Picamilon and alcohol: compatibility, interactions and consequences

Picamilon is a popular nootropic drug that improves blood circulation in the brain. It has the ability to enhance cognitive function, improve memory, and prevent the development of dementia. What happens if you mix Picamilon and alcohol? How dangerous is this and what consequences should be expected from such a mix?

The release form of the drug "Picamilon"

The drug is produced in two versions:

  • biconvex tablets, white;
  • ampoules with a solution for injection.

Composition: nicotinoyl-gamma-aminobutyric acid, sodium salt in combination with excipients (talc, calcium stearate, starch).

"Picamilon" refers to a group of nootropics. Able to restore blood circulation to the brain.

"Picamilon" with alcohol can be used

Indications for use

Neuropathologists and psychiatrists prescribe the drug to their patients in the following conditions and diseases:

  • asthenia;
  • anxiety;
  • trouble sleeping
  • delayed psycho-speech development in children and adolescents;
  • dementia
  • encephalopathies of various origins;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • cerebrovascular accident due to traumatic brain injury and concussion.

The drug is usually well tolerated. Cases of overdose have not been recorded.

Pharmacological action of the drug

"Picamilon" quickly and effectively improves blood circulation to the brain. Reduces the resistance of cerebral vessels by stimulating the speed of blood flow. Pharmacology defines the effect of the drug as nootropic and psychostimulating.

It is long in the tissues of the body and quickly excreted through the urinary system. Bioavailability is from 50 to 80%.

Picamilon tablets and alcohol

Contraindications to taking "Picamilon"

The following contraindications to the use of "Picamilon" in tablet and injection form are the following conditions and diseases:

  • chronic renal failure;
  • children's age up to three years;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • chronic glomerulonephritis.

An indirect contraindication is other kidney diseases, the course of which taking Picamilon may complicate due to the concentration of metabolites in the tissues of the urinary system.

Side effects "Picamilon", not related to the use of alcohol

In the first week of taking "Picamilon" causes the following side effects (observed more often in elderly people and children):

  • headache;
  • dizziness, weakness;
  • slight nausea after eating;
  • in rare cases, diarrhea and digestive upset;
  • toxic hepatitis with prolonged and uncontrolled intake of high doses.

In most cases, side effects disappear without a trace from the second week of administration. The total duration of Picamilon therapy is about two to three months. The exact dosage is determined by the attending physician - psychiatrist or neurologist.

Is it possible to use Picamilon with alcohol, will be described below. You will also learn about the consequences of such compatibility.

Picamilon and alcohol

Features of the influence of alcoholic beverages on the central nervous system

We have already found out that nootropics have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system and brain cells. And what effect does alcohol have on these body systems?

To begin with, it is important to understand that intoxication, euphoria and a change in consciousness of a person are obtained due to the intake of ethanol in the blood. This substance is the strongest poison that causes paralysis of the nervous system. For this reason, we observe all the main symptoms of intoxication:

  • inappropriate behavior
  • loss of control over your behavior,
  • poor coordination of movements (falls, bruises, injuries);
  • memory losses,
  • the possibility of developing alcoholic psychosis or delirium.

These are those aspects that relate to the functioning of the nervous system. In this article we will not consider and focus the reader on the action of ethanol on internal organs.

It does not matter what kind of drink was drunk: beer, wine, expensive cognac or champagne, moonshine and vodka - all of them have one principle of action on the body. This is the toxic effect of ethanol on all systems. Often patients have the erroneous opinion that if you prefer the abuse of an expensive and high-quality alcoholic drink, then it will pass without health consequences. This is not true. Ethanol is the same everywhere - only additives, flavors, malt and other components of the drink are different.

what can be combined with nootropics

Mixing Nootropics with Alcohol

Nootropics are medicines designed to increase cognitive abilities, quick wits, improve memory, facilitate learning and the assimilation of new information by students and schoolchildren. This is exactly what Picamilon possesses. Alcohol and other psychoactive substances are strictly forbidden to mix with nootropics.

Here is a list of the possible consequences of taking nootropic drugs with ethanol-containing drinks at the same time:

  • bradycardia or tachycardia;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • dyspnea;
  • heart failure development;
  • visual and auditory hallucinations;
  • inappropriate behavior, unmotivated aggression, increased anxiety;
  • at high doses and heavy drinking - premature development of psychosis and delirium (in the absence of sleep).

