Spur on the foot: causes and treatment

In this article, we will figure out how to treat a spur on the foot.

The human feet are the most vulnerable spot on the body, as they are subject to abnormal stresses throughout life. Any discomfort arising in this area of ​​the body can cause a violation of the general mobility of a person. Especially great danger is the spur on the foot (pictured). With this pathology, each step becomes very painful, which leads to lameness.

how to treat at home

Some people try to relieve soreness on their own, ignoring the trip to a specialist. However, this is wrong, since the doctor determines the cause of the pathology and prescribes treatment aimed at eliminating it. Therapy also depends on the localization of the growth and associated complications.

What does a spur look like on the foot?

Disease Description

Under the "spur" refers to the growth of bone in the plantar of the foot. Wearing uncomfortable shoes, intense exercise and various diseases lead to microtrauma in the soft tissues. Such injuries provoke the development of the inflammatory process. The plantar fascia is most affected, which does not have time to recover under increased load. This causes the growth of bone tissue of a pathological nature.

In some cases, a spur on the foot is formed against a background of vascular and endocrine diseases. Deposition of calcium salts occurs on the bone as a result of a disturbed metabolic process.

Where is it located?

Most often, the pathology is localized in the heel or on the small pillow near the toes. These areas of the foot are most affected when walking, due to their constant contact with the ground. This leads to a change in the person’s gait, as he automatically begins to put his foot in such a way as to avoid stress on the affected area of ​​the foot.

The size of the growth on the bone can be from two millimeters to one centimeter. The severity of the pain syndrome depends on the localization of the pathology. In some cases, a small growth causes more discomfort than large formations.

spur on the foot how to treat


Most often, the cause of the appearance of spurs on the foot are age-related changes in the bone structure. For this reason, pathology appears in the elderly. Mostly female representatives are affected. Most likely this is due to the fact that women often wear uncomfortable shoes, which increases the load on the foot area. In addition, the disease is characteristic of athletes, those who work on their feet, and people who are overweight.


Over the past few decades, many diseases of the musculoskeletal system began to “grow younger”. This also applies to spurs in the foot area. This pathology is increasingly common among patients under the age of 40.

Such a condition significantly limits the ability to move, which greatly violates the usual way of life. To avoid its occurrence, it is necessary to understand the main reasons that affect the development of spurs on the foot of the foot.

foot spur treatment

Provocative factors

There are several main factors that can trigger the appearance of spurs in the foot:

  1. Flat feet.
  2. Injury to bones or soft tissues of the foot.
  3. Violation of posture.
  4. Joint diseases of an inflammatory nature.
  5. Violation of metabolic processes that provoke the accumulation of salts.
  6. Prolonged wearing high heels or uncomfortable shoes.
  7. Overweight and other causes of increased load on the feet.
  8. Vascular disease.
what does the spur look like on the foot


When a person develops a spur on the foot, intense pain occurs, which significantly increases when resting on the affected area of ​​the leg. The sensation of pain is compared with a piercing of the foot with a hot nail. Particularly noticeable growths in the heel. It is in this place that a large number of nerve fibers are located, the compression of which causes irritation.

Pain syndrome that occurs against the background of bone growth can be of two types. Starting pain usually appears in the morning, when getting out of bed. It can decrease or increase during the day. Another type of pain occurs in the evenings. Over time, its intensity increases to such an extent that it begins to give into the thigh, calf and sacrum. Sometimes soreness is weak and manifests itself only when physical activity on the legs increases.

It is possible to determine the presence of a spur with an external examination of the foot. Around the growth of tissue redden and inflame, sometimes swelling appears. A callus appears on the affected area of ​​the skin. On palpation, a tubercle can be detected. The skin due to constant irritation begins to harden and tighten.

What is the treatment for spurs on the foot?


An individual treatment regimen is compiled for each patient. In this case, the doctor takes into account all the physiological characteristics of a person, his age and general condition of the body. Today, you can cope with the disease with the help of:

  • Drug treatment.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Surgical intervention.

