In the film "Dracula" (2000), the actors with the same tenacity scare and captivate the viewer

At the premiere of the film "Dracula" (2000), the actors and the team of directors will show the public a new vision of this image in comparison with previous films on the same topic. It was unlikely that earlier it occurred to someone to “equip” a bloodthirsty prince or count with a biblical biography.

About the film

On the project "Dracula" (2000), the actors embodied on the screen a literary image from old legends and paraphrases. The idea of ​​a shocking lover of human blood has already been “run in” many times in the world cinema. And this time, the picture “overgrown” the audience’s expectations even before the premiere. I had to rely on previous versions of the story of the legendary vampire.

But the director and the team of scriptwriters did not hesitate to adapt the image of the main character to the sympathies of the modern viewer. This time, the vampire no longer comes from the Carpathian lands of Romania, he lived during the time of Jesus Christ and even was his disciple. The lover of human blood is Judas. The most vile betrayal of all time cost him dearly - the apostle was doomed to eternal life with a curse.

On the project "Prince Dracula" (film 2000), actors and screenwriters were at great risk of "running into" the fierce indignation of the religious public. But the creators of the picture courageously went for it in attempts not only to scare, but also to captivate their audience. The events of the film take place in the Middle Ages, in the pursuit of profit thieves broke into the possession of a mysterious abbey and are going to steal several valuable things.

dracula 2000 actors

But instead of antique treasures, they get only a massive coffin and its "inhabitant". By stupidity, thieves free a lover of human blood and endanger all of humanity.

But the horror is not limited to the bitten victims of a vampire and violence, the storyline captivates with its whirlpool of events.

Gerard Butler

He received an invitation to the role of a vampire in the film when he was 30 years old, the character did not bring him much success. In working on the film "Dracula" (2000), the actors relied entirely on the directions of the director, but Butler was no exception without much experience in the cinema. Serious roles in his career will appear a little later.

Even in childhood, long before adulthood, the actor will be inspired to choose a future profession after a visit to the cinema. The boy himself will beg his mother to lead him to audition for a movie, but Butler will be accepted to the theater for children's roles on the stage. At the age of 12, the little Scot will declare himself to directors and his teachers of acting.

He is predicted a great future, and soon Gerard will meet the expectations of his mentors. At the moment, the actor has already accumulated 20 years of experience in cinema at the highest level.

Butler's career

Gerard Butler was born in 1969 in Scotland, with all his talents, his debut on the screen will take place quite late, only at 28 years old. For some time it will play small roles, and will get the first recognition and popularity after 30 years.

dracula 2000 actors and roles

The actor who played Dracula in the film "Dracula" (2000), after the premiere, will not yet become world famous. Only later will Butler gain recognition as the king of the Spartans. The Scot will also become a model of a diverse actor with experience in action films, comedies and family drama with equal success.
His appearance in the claimed list of celebrities points out to the viewer and critics the big budget and good quality of the picture. At the moment, he is still one of the most sought after actors.

Christopher Plummer

After the premiere of the horror film “Dracula” (2000), the actors and roles in it remained under fierce criticism, but skeptics were more careful in evaluating the most experienced Plummer. Christopher greatly helped his younger colleague in the lead role.

In the role of the "blood" enemy of Dracula named Matthew, he will undoubtedly strengthen the composition of the acting team and the entire crew. With his many years of world-class filming experience, he could give advice not only to his colleagues, but also intervene in directing. Plummer remains one of the most titled people in the history of cinema.

the actor who played dracula in the movie dracula 2000

After decades on the big screen, he only recently was awarded the Oscar - in 2010 - and repeated success after 2 years. In both cases, its secondary roles were appreciated. Also, Christopher can rightfully call himself a great theater actor, with tangible achievements on the big screen, his name sounded even louder on stage.

Plummer's biography

The Canadian was born in 1929. He fell in love with the acting profession during his school years in children's theater productions. But for a long time the young man was preparing to build a career in music and showed great hope in this area. Later he will be carried away by the scene and "turn into a dream." The first role on the big screen will fulfill when he is 29 years old. After that, it will leave its mark in world classics and will be on a par with the most eminent movie masters in the history of Hollywood. Will be known for several "great" films.

prince dracula movie 2000 actors

In his work on the set of the film Dracula (2000), actors from among less experienced filming partners recognized Christopher's high class. His role will gather around him the least complaints from critics and viewers at the box office.

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