Almost all of these conditions require medical intervention and hospitalization of the poisoned person. We are talking about severe poisoning, only in this case, it is not the internal organs that suffer, but the brain and central nervous system, as well as the cardiovascular system.

Can Picamilon be taken with alcohol, and if so, in what dosage? Any neuropathologist will give a definite answer to this question: it is impossible. While taking nootropic drugs, you need to minimize the use of even scanty doses of ethanol-containing drinks. If there is an opportunity to refuse them completely - wonderful, it is better to do so.

compatibility of Picamilon with alcohol

The effects of a combination of Picamilon and alcohol

Since the drug is a nootropic, everything written above about the combination of this class of drugs with alcohol also applies to it.

Can I drink Picamilon with alcohol? The answer is unequivocal: no. On the course of treatment with psychotropic drugs, drinking alcoholic beverages (and even more so the abuse of them) leads not only to acute intoxication and the development of a hangover syndrome. The consequences are much more serious. These are irreversible lesions of the cardiovascular and central nervous systems.

There can be no talk of compatibility of Picamilon with alcohol for a person who at least slightly values ​​his state of health and mental adequacy.

Here is a list of possible consequences after taking high alcoholic beverages with Picamilon therapy:

  • toxic hepatitis, acute liver failure;
  • exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis;
  • the development of alcoholic psychosis (which is not treated at home, as the patient becomes completely inadequate and dangerous to others);
  • the development of alcohol delirium (visual and auditory hallucinations when exiting binge);
  • memory lapses, inappropriate behavior;
  • multiple death of nerve cells (neurons), which subsequently is either completely impossible to recover, or only partially.

There are currently no reviews for Picamilon and alcohol - their joint use. Apparently, there are few such risky individuals who are ready to sacrifice their health for the sake of such an experiment.

mixing Picamilon with alcohol

Symptoms of acute intoxication with nootropics in combination with alcohol

If you witnessed the following condition in a person, then most likely he took nootropic drugs, including Picamilon, after alcohol (or during drinking):

  • dilated pupils;
  • incoherent speech;
  • inappropriate behavior;
  • tachycardia, arrhythmia, jumps in blood pressure;
  • psychotic reactions (unmotivated aggression, tremor, twitching of limbs, nervous tics);
  • nausea and profuse vomiting.

Such symptoms can develop both together and separately. As you can see, alcohol and Picamilon cannot be called compatible.

The consequences of their joint use are quite difficult to diagnose. Many modern chemical drugs give similar symptoms. It can only be asserted that the reason for intoxication lies in the mixing of Picamilon metabolites with ethanol, only special analyzes and examinations are possible.

Nevertheless, many patients still have the question: "Is it possible to take Picamilon with alcohol?" No, it is absolutely impossible to do this! This fact will be confirmed by any narcologist or neuropathologist.

Are there any reviews on the compatibility of Picamilon and alcohol?

On forums (mainly, it’s a community of alcohol chat enthusiasts), questions about this combination are sometimes encountered. The compatibility of Picamilon and alcohol and the consequences of such use are of interest to many people.

Alas, there are simply no reviews with reliable information on this issue. The reason is that even if the unlucky experimenter dares to test the effect of the nootropic in combination with an alcoholic drink, he will most likely be hospitalized, and there will be no time for reviews on Internet resources.

You can use "Picamilon" with alcohol or not - everyone decides for himself. The consequences after reading this article are known.

what will happen if you drink "Picamilon"

First aid for intoxication with alcohol decay products and drugs

What help should a person give if he decides to test the compatibility of Picamilon and alcohol with himself:

  • provoke vomiting in him in order to free the stomach from the dangerous mixture as soon as possible;
  • if the patient does not show aggression - give him drink as much clean water as possible (try to arrange an imitation of gastric lavage at home);
  • give the patient a large dose of enterosorbents - activated carbon or Enterosgel.

These actions may help if the patient is adequate. And if he shows inadequacy, experiences sound or visual hallucinations? In this case, you can’t hesitate: urgently call an ambulance. It is necessary to immediately warn the attendant that the patient begins delirium. They will send a team with a psychiatrist, and the sick person will most likely be taken to a hospital to treat the effects of intoxication.

Drug dependence on "Picamilon"

After reading the above information, you may get the opinion that Picamilon is a dangerous drug. This is not true. Picamilon is one of the safest and most proven nootropics for years. That's just to combine "Picamilon" and alcohol is prohibited.

It is believed that "Picamilon" can cause drug dependence. It is a myth. Nootropics do not cause either psychological or physical dependence, even with prolonged use.

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