Acne cream Quotlan: customer reviews and efficacy

Healthy, well-groomed skin, free from acne and scars, anyone wants to have, regardless of gender and age. Teenagers, boys and girls, women and men feel much more confident if each of them has no aesthetic defects on the face and body. But as you know, about 80% of young people who have not reached the 20-year milestone, and about half older than 20, complain of the constant or periodic appearance of acne.

Quotlan reviews
Unlike the Quotlan drug, which reviews remind you that it helps eliminate inflammation and skin rashes, most cosmetics do not solve the main problem of getting rid of acne, but only mask acne. How effective is the cream so popular today? Does it really help cleanse the skin of problem areas?

Innovative domestic drug

Quotlan cream, a medical cosmetic product, appeared on the Russian market of drugs relatively recently and managed to establish itself as an effective remedy for acne, inflammation, acne, insect bites, burns and other skin injuries.

Quotlan cream reviews
This gel, along with other medicinal products of this company (Emansi, Quotlan CJSC), is safe, practically does not cause side effects. It is in demand not only in our country, but also abroad.

Advantages of the drug

The advantages of Quotlan cream are many buyers who consider the absence of hormones and antibiotics, alcohol and allergens in its composition. For sensitive people who do not like irritating chemical fragrances, the pleasant news was the presence of a perfume fragrance with a neutral odor in the preparation. What else did customers like “Quotlan” cream in?

Quotlan customer reviews
Reviews praise the convenience of packaging the drug: it can be comfortably placed in a handbag and driver’s first aid kit. A tube with 20 ml of the drug can be taken with you on nature or on a trip.

Composition and properties of components

The Quotlan cream contains 8 components. The main active ingredients are: glycolane, triethylene glycol, ethyl carbitol, cetyl pyridinium chloride monohydrate. The remaining 4 auxiliary components ensure the penetration of medicinal products into the dermis and their effect: glycerin, polyethylene oxide, deionized water and odor neutralizing odors.


This is a bactericidal substance that has a destructive effect against bacteria and other microorganisms. Covering wounds and acne with a thin film, this component has an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin. In addition, it stimulates the process of regeneration of the skin.

Triethylene glycol

It is a viscous substance with disinfecting properties. It prevents the cream from drying out quickly and sticking to the treated surface of the skin. This component is used in small doses in the manufacture of medicines and cosmetics.

Ethyl Carbitol

It is an antimicrobial component used in the manufacture of perfumes and cosmetics as a bactericidal agent and an element that dissolves essential oils.

Designed exclusively for external use. Prevents the appearance of comedones (black dots) and relapses of acne.

Quotlan price reviews


This emollient allows improving metabolic processes in skin cells due to deep penetration into tissues. In doing so, it soothes the skin.

Cetylpyridinium chloride monohydrate

It is a disinfectant with antimicrobial effects. It is part of most medicines and disinfectants, including Quotlan gel. Reviews confirm that this cream perfectly protects the skin and prevents inflammation from reappearing.

Deionized water

This is the water of the highest (deepest) purification, used in the manufacture of medications, for solutions, injections. The purity of such water reaches a maximum, the amount of impurities is not more than 0, 0001%.

Perfume Fragrance

In order to hide all the medicinal and other odors, the manufacturers of the Quotlan-Gel preparation included a light pleasant aroma in its composition. The smell of this component is so weak that many buyers are confident in its absence.

Gel Applications

The indications for therapy with the Quotlan medication, the reviews and opinions of which are extremely positive, are various skin injuries (abrasions, abrasions, cuts, wounds or bruises), sunburn and chemical burns, frostbite, comedones and acne (acne), herpes, dermatitis, peeling, psoriasis, insect bites, prickly heat (both in children and adults), swelling of the skin (with difficult lymph drainage), impaired skin function due to excessive use of makeup and cosmetics. It is also used to cleanse the skin.

Quotlan cream price reviews
Most often, Quotlan acne cream is recommended as a remedy for acne, but its spectrum of action is much wider. It also helps to improve the condition of the skin after diseases associated with metabolic disorders and allergic reactions, in the complex treatment of boils, restores the skin after working with household chemicals, effectively fights fungal infections, and can also be used as a means of hygiene in extreme conditions ( if it is not possible to wash your hands or treat them with a damp cloth “Quotlan” - on a picnic, in a train).