Regardless of how the doctor suggests getting rid of the spur on the foot, treatment always begins with unloading the sore foot. A person needs to reduce his physical activity, refuse to walk in high heels, wear special orthopedic insoles. Drug treatment involves:

  • Application of anesthetized ointments to the affected area.
  • The use of anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of creams.
  • Sometimes - taking antibiotics.
how to get rid of spurs on the foot

You can quickly deal with pain by injecting painkillers into the heel. This procedure is very effective, but also painful. Physical therapy gives a good effect. The exercise program is developed individually for the patient.

Ointment treatment

The most effective way to relieve inflammation and anesthesia with calcaneal spur is considered to be taking various drugs. However, you can take any drugs only as directed by your doctor. This rule applies primarily to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and hormonal drugs.

Medications like Prednisone or Hydrocortisone can quickly and efficiently relieve inflammation and pain, but you can use them for no more than 10 days. This is due to the fact that they can cause the development of undesirable reactions. Ointments such as Nise, Indomethacin, Piroxicam, Butadion, etc. are considered safer drugs.

spurs on the foot

How to treat a spur on the foot at home is interesting to many.

Especially popular recently received ointments based on natural substances. It is believed that they not only relieve pain and inflammation, but also dissolve calcium deposits, accelerate metabolic processes and thus eliminate the pathology itself.

The most effective drugs

The most effective are the following drugs:

  1. "Heel spur". Available in the form of a cream. Quickly relieves inflammation, and also has a softening effect on the rough skin of the legs.
  2. "In the heel spur." Also produced as a cream. Ingredients include golden mustache extract, clove oil and garlic. The cream dissolves salt deposits on the bones.
  3. "Stop the spur." This is an ointment, which contains shark fat and a golden mustache extract. The drug has a resolving effect, and is also able to heal wounds and accelerate blood circulation.
  4. "Vishnevsky ointment". It has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects, and also accelerates blood circulation.
  5. The cream, which is produced by KrokMed, contains medical bile and extract from black radish. In addition to the analgesic effect, this cream promotes tissue regeneration.
  6. "Tiger's Eye". The ointment is indicated for the treatment of spurs, it anesthetizes and normalizes the processes of blood circulation and metabolism.
spur on the foot photo

Traditional medicine methods

In addition to the doctor’s prescriptions, the patient can use some methods of traditional medicine to treat spurs on the foot. But to perform any action is possible only with an accurately established, confirmed diagnosis and with the consent of the attending physician. In addition, medications prescribed by a specialist should not be neglected. Alternative recipes should go in addition to the main therapy. They make it possible to relieve inflammation and reduce pain, which greatly facilitates the patient's life.

It should be understood that some recipes can be quite ridiculous and ineffective (for example, pounding a sick heel on the ground). However, there are proven methods that really help. Basically, these are baths, compresses and ointments that accelerate blood circulation, quench pain and relieve inflammation. Let's consider some of them:

spur on the foot how to treat at home
  1. Steam baths in salt solution. To do this, two packs of sea salt are dissolved in 3 liters of hot water. It is necessary to make such a temperature so that you can keep your feet in the water and not get burned. You need to take such a bath for about half an hour, after which you should rub your feet with a pumice stone or a special nail file. This procedure can be carried out before applying therapeutic ointments. Through steamed skin, the active substances of the drugs will better penetrate the affected areas.
  2. A compress from the leaves of plantain should be applied to the affected area of ​​the skin at night, wrapping it with a bandage.
  3. Grated potato compress also relieves inflammation and pain. For this, washed potatoes are rubbed with the peel and fixed with a film on the affected area of ​​the foot. Change the composition once a day.
  4. Grated radish can also become a night compress. In the morning, it is necessary to rinse the skin well by removing the compress.
  5. A loaf of oatmeal and honey can also be a compress for the night.

We looked at how to get rid of spurs on the foot.

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