In the article, we consider a Latin recipe for Fenoterol and instructions for this drug.
It is an effective bronchodilator, which is one of tocolytics and beta-adrenergic agonists. Adrenergic agonists are biological or synthetic substances that stimulate receptors that respond to the hormones of anger and fear (norepinephrine and epinephrine). In turn, tocolytics are substances that contribute to the relaxation of smooth uterine muscles, preventing their strong contraction. The recipe for Fenoterol is of interest to many.
Pharmacological effect
Adrenomimetic drug, stimulator of betagadrenoreceptors of the uterus and bronchi. Its mechanism of action is due to the activation of adenylate cyclase, which is associated with the receptor, which increases the production of cyclic AMP, which stimulates the activity of the calcium pump. It redistributes calcium ions in muscle cells (myocytes), due to which its concentration in muscle fibers (myofibrils) decreases.
The drug "Fenoterol" produces a rapidly advancing, pronounced bronchodilator effect (expands the bronchial lumen). It prevents, effectively and quickly stops (eliminates) bronchospasm (the lumen of the bronchi sharply narrows) of various origins (causes), including asthma attacks due to physical exertion. The drug "Fenoterol" increases the volume and frequency of respiration. Enhances the function of the inner layer (ciliated epithelium) of the bronchi. If the dosage is therapeutic and causes a bronchodilator effect, it most often does not affect the internal organs and the cardiovascular system. Bronchospasmolytic (eliminating narrowing of the bronchial lumen) effect lasts up to eight hours.
The Fenoterol prescription can be obtained from your doctor.
The drug is used as a prophylactic, stopping bronchial obstructive attacks, and in the treatment of the following diseases:
- childhood spastic bronchitis;
- asthmatic bronchitis;
- silicosis, bronchiectasis and tuberculosis;
- pneumosclerosis and pulmonary emphysema.
In addition, the drug is used to prepare the patient for the introduction of antibacterial and mucolytic aerosols, glucocorticosteroids and when testing the respiratory function of a person.
A medicine in gynecology is used to avoid miscarriages.
Who might need the Fenoterol recipe in Latin? Latin is the international language of science, and in particular, biology and medicine. Prescriptions are written in Latin so that not only Russians, but also doctors from other countries can understand them.
Release form
The drug "Fenoterol" is a synthetic agent that incorporates fenoterol hydrobromide. It is produced in the form of: tablets; solution - from 20 to 100 milliliters in a bottle; aerosol - in a bottle of 200 doses; drug for intravenous injection. The recipe for Fenoterol in an aerosol is not required too often.
Dosage of the drug and method of its use
The instruction provides for the use of the drug by mouth, inhalation and drip intravenously.
When taken orally, they are prescribed four times a day for 1-2 tablets, but more than 8 pieces per day are not recommended.
If the drug is used as tocolytic, then five milligrams is prescribed at equal intervals of time per day 4-8 times. With the introduction of an intravenous drip, the initial dosage is determined in the amount of 50 μg of the drug per minute.
Inhalation use (including along with combination drugs) in the treatment of bronchospasm in children from six years of age and adults, a single amount - 200 mcg. In this case, the multiplicity depends on the patient's condition, between inhalations there must be an exposure of at least three hours. The aerosol is used for 1-2 presses on inspiration into the oral cavity 1-3 times a day for adult patients, children - 1-3 times a day for one press.
This is not indicated in the recipe for Fenoterol.
Combination with other medicines
Combined with xatin derivatives, diuretics, hormones, anticholinergics and beta-adrenergic agents, Fenoterol enhances its effects and undesirable effects. In conjunction with beta-blockers, the effect of the drug is reduced.
"Fenoterol", combined with antidepressant and psychotropic drugs, is enhanced. When used along with inhalation of enflurane, trichlorethylene and halotane, the effect on blood vessels and the heart increases.
The use of simultaneously with other bronchodilators helps to create a cumulative effect of the influence of drugs and can cause symptoms of overdose. "Fenoterol" and fluorotan increase the sensitivity of the myocardium to the influence of the drug in question, which leads to arrhythmic manifestations.
The Fenoterol recipe in Latin will be presented at the end of the article.
Side symptoms
Patients treated with Fenoterol may have many undesirable effects.
