth to a child. However, in 2015, for unexplained reasons, the couple broke up. Despite the fact that Denis and Maria are officially divorced, the couple still live in the same house and are engaged in the upbringing of their son.

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