Urinary diathesis is a metabolic disorder in which urate and oxalate accumulate in the body. An elevated level of purines and uric acid is also noted. Over time, this can lead to the development of urolithiasis and gout. How is this pathology manifested? And how to get rid of excess salts in the body? We will answer these questions in the article.
Pathology Description
Urinary diathesis is a disease in which the body has an increased content of calcium salts of uric acid, most often urates and oxalates. Otherwise, this pathology is called uricuria. There are two ways to develop this disorder:
- Salts are formed in an increased amount due to metabolic disorders. Such metabolic disorders can be congenital or acquired. As a result, excess salt settles in the kidneys and then leaves with urine.
- Calcium salts are formed in excessive quantities due to malnutrition. Their appearance is facilitated by foods high in organic acids. If a person abuses meat and fish food, then this can cause an increased concentration of urate. If vegetable dishes prevail in the diet, then the level of oxalates in the urine increases.
The development of pathology is facilitated by dehydration. With a deficiency of fluid, salts are not washed out of the body. In the analysis of urine, a sediment is found in the form of reddish sand. With urinary diathesis in the kidneys, echogenic inclusions are detected. They are determined during an ultrasound examination.
Uricuria is considered a borderline state between norm and pathology. Over time, the patient increases the density and acidity of urine, which contributes to the crystallization of sand. The risk of urolithiasis, which manifests itself in severe attacks of renal colic, is increasing.
Consider the main causes of urinary diathesis. The treatment of this disease largely depends on its etiology. It is necessary to eliminate the factor that causes increased salt formation.
The following reasons can provoke the development of diathesis:
- genetic predisposition to disturbances in the water-salt balance;
- abuse of meat, canned fish, salty, fatty and spicy dishes;
- chronic pathology of the excretory organs;
- injuries and bruises of the kidneys;
- low fluid intake (less than 1.5 liters per day);
- avitaminosis;
- weakened immunity;
- starvation;
- frequent poisoning with diarrhea and vomiting;
- uncontrolled intake of antibiotics;
- systematic physical stress.
Symptoms of urinary diathesis in women are often manifested during pregnancy. During this period, the body is subjected to increased stress. Also, uricuria often occurs with menopause due to hormonal changes.
International Classification of Diseases
The ICD-10 code for urinary diathesis is E79. This pathology refers to impaired metabolism of purines and pyrimidines. Uricuria occurs due to metabolic disorders of these protein compounds.
If the pathology has already passed to the stage of urolithiasis, then its code according to ICD-10 is N20.0. This group includes diseases accompanied by the appearance of calculi in the kidneys.
Symptoms and treatment of urinary diathesis depend on the stage of the pathology. At an early stage, uricemia usually does not cause a person discomfort. The patient does not even assume that he has a violation in the work of the excretory system. Often, diathesis is detected by chance during a clinical study of urine.
Pathology makes itself felt only when a large amount of salt accumulates in the kidneys. Precursors of the acute stage of the disease appear: nausea, diarrhea, irritability, loss of appetite. Then the first symptoms of urinary diathesis occur:
- soreness in the lower back and lower abdomen;
- frequent urination, accompanied by burning;
- reduction in the amount of urine emitted;
- the appearance of bloody impurities in the urine;
- fever.
Very often, patients take these manifestations for signs of cystitis or urethritis. Differentiate uricuria from inflammatory pathologies of the excretory organs is possible only with the help of laboratory tests.
If treatment at this stage is absent, then crystallization of salt deposits occurs. Patients have new symptoms of urinary diathesis:
- swelling of the face and lower extremities;
- high blood pressure;
- headache;
- irritability and frequent mood swings;
- thirst;
- nausea;
- the appearance of acetone from the mouth.
Such manifestations indicate severe intoxication of the body and a disorder in the metabolism of salts and water.
Symptoms and treatment of urinary diathesis in women and men are the same. However, patients can take the initial manifestations of uricuria as signs of a gynecological pathology. After all, inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs are also accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Only a specialist can conduct differential diagnostics, so a visit to a doctor should not be postponed.
Features of pathology in children
Uricuria in young children is often congenital. It is associated with genetic abnormalities in the structure of the kidneys. Also, this disease is often noted in the puberty. The cause of pathology in adolescents is most often malnutrition with an excess of protein in the diet.
Symptoms and treatment of urinary diathesis in a child are the same as in adult patients. However, in childhood, signs of kidney damage are often combined with neuropsychiatric manifestations:
- moodiness;
- fatigue
- deterioration of memory and mental abilities;
- distraction;
- headaches.
Sick children are lagging behind in development, they are difficult to learn. The child has a sharp and unreasonable weight loss.
Many adults believe that diathesis is always accompanied by a rash and itching. However, this is a misconception. The term "diathesis" means a fairly large group of pathologies. Skin rashes are characteristic of an allergic and hemorrhagic form of the disease. Uricuria is not accompanied by a rash. This disease can not be determined by skin manifestations.
Possible consequences
Urinary diathesis is a rather dangerous pathology. Without treatment, this disease can lead to the following complications:
- Gout. The disease is accompanied by the accumulation of uric acid salts in the tissues. These compounds adversely affect the musculoskeletal system. A person has severe pain in the joints. Such a complication develops in 10% of patients.
- Urolithiasis. Over time, salt deposits in the kidneys crystallize and stones form in the excretory organs. When the calculus passes through the ureter, an attack of renal colic occurs. The patient develops unbearable pain in the lower back, which cannot be stopped by the use of conventional analgesics. This condition requires immediate hospitalization, and sometimes surgical intervention.