Symptoms of the nervous system: hand tremor, dizziness, nervousness, weakness, headaches.
Symptoms of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems: attacks of arrhythmia, tachycardia, palpitations, heaviness in the chest, with high doses - pressure surges and hemostasis defects.
Symptoms of the respiratory system: in rare cases, bronchospasm, cough.
Symptoms of the digestive system: nausea and vomiting.
Other symptoms: excessive sweating, cramping, aching muscle pain, allergic reactions, potassium deficiency in the blood, increased glucose.
The recipe for ipratropium fenoterol bromide is simple and straightforward.
Fenoterol has the following contraindications for use:
- increased obstructive cardiomyopathy, thyrotoxicosis, tachyarrhythmia, glaucoma and excessive sensitivity to the drug;
- in gynecology, the drug is contraindicated in pregnant patients with heart disease, preeclampsia, multiple pregnancy, with the appearance of spotting due to placenta previa, with abnormalities of the fetus, its death and intrauterine infections;
- with caution, the drug is used in the first trimester of pregnancy in the form of inhalation;
- the active substance of the drug during lactation penetrates into milk, in connection with which during treatment it is necessary to refuse breast-feeding or replace the medicine with a safer one;
- small patients are used no earlier than six years of age in strict accordance with the established dosage;
- with caution, "Fenoterol" should be used in patients with diabetes mellitus, requires constant monitoring of blood sugar concentration.
The prescription for Fenoterol tablets can be obtained from your doctor strictly according to your indications.
Symptoms of an overdose
In case of an overdose, increased signs of palpitations, arrhythmias and tachycardia are noted.
Blood pressure may increase or decrease, dizziness, nausea, blood flow to the face, hand tremors, pressing pains in the chest area, shortness of breath, anxiety and agitation can occur.
To help the patient with an overdose, you need to use sedative sedatives, in case of serious violations, intensive treatment is necessary.
Special instructions for the use of the drug
During treatment with the drug, periodic monitoring of pressure, pulse and ECG in a woman, fetal heart rate is required. If the patient’s heart rate is increased (over 130 beats per minute or more than 50% of its initial values) or with significant pressure surges, the dosage should be reduced. When pain (including compressive pains) and symptoms of insufficiency appear in the heart, the medicine is immediately canceled, ECG monitoring is performed.
In patients with diabetes mellitus, regular monitoring of blood plasma glucose is carried out during treatment.
If childbirth happened immediately after treatment with the drug, newborns should be examined to determine acidosis and hypoglycemia.
Clinical symptoms of premature placental abruption during tocolytic treatment may not be expressed to such an extent.
Before starting therapy, ECG monitoring is performed. Before starting treatment with the drug, the initial hypokalemia should be eliminated.
During therapy, excessive fluid intake (risk of developing pulmonary failure) should be avoided, as well as regular bowel movements and diuresis (especially in case of kidney disease and eclampsia). The daily intake of fluid should be no higher than two liters. When the early symptoms of fluid retention and signs of pulmonary edema (shortness of breath, cough) appear, the drug should be discontinued.
If the integrity of the fetal bladder is violated and the uterine neck opens by more than 2-4 centimeters, the effectiveness of treatment is reduced.
Analogues of this drug
Fenoterol has analogues like Airum, Segamol, Dosberotek, Partusisten and Berotek. "Fenoterol" with another name - "Berotek" - is made in Germany, used in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, which are accompanied by bronchospasm.
"Fenoterol" can be combined with other drugs of mucolytic effect: "Cromolin-sodium", "Lazolvan", "Bromhexine", corticosteroids. The mucolytic effect increases.
Another form of the drug, which is combined with Ipratropium bromide (Atrovent), is produced under the name Berodual. An agent containing cromolin sodium and fenoterol is called Ditec. These drugs are used to treat diseases of the respiratory system against the background of bronchospastic syndrome.
There are analogues with identical pharmacological action - “Ftagriol”, “Aruterol”. The relaxing effect of Fenoterol on the uterine muscles has found application in the practice of obstetricians. A similar Partusisten remedy is used here.
So, here is the recipe for Fenoterol.
Rp .: Aer. Fenoteroli 15 ml. Dtd N 1 S. Three times a day in a single dose.
The article presented a recipe in Latin for ipratropium bromide fenoterol.