Low Cost Throat Pills: List

Sore throat is a frequent companion to fall days. This condition almost always develops in parallel with viral diseases and requires both local treatment and general therapy. After getting rid of the main symptoms, the patient should take up an increase in immunity in order to reduce the number of colds in the future. Low-cost throat pills are a simple way to topically treat the mucous membranes. Thanks to them, you can almost immediately get rid of discomfort: perspiration, pain, swelling. The article provides a list of inexpensive absorbable pills for sore throat. Based on the presence of contraindications, the characteristics of the course of the disease, each patient will be able to choose the optimal remedy for himself.

Classification of tablets for sore throat

All drugs can be divided into groups according to the principle of action on the mucous membrane of the throat:

  • antiseptic drugs kill pathogenic microflora on the surface of the mucosa;
  • with anesthetic - contribute to local anesthetic effect;
  • with an antibacterial component - prevent the spread of pathogenic microflora to a large area of ​​the mucous surface of the throat;
  • antihistamines are suitable for people whose sore throat is triggered by an allergic reaction;
  • immunomodulatory prevent mucosal damage to viruses in the future;
  • combined combine several directions of influence.
remedies for sore throat for a child

How to choose for yourself inexpensive, but effective sucking throat pills? If a person has been ill for several days, and the sore throat only intensifies and there are other signs of a cold (tearing, fever, weakness, digestive upset), then combined drugs should be preferred. They must have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. A good choice is Lizobakt, Grammidin.

If a cold has just begun, and while the throat is only slightly tickling, you can choose inexpensive sucking pills for the throat, in which there may not be an antibiotic or a potent anti-inflammatory component. These can be Septolete lozenges, Strepsils lollipops. Often at the beginning of the development of a cold, it is quite enough to drink moderately hot tea with natural honey and take albeit inexpensive, but effective sucking pills from the throat. As a result of timely treatment, the virus simply does not have time to multiply and a catarrhal disease does not worsen. The sooner you start therapy, the better.

how to quickly get rid of a sore throat

List of the most effective drugs

Among the variety of inexpensive absorbable tablets from the throat, the most popular and popular drugs in pharmacies can be distinguished:

  • Hexoral Tabs;
  • Laripront
  • Strepsils
  • "Faringosept";
  • Septolete;
  • "Lizobakt."

Each of these drugs has its pros and cons. Customer reviews are different: someone chose one type of tablets for themselves and, at the first sign of an ailment, immediately acquires the package, and for someone, all the drugs on this list were almost useless. As a result, a person is forced to continue to sort through drugs in search of a better option for himself. Inexpensive throat pills should meet the following patient requests:

  • bring relief as quickly as possible;
  • freshen breath;
  • taste good;
  • kill pathogenic microflora on the throat mucosa;
  • prevent the occurrence of pain for the longest possible period of time.

"Hexoral Tabs": instructions, indications and contraindications

The main active ingredients of the drug are chlorhexidine dihydrochloride (it has a local antiseptic and pathogenic microflora-damaging effect) and benzocaine, as well as excipients: menthol, thymol, peppermint oil. Inexpensive pills for treatment of throat "Hexoral Tabs" are intended primarily to get rid of unpleasant symptoms of pain when swallowing, dryness and discomfort in the tonsils, perspiration in the initial stages of the development of colds.

Contraindications to the use of "Hexoral Tabs": the presence on the surface of the mucous membrane of wounds and ulcers, a low concentration of cholinesterase in plasma. During pregnancy and lactation, the feasibility of using the drug should be discussed with your doctor.

The price of Hexoral Tabs varies (depending on the number of tablets in the package) from 160 to 300 rubles. The drug is indicated for use with pharyngitis, laryngitis, colds, flu, gingivitis and stomatitis. It can also be used to treat these pathologies in children under 4 years old.

"Laripront": instructions for use for sore throat

The main active components of the drug:

  • Dequalinium chloride (an active antiseptic component that suppresses both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, has a mucolytic effect, that is, it makes the drug effective also in fighting cough);
  • lysozyme hydrochloride (harmful to gram-positive bacteria).

