Victoria Bonya: biography. Victoria Bonya and her husband

victoria bonya biography

The famous TV presenter and beauty Victoria Bonya, whose biography will be considered in this article, attracts the attention of millions of men. The girl managed to be realized not only in her career, but also in her personal life. Many people think that Bonya is a good pseudonym, but in fact this is the real name of the girl.


Vika was born on November 27, 1979 in the small town of Krasnokamensk. Mom and grandmother brought up the girl, since dad left them when Bonnet was only 2 years old. There wasn’t enough money in the family, so they saved on everything. A popular TV presenter with heartache recalls how they ate only pasta and wore only boots on all. The grandmother played a huge role in the education of Vicki, as she instilled in the girl a correct understanding of the world.

As a child, Bonya suffered from many complexes, so any criticism was a terrible blow for her. Most of all, the girl was teased by her lips, which in the future became a real dignity of beauty. Victoria Bonya, whose weight at the moment is only 52 kg, considered herself an ugly duckling. A slender and dark girl stood out among her peers, who strove to humiliate and prick her.

Victoria Bonya and her husband

The first step to fame

At 16, Bonya decides to take a serious step and moves to the capital. There, of course, no one was waiting for her, and the girl had to start from scratch. She got into a local bar as a waitress. Victoria Bonya, whose biography began to be filled with unexpected and vivid events in this period, did not give up. The future star entered the university in Moscow and in 2003 graduated from the Faculty of Economics. A year later, the girl graduated from the Ostankino television school.

Many believe that Vika lived only at the expense of wealthy patrons, but she denies this. According to Boni, all her relationships were built solely on mutual sympathy. With one of her fans, Vika moved to America, where she devoted most of her time to sports and meditation. But Russia constantly beckoned her, and Bonya eventually returned home.

Victoria Bonya 2013

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In 2006, the girl got on a famous television project. Reality shows have become more popular thanks to Bon. Her relationship with the bright Stepan Menshikov was watched by millions of viewers. On the project, Vika lasted 338 days. During this time, viewers were able to consider all the facets of the girl's character. At first she was a “good girl” and did not take part in intrigue, but in the end she succumbed to the specifics of the show and even participated in a fight with another participant. After Menshikov, Boni had an affair with Anton Potapovich on the project.

Life after the project

Victoria Bonya, whose biography cannot but surprise, after she left the project, returned home and just relaxed and enjoyed the fact that no one else was following her. Thanks to the project, the girl became very famous, and already in 2007 she was invited to the TNT channel. There she was offered to become the host of the Cosmopolitan. Video version. " In addition, a girl with a bright appearance was invited to appear in their videos by famous singers - Timati and Dima Bilan. Also, beauty Victoria Bonya could be seen on the covers of many magazines. The star’s popularity went wild, now she was invited to participate in fashion shows, in advertising various brands, and even offered a role in some films, for example, in the movie “Is Mom Better!” In 2012, she became the host of the famous reality show "Holidays in Mexico-2." Moreover, she had to fulfill the functions of not only the host, but also the psychologist: Victoria Bonya conducted constant discussions with the participants. 2013 gave the girl the opportunity to get into the HSE, a well-known television project on Channel One. In addition, the famous TV presenter has a number of awards, for example, in her collection there is a prize of a stylish TV presenter, reality show stars, as well as the title of the sexiest girl in Russia according to the popular French magazine. Now Vika is launching her own line of cosmetics, which will help all women to feel beautiful. She is also a leading radio station in Monaco, which began broadcasting in Russian.

Victoria Bonya House 2

Personal life

Victoria Bonya, whose biography is full of details about her vibrant personal life, first entered into a serious relationship with the Spartak football player. According to the girl, at the first meeting it seemed to her that she had known the young man all her life. Although the man was 7 years younger than Vicki, was married and had a son, their romance developed very rapidly. But the passion passed, the couple broke up. Relations lasted only 3 months.

victoria bonya weight

Victoria Bonya and her husband

Now the star has decided, and in her life there is a beloved man to whom she gave her daughter. Alex Smerfit came to Vicki’s life by accident, they met at a dinner with a close friend. After we got to the presentation of the video by Vlad Topalov, where the girl was surrounded by journalists. So Alex found out that Vika is very popular in Moscow. Her friend told her that this young man is very rich and, according to rumors, a womanizer, which pushed Victoria away. However, the guy was persistent and still won her heart. A month later, they already lived together and literally did not part for a minute. In 2012, Vika gave birth to her beloved daughter Angelina. According to the TV presenter, the girl is growing by leaps and bounds, and is becoming more and more like her dad. Since the beloved and daughter live in Monaco, Bonya is literally torn between the two countries. Despite all these events, most recently, Vika and Alex announced that they were not going to officially register their marriage, since they were just tired of such questions, and now this is a matter of principle.

Hobbies stars

In addition to her social life, Victoria was engaged in charity work and actively helped orphanages. According to Boni, her real passion is street racing. She really enjoys driving at high speed. Driving a car in such situations, Vika was taught at the school of extreme driving. The famous TV presenter could be seen even in some competitions. A significant part of the girl’s time is occupied by religion. She visits churches and monasteries, and also helps the parish. Victoria Bonya, whose biography turned out to be like a fairy tale about Cinderella, considers herself lucky, as she was realized both in love and in her career.

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