What is Luminal? Instructions and indications for this medication will be discussed below. We will also talk about the pharmacological properties of this medication, its side effects and contraindications.
The composition of the drug and the form of release
What does the Luminal medication contain? Instructions for use report that the composition of this drug includes such an active ingredient as phenobarbital. Also, the agent under consideration includes the following additional components: potato starch, gelatin, talc and calcium stearate.
The drug "Luminal", the indications of which are presented below, goes on sale in the form of a powder intended for the preparation of an injection solution. Also, this tool can be purchased in the form of 100 mg tablets, which are packaged in contour cells and paper packaging, respectively.
Therapeutic effect of the drug
What is a medicine like Luminal? Instructions for use claims that this tool has sedative, hypnotic and anticonvulsant effects.
The medication in question is capable of exerting a depressing effect (non-selective) on the human nervous system, as well as suppressing some areas (often sensory) of the cerebral cortex, reducing motor activity, and developing sedative effect and drowsiness.
The drug "Luminal", the instructions for use of which is in a paper bundle, is a very strong barbiturate. Its sedative-hypnotic properties are due to inhibition of the activity of cells that activate the reticular formation of the nuclei of the thalamus, brain stem, thereby inhibiting the interaction of these structures with the cerebral cortex.
Drug features
What is remarkable about the Luminal medication? Instructions for use (this remedy is prescribed very often to newborns) states that the sleep caused by this barbiturate has a completely different structure compared to the physiological one. As a rule, the development of a hypnotic effect after the use of this medication develops in 35-65 minutes and lasts for 6-9 hours.
We can not say that the drug in question exhibits pronounced anticonvulsant properties. They are due to the effect of the drug on certain areas of the nervous system. When using this medication in patients, the excitability of neurons in the epileptogenic zone is reduced, which prevents the appearance and spread of impulses. Also, with the use of Luminal, blocking of high-frequency discharges of neurons and an increase in the threshold of electrical stimulation in the motor areas of the cerebral cortex are noted.
Among other things, the medication in question is characterized by a small anesthetic and antihyperbilirubinemic effect. Also, an increase in the body's reactions to painful stimuli is not ruled out.
Small dosages of Luminal have a calming effect, while high dosages inhibit breathing, medulla oblongata centers, etc.
Kinetic features
Is Luminal absorbed? Instructions for use informs that inside the body it undergoes slow and complete absorption. The bioavailability of this agent is approximately 80%, and the association with plasma proteins is about 30%.
The active component of this drug passes into breast milk, as well as through the placenta. In addition, it is able to be distributed in the tissues of the fetus.
Withdrawal of Luminal occurs through the kidneys in an unchanged form and in the form of metabolites. Phenobarbital is characterized by a rather pronounced cumulation. Impaired kidney function prolongs its action.
The drug "Luminal": indications for use
The medicine in question is prescribed not only for adults, but also for newborn children. As a rule, it is used for:
- hyperbilirubinemia;
- epilepsy;
- tetanus (for adjuvant therapy);
- therapy of acute convulsive attacks.
It can not be said that this remedy can be prescribed in combination treatment as a sedative in order to eliminate anxiety, fear and tension.
Prohibitions to use
Now you know under what conditions patients are prescribed Luminal. Indications for use of this medication have been listed above. As for contraindications, then they include such as:
- high sensitivity to the drug;
- severe damage to the kidneys and liver;
- various forms of porphyria;
- lactation and pregnancy.
Medication "Luminal": instructions for use for children and adults
The use of this medication should be strictly according to the indications. Its use requires the selection of a personal therapy regimen, dosage, and also duration, which depends not only on the type of the ongoing disease, but also on the patient's age and other features.
According to the instructions, the average single dosage of the drug in question for adults is 10-200 mg. Take such pills 1-3 times a day.
As for newborns, for them the dosage of the drug is calculated taking into account body weight (1-10 mg / kg of weight three times a day).
If an infusion form of the drug is used to treat diseases, the dosage for adults is 100-1400 mg (for intravenous infusion) or 10-200 mg (for intramuscular injection).
The calculation of the children's dose of the medication in question is also performed taking into account the weight of the child.
According to experts, after the intravenous administration of Luminal, its maximum effect is achieved within 35 minutes.
Side effects
Does the drug “Luminal” have a negative effect on the human body? Instructions for use (this remedy is not prescribed for allergies) states that during treatment with this medication a patient may develop various side effects that affect all important organs and systems. Undesirable symptoms are manifested by weakness, fatigue, drowsiness, depression and ataxia. It is also possible the development of thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, allergic reactions and impaired calcium metabolism.
Overdose cases
In case of an overdose of Luminal, patients very often experience headaches, nystagmus, dizziness, ataxia, breathing problems, lethargy, weakness, speech impairment, drowsiness, changes in body temperature, agitation, blood pressure malfunctions, etc. In more complex cases, there are: bradycardia or tachycardia, pulmonary edema, confusion, arrhythmia, coma, pneumonia, and so on.
To eliminate such symptoms, gastric lavage is prescribed, as well as detoxification treatment.
Drug Interactions
The use of this drug in combination with drugs that inhibit NS, methylphenidate or MAO inhibitors increases the concentration of its active substance in the plasma, which leads to an increase in toxic effects and inhibition of NS.
The combination of Luminal with corticosteroids, chloramphenicol, corticotropin, dacarbazine, cyclosporin, digitalis glycosides, quinidine, metronidazole, tricyclic antidepressants, carbamazepine, anti-seizure drugs belonging to the succinimide group, doxiculinin fenfrom, antiphenylbenzophenamine biphenylbenzene, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory drugs the action and intensity of these drugs, enhance their metabolism, as well as the load on the liver.
Parallel treatment with acetazolamide can contribute to the development of rickets and osteomalacia. Valproic acid increases the concentration of phenobarbital in the blood, which causes a pronounced sedative effect and lethargy.
The use of Luminal in conjunction with nimodipine, Verapamil and felodipine reduces their concentration in the blood.
The combination of this medication with maprotiline enhances its inhibitory effect on the NS, reduces the anticonvulsant effect of barbiturates and the convulsive threshold.
The active component of Luminal can reduce the effectiveness of paracetamol and contribute to the development of hepatotoxicity. When combined with folic acid, the effectiveness of phenobarbital decreases.
Pyridoxine reduces the concentration of phenobarbital in the blood, and felbamate and primidone, on the contrary, increase it.
Analogues of the drug and its price
The main analogues of the drug in question are such funds as Barbinal and Dormiral.
The cost of Luminal tablets (100 mg, 10 pcs.) Is 1100 rubles and above.
Special information
The simultaneous administration of Luminal with ethanol, as well as ethanol-containing agents, can significantly enhance the inhibitory effect of the drug on the patient’s nervous system. Therefore, alcoholic beverages and other medicinal tinctures for alcohol during treatment with this tool are contraindicated.
Most of the reviews about this drug are left by parents of young children. They claim that the medicine “Luminal” fights well with diseases such as epilepsy and convulsive conditions. Also, this medication is often used as part of a combination treatment, supplement it with painkillers.
Many patients talk about the high effectiveness of Luminal. However, they immediately stipulate that when taking this tool should strictly monitor its dosage and combination with other drugs.
Sometimes the medicine in question is used to treat people with vegetative-vascular dystonia, which is accompanied by attacks of panic attacks. Treatment with this tool helps to normalize the patient’s condition, especially if it was additionally medications that dilate blood vessels and relieve cramping.