The effect of the drug and contraindications

The protective effect of the "invisible barrier", which occurs due to the activation of the functions of the epidermis, prevents the penetration of aggressive microorganisms into the tissues. Skin disinfection and the absence of a film on its surface after applying the Quotlan gel allows the dermis to breathe freely and be saturated with oxygen. The destruction of pathogenic bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms by the antiseptic effect of the Quotlan cream helps get rid of any inflammation, acne, comedones, and disinfect wounds and abrasions. Judging by the reviews, the drug “Quotlan” also has an analgesic effect. It greatly facilitates the patient’s condition with severe lesions: burns, wounds, bruises, ulcers. Many buyers note the regenerating effect of the miracle remedy: “Quotlan” helps restore tissue structure, even out skin, and get rid of scars and scars.

Quotlan Cream
Contraindications include only one point: individual intolerance to the components of the Quotlan preparation. It is so safe that doctors do not object to its use by pregnant women and to restore the skin of babies. In this case, it is necessary to keep the drug away from children, so that they do not accidentally try an external agent inside.

Quotlan: customer reviews

On forums and social networks, you can identify a whole range of opinions about the popular acne drug: from enthusiastic and grateful to neutral and even pessimistic. Who recommends Quotlan? From experienced "in secret" you can learn that a preliminary visit to a dermatologist significantly reduces the risk of disappointment from a cosmetic product from acne. After all, their occurrence sometimes happens not because of skin, but internal problems: hormonal disorders, malnutrition, gastrointestinal diseases, bad habits, stress or ignoring physical activity. It is for these reasons that you can find reviews of "did, did not help," "smeared, but there were even more of them." For example, if a person prefers fatty, sweet, spicy foods, fast food and alcohol, then the Quotlan cream will receive negative reviews. The one who adheres to a healthy lifestyle, monitors the state of his body, prefers a balanced diet and is actively involved in sports (or home workouts); he will leave mostly positive comments on the use of the drug.

Acne Cream Quotlan
Fishermen and picnic lovers respond with gratitude to this cosmetic product, as it helps them from mosquito bites. Beauticians note that the use of Quotlan gel after aggressive procedures significantly reduces the skin regeneration process . Are there any downsides to a product like Quotlan Cream? A price whose reviews are full of doubts is one of the factors that keeps people from buying. The second factor is the fear of getting a fake instead of the original drug.

Instructions for use

In reviews you can often find information that the safety of the Quotlan drug allows you to apply it at any desired dosage and at any frequency. “I smeared every hour,” “instead of three times I decided to apply 5” - cream manufacturers, oddly enough, agree with these revelations. If you put a little gel on the affected areas with your fingertips, you will soon notice improvements.

Quotlan gel
Marketers say this will happen the next day. But monitoring reviews allows us to understand that this period depends on the initial condition of the skin. Scars, acne, inflammation, boils can be old, so they will have to be treated longer. One of the buyers has enough of the week promised by marketers to completely cure acne, while the other (as the reviews indicate) needs about a month. The gel does not cause allergies and addiction, so its repeated use is as safe as short-term.

Where is it better to buy Quotlan cream?

The price, outraged about which are found on network platforms, is associated with the innovative nature of the product. Any attempts to buy Quotlan gel for little money can turn into a huge disappointment. Also, reviews indicate individual online stores trying to sell the new product at exorbitant prices. The cost of one tube with the drug (20 ml) in pharmacies varies on average from 300 to 450 rubles. At the same price offers Quotlan gel and the manufacturer. In beauty stores and online stores, a standard tube of the drug costs from 400 to 1500 rubles. The second option for packaging the popular gel - 10 ml - will cost less. Having tried the latest domestic-made cosmetic product and appreciated its advantages, you can be convinced of the excellent quality and effectiveness of the drug. Thanks to him, skin problems that seemed unsolvable would be a thing of the past.

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