In the package two blisters for 10 tablets. The cost of one package is from 190 to 250 rubles (the price may vary depending on the margin of the pharmacy).

Laripront is a relatively inexpensive pill for throat and cough. This drug is actively prescribed to patients with pharyngitis, laryngitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis, periodontitis. With the first symptoms of flu and colds, if there is a chance of developing inflammation in the throat, Laripront is also effective.

Contraindications to admission - only individual intolerance to one of the components. It can be used to treat children after consulting a pediatrician. Regarding the use of Laripront as an integrated treatment for pregnant women, the chances of harm to health should be assessed if treatment is not carried out. There are no exact data on the effect on the fetus of the active components of the drug.

Instructions for use with the drug recommends dissolving one tablet every three hours until a steady improvement occurs. If it does not occur, it makes sense to change the drug and consult a doctor for clarification of the diagnosis. Symptoms of an overdose of the drug are nausea, vomiting, pain in the epigastric region. If there is no way to call the ambulance and take measures against poisoning in a hospital, you should adhere to bed rest, drink as much clean cool liquid as possible.

Strepsils Lollipops for Sore Throat

These are inexpensive, but effective pills for treating the throat for colds, as well as for symptoms of pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis. The cost of one package is only about 140 rubles.

There are several flavors, and whichever you choose, the outcome of the treatment will not change. There are honey, citrus, lemon, eucalyptus candies. Instructions for use with the drug reports that for the fastest recovery, one lozenge should be taken sublingually every three hours, the total duration of treatment is about a week. After the symptoms subside, you can refuse to take the drug.

  • The composition of honey-lemon flavored lozenges includes 0.6 mg of amyl methacresol and 1.2 mg of dichlorobenzyl alcohol. As auxiliary substances - honey, lemon oil, hardener from liquid sugar and glucose before making tablets weighing 2.6 grams.
  • The composition of one tablet for resorption of Strepsils lemon flavor includes 0.6 mg of amyl methacresol and 1.2 mg of dichlorobenzyl alcohol. Additional substances are slightly different from those that are part of honey-lemon flavored lozenges: tartaric acid, dye, sodium saccharin, isomaltose, maltitol syrup.

Absorbable tablets "Faringosept": instructions and contraindications

The main active component of the drug is ambazon monohydrate. The cost of packaging with 20 tablets (10 in each blister) is 120 rubles. "Faringosept" - inexpensive, but effective absorbable tablets from the throat.

It is advisable to use "Faringosept" for throat diseases of staphylococcal, streptococcal, pneumococcal infectious nature. Inexpensive throat tablets "Faringosept" not only contribute to the destruction of the existing pathogenic microflora on the throat mucosa, but also hinder its further formation. Often used in dentistry as a means of preventing infectious diseases of the tonsils after tooth resection or other dental surgical measures.

Contraindications to the use of tablets:

  • special sensitivity to ambazon;
  • pregnancy and lactation - only after consultation with a doctor;
  • children's age - only in the absence of pronounced allergic reactions to medications.

Reviews of patients who treated stomatitis and gingivitis with inexpensive, but effective absorbable tablets from the throat "Faringosept" indicate that mouth ulcers disappear quickly only if you take any antibiotic in parallel or lubricate problem areas with anti-inflammatory ointment local action. But the treatment of pharyngitis, tonsillitis with the help of "Pharyngosept" is much more successful. Judging by the reviews of patients of the otorhinolaryngologist, pain and discomfort disappear after about a day after the start of regular intake of tablets (dissolve one every three to four hours with obvious symptoms of the disease and one every five hours if the clinical picture is mild).

pharyngosept for sore throat

Septolete lozenges for sore throat

Cheap Septolete sore throat pills are another way to get rid of discomfort as quickly as possible. The instruction recommends dissolving one lozenge once every three hours. If the symptoms are pronounced, then it is permissible to use one lozenge every two hours.

