Anyone who has been monitoring a child for 1-3 years, knows how difficult it is sometimes to prevent some dangerous situations. For example, when a child decides to taste the detergent or finds a sharp object and tries to put it in the nose, knowing the world. At this age, children are very inquisitive, and the instinct of self-preservation is not always on the alert. More often, another instinct triggers - the researcher, because the baby wants to know everything at once! But how to keep track so that children do not eat what is not needed. For example, if a child swallows a bone from a plum, how dangerous is it? Do I need to do something, or wait until she comes out? What are the complications of such a “meal”?
Summer is a dangerous time for kids
Summer is a great time for children. They feel free from excess clothing, constant restrictions in home games. During this period, parents try to actively heal their child a year in advance. To do this, they organize various field trips, vitamin purees and just eating fruit. Here the danger of small children lies in wait. Even the most attentive and loving parents can not always keep track of the fact that the child spits out fruit bones on time. It may happen that a child accidentally swallows a stone from a plum. In this case, you do not need to panic, but you should not relax. After all, this is still a foreign object! Parents should know what will happen if she does not come out on her own and who to contact in this situation.
What is dangerous bone from plum?
The stone of this fruit has sharp edges and large sizes. This form is the main danger to babies. No one can predict how it will turn in the stomach or esophagus. If it is stuck across there, it can damage the walls of the esophagus, which will adversely affect the health of the child. Therefore, do not neglect timely medical care.
Features of the esophagus of the child. When can not push an object?
If a
child swallows a bone from a plum, it "travels" through the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. But its first obstacle is three physiological bends of the esophagus. This organ in all children and adults is of individual size and diameter. In small ones, the narrowness of any of the bends can be observed. Sometimes in such cases, the bone becomes transverse and does not pass either liquid or food.
Is it dangerous to swallow a bone from a plum? The danger arises when it blocks the respiratory throat (not being there, the bone compresses it), while breathing is immediately complicated, it becomes impossible to push it with food or take a sip of liquid.
How to behave if a child swallows a stone from a plum?
The shape of this item causes a threat to the health of the baby. In such situations, parents in a panic are trying to help their child. After all, they worry, calculating what will happen if they do not immediately help the child.
In this case, it is important not to panic. Trying to push an object is also not necessary - you can only worsen the situation. Some parents try to induce vomiting, feed the child so that he quickly empty the intestines, drink more water for the same purpose. If a boy or little girl swallows a bone from a plum, what should be done in this case? Parents need to know this, and they must also have an idea of what cannot be done.
When swallowing a bone from a plum, it is prohibited:
- plentifully feed or drink the baby;
- make him eat bread crust, as is done when swallowing a bone from fish;
- help the child with emetics or laxatives. They can cause even greater damage to the walls of the esophagus.
Symptoms requiring immediate medical attention
If an adult or a child swallowed a bone from a plum, the symptoms indicating an urgent appeal to specialists are similar:
- the person is ill, and he complains of nausea;
- pain may occur in the abdomen, which does not pass for a long time, but only intensifies;
- if vomiting occurs more than 2-3 times, it is considered repeated, and this is a direct indication for medical intervention;
- with the appearance of blood in the feces, one should also not delay a visit to the doctor, but prevent possible complications.
First aid for a baby up to 1 year old if he chokes on such a bone
Unfortunately, young children often do harm to themselves. The same is with swallowing foreign objects. If a child swallows a bone from a plum in a year, there is a high probability that he will choke on it. In this case, you need to immediately call an ambulance. But before her arrival, parents can help their baby:
- to lay the crumbs on the forearm so that the face is pointing down;
- support the back and chin;
- with the edge of the palm of your hand, make a few medium-sized strokes between the shoulder blades, with such manipulations the bone should come out if it does not manage to go far into the body;
- if she didn’t come out, it is necessary to turn the baby on his back, lay him face down on his knees, then slowly push his fingers just below the baby’s chest.
How to help a child after a year by swallowing a stone from a plum?
If, from the age of one year, a little boy or girl swallows a stone from a plum, what should parents do in the first minutes after this problem is discovered?
In this situation, a method is applied that resembles pushing a bone from a plum. The baby needs to be clasped in the area between the navel and sternum. At this point you need to press a little, then sharp upward strokes (up to five times) follow, which seem to squeeze out this small object.
Methods for the diagnosis of a foreign body in the digestive tract
If a person swallows a bone from a plum, you need to listen to your feelings. It is easy for an adult to do this. In addition, the risk of complications is reduced, because the esophagus and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract are relatively larger than children.
In order to determine exactly where the bone is and whether it is there at all, modern diagnostic methods are used:
- An examination by a specialist of the pharynx, larynx, assessment of clinical manifestations is important. He should see if the walls of the esophagus are intact. In case of damage, it is necessary to determine the depth of the scratch in order to further decide on the use of surgical intervention.
- X-ray of the esophagus when swallowing the bone is performed in two projections: directly and sideways. This is important because it may not be visible in one shot. After all, it can be turned by a rib or is located unclear. Therefore, specialists always try to be confident in their diagnosis.
- Esophagoscopy is also performed in some cases. This is not a very popular procedure, some do not even know about its existence. But if a person swallowed a bone from a plum or some other object, it is esophagoscopy that will be a good diagnostic method or a way to solve this problem. The procedure is that a stiff esophagoscope or fiberscope, which is softer, is inserted into the esophagus, and then you can examine its inner surface. With the help of such a manipulation, you can not only detect where the bone is stuck, but also remove it. It is also possible to see if there are wounds on the walls of the esophagus. Esophagoscopy is used for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.
Removal Methods
If it so happened that the child swallowed the plum stone, parents need to be extremely attentive to his condition. At the very first deterioration, which we have already considered, you need to urgently consult a doctor.
If the baby usually behaves, there are no difficulties in breathing, blood in the feces, he is active and mobile, you need to carefully monitor the time of bowel movement and the number of excreted feces and examine them for the swallowed object. When he appeared, it was no longer worth worrying, because everything worked out fine. But if the bone does not appear the first day, the second, you still need to consult a doctor. Here the danger lies not only in the sharp corners of the bone. It is plum bone under the influence of chemical reactions in the stomach that is capable of secreting a poisonous substance - hydrocyanic acid. It can also be dangerous for a child’s health.
Therefore, parents, be careful and watch what your baby does and what eats! This will help to avoid problems and hazardous situations.