Urinary diathesis is very difficult to detect at an early stage. Patients very rarely consult a doctor in the early stages, as the disease proceeds without severe symptoms.
A urologist or nephrologist is involved in the diagnosis of this pathology. It is very important to distinguish diathesis from inflammatory diseases of the urinary organs. The following examinations are prescribed to patients:
- clinical urine analysis;
- samples according to Zimnitsky and Nechiporenko;
- blood test for biochemical parameters and pH;
- urine tests for bacteria;
- Ultrasound of the kidneys;
- urography with a contrast agent.
Treatment of urinary diathesis is aimed at reducing the concentration of uric acid in the body. First of all, medications are prescribed that reduce the production of this compound. These include:
- Allopurinol.
- Soluran.
- "Urocyte".
- "Blemaren."
Patients are also shown medications that help remove salts from the body:
- "Fitolizin".
- "Asparkam".
- "Urolesan".
- "Kanefron".
You can find many positive reviews of patients about drops of "Nephrodesis". This is a harmless herbal medicine. It has anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects. Phytopreparation quickly removes salts from the body and prevents complications.
Excess uric acid has a toxic effect on the body. Therefore, patients are recommended to take the sorbent Enterosgel. In order to normalize metabolic processes, multivitamin complexes are prescribed.
If a patient diagnosed with kidney stones, then drugs are indicated that help eliminate stones:
You can only take these medicines with small stones. If the patient has found large calculi, then the use of such funds is strictly contraindicated. Otherwise, the patient will have a severe attack of renal colic. Large stones are only removed surgically.
If the patient develops gout, then taking the drug "Colchicine" is indicated. This is a herbal medicine that effectively relieves joint pain.
Nutrition principles
Effective therapy is not possible without diet. After all, salts are formed in an increased amount with an excess of proteins in the diet and low fluid intake. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the rules of clinical nutrition.
The following products should be completely excluded from the menu:
- fatty meats;
- oily fish;
- soups on meat broth;
- sausages, sausages and sausages;
- smoked meats;
- chocolate;
- pickles and pickles;
- strong tea;
- cocoa;
- coffee.
The restriction of protein in the diet does not mean that the patient must completely abandon meat and fish food. A vegetarian diet is not suitable for everyone, and for children this type of nutrition is completely contraindicated. After all, a growing body needs proteins. Therefore, it is allowed to use low-fat varieties of meat and fish in boiled or baked form.
Meat and fish dishes can only be eaten in small quantities. The basis of the diet should be dairy and vegetable products:
- potatoes (especially sweet varieties);
- pumpkin;
- carrot;
- cauliflower;
- fresh fruits and dried fruits;
- salads from fresh and pickled vegetables;
- soups on vegetable broth;
- all types of cereals and pasta;
- milk;
- sour cream;
- fermented baked milk;
- cream;
- kefir;
- sauces made of milk, sour cream or vegetables;
- White bread;
- biscuits.
It is very important to drink at least 2.5 liters of fluid per day. This helps to wash away salts from the body and reduce urine density. It is recommended to drink fruit drinks from berries, freshly squeezed juices, as well as dried fruit compotes. Alcohol is strictly prohibited, since alcohol promotes dehydration.
Folk remedies can be used as an additional method of treatment. Only the doctor can select the most suitable medicinal plants. Patients are shown taking decoctions and infusions of herbs with a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect. It is important to remember that plant diuretics are strictly contraindicated in the presence of stones.
You can use the following recipes of alternative medicine:
- Dill seeds. You need to take 1 tablespoon of plant material, pour a glass of boiling water and insist for 1 hour. The composition is consumed in 1 tablespoon three times a day.
- Bearberry (bear ears). A tablespoon of the leaves of the plant is poured into a glass of warm boiled water. The composition is heated for 25 minutes in a steam bath, then cooled and filtered. A decoction is consumed 150 ml after each meal.
- Lingonberry leaves. 20 g of dried raw material is poured into a glass of boiling water. The composition is insisted 30 minutes and taken a tablespoon three times a day.
Uricuria can provoke the development of inflammatory processes in the organs of excretion. With such complications, renal teas are indicated. Ready-made collections of medicinal herbs can be purchased at pharmacy chains.
Patients leave positive reviews about the treatment of uricuria with medicinal herbs. The use of teas and decoctions based on cranberry leaves and dill seeds helps to quickly remove salts from the body. The effectiveness of herbal medicine has been confirmed by laboratory tests. At the same time, the reports emphasize that treatment with herbal remedies must necessarily be combined with medication and diet.
With timely diagnosis and treatment, the prognosis of the disease is favorable. However, even after complete removal of salts, the patient remains prone to uricuria. Kidney deposits may reappear. Therefore, such patients need to visit a urologist at least 1 time per year.
If the pathology is complicated by urolithiasis, then conservative therapy is not always effective. In many cases, surgical removal of calculi is necessary. The prognosis worsens significantly if the patient develops chronic renal failure.
How to prevent the occurrence of uricuria? Nephrologists are advised to adhere to the following recommendations:
- drink a sufficient amount of fluid per day (at least 2 liters);
- do not abuse fatty meat, fish and smoked meats;
- enrich your diet with vitamin dishes;
- avoid fasting and excessively strict diets for weight loss;
- timely cure the pathology of the excretory organs;
- take a clinical urine test regularly;
- with a hereditary tendency to form salts, visit a urologist at least 1 time per year.
These measures will help to avoid the accumulation of salts and the appearance of stones in the organs of excretion.