Active ingredients of lozenges: benzalkonium chloride, eucalyptus and peppermint oil, menthol. The pastilles taste like mint and refreshing breath. Judging by the reviews of patients with pharyngitis, a few minutes after resorption in the throat, perspiration ceases, pain and discomfort disappear.

With an overdose, nausea, severe pain in the epigastric region, are possible. If possible, it is worth rinsing the stomach to prevent the spread of poisoning to other organs (in particular, liver, pancreas, and kidney cells may suffer).

Septolete proved to be effective for pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis. In order to accelerate relief, it makes no sense to combine lozenges with other drugs. Inexpensive throat pills can be used in parallel with Septolete only with the approval of the attending otorhinolaryngologist.

septolet from sore throat

Lizobact tablets for sore throat: instructions for use

These inexpensive throat pills are a topical antiseptic. In order to achieve the fastest possible therapeutic effect, you should take 2-3 tablets three times a day (for adults) and one tablet 4 times a day for children from seven to twelve years old. Children under the age of seven should not be treated with Lizobact. It is necessary to discuss with the attending otorhinolaryngologist the possibility of admission if parents wish to use this particular drug as an independent tool or as part of complex therapy.

The main active ingredients of these inexpensive throat lozenges are: pyridoxine, lysozyme. As auxiliary materials, magnesium stearate, lactose monohydrate, vanillin are used. Sodium saccharinate is also used , which should be addressed to patients with diabetes mellitus or insufficient pancreatic function.

Lizobakt proved its effectiveness in the following diseases of the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat:

  • catarrhal phenomena;
  • stomatitis, gingivitis;
  • erosion of the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat of various etiologies;
  • laryngitis and tonsillitis;
  • postoperative period (for example, after cryodestruction of the tonsils).

An overdose is unlikely, symptoms can be disturbing only in cases of doses that are significantly higher than therapeutic. Manifested in the form of numbness, loss of sensitivity of the upper and lower extremities, slight tingling.

With symptoms of drug poisoning, you should consult your doctor, if necessary, go through the gastric lavage procedure. Independent attempts to alleviate the symptoms of intoxication - heavy drinking, bed rest.

lysobact with sore throat

Topical antibiotic tablets

Throat pills with an antibiotic in the composition are recommended for diseases of the throat that are caused by the action of bacteria. If there is a suspicion of such a nature of the disease, it is better to pass a special analysis-seeding on the microflora. After the type of pathogen is identified, the otorhinolaryngologist will prescribe an acceptable drug.

Medicines of this kind include

  1. "Hexalysis" - acts due to the content of biclotimone, enoxolone, lysozyme. Thanks to this composition, a multicomponent effect is achieved from several sides: this is the fight against pathogenic microflora, and the analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect. One of the contraindications to the use of the drug is children's age up to six years.
  2. "Grammidin Neo" is a type of inexpensive throat pill with an antibacterial component in its composition - gramicidin. Also included is cetylpyridinium chloride. It is advisable to use the drug if there is no allergic reaction to gramicidin and the sensitivity of bacteria to this component has been proven. Otherwise, it makes no sense to use the drug. Before you start taking, you need to carefully study the instructions and abandon therapy if at least one of the diseases and conditions indicated in the list of contraindications is available.
gram gramidin for sore throat

Immunomodulatory drugs for sore throat

The choice of such drugs is the prerogative of an otorhinolaryngologist or therapist. To independently choose a drug that enhances local immunity is not a task for the amateur. In addition, they have a fairly high cost, unlike lozenges and candy.

sore throat

"Imudon" in the form of tablets is a drug that contains lysates of more than ten bacteria as the main ingredient. With the regular use of the drug and a relatively healthy lifestyle, treatment and prevention of diseases of the throat and oral cavity can be achieved. In order to achieve a visible result, judging by the reviews of patients, you should drink the full course (optimally at least two weeks). You can use "Imudon" for the treatment of diseases of the throat and oral cavity as part of complex therapy in adults and children older than three years. The feasibility of taking tablets during pregnancy should be discussed with your doctor.

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