Monocytes: the norm in the blood of women and children

Starting from birth, and then at any age, an informative method of research is a simple general blood test. In the course of a blood test, one of the indicators reveals the level of one of the types of leukocytes - monocytes.


monocytes norm

Monocytes are the most active and large blood cells that do not contain granules and are a type of white blood cells. Monocytes enter the blood from the red bone marrow, where they originate. Together with blood, while still immature, they circulate for several days, after which they enter the body’s tissues, where they degenerate into macrophages. The main function of macrophages is the destruction and absorption of pathogenic and foreign microorganisms, their waste products, as well as the remains of dead cells. Monocytes, the norm of which can change with age, are also called "body wipers", since they very successfully prevent the formation of blood clots and neoplasms. Moreover, they take an active part in hematopoiesis. Unlike neutrophils, after absorption of foreign particles and cells, monocytes most often do not die.

Monocytes: the norm in women and children

The indicator of the normal number of monocytes in the blood ranges from 3 to 11% of the total number of leukocytes and is calculated as a percentage. Translating the data into an absolute value, we get more than 400 cells per 1 ml of blood.

monocytes are the norm in women

The level of monocytes in the blood of a child with his age can vary, so, at birth, their norm is from 3 to 12%, up to 2 weeks the level of monocytes can increase to 15%, up to a year will be considered normal - 4-10%. In an adult, the number of white cells is in the range of 1-8%.

Sometimes it happens in children that monocytes, the norm of which varies from 3 to 15%, deviate from this norm by 10%. There is not a single reason to panic in this case. Another thing is when the monocyte level deviates from the norm in an adult by the same 10%.

Elevated Monocytes in Children

The phenomenon when monocytes are elevated in the blood (the norm in children is from 3 to 15%) is called monocytosis. In most cases, their high level indicates pathogenic changes in the body - an infectious disease. The hematopoietic system ceases to cope with pathogenic microorganisms, and the active production of monocytes begins to help it.

Monocytosis is often observed in a number of diseases such as malaria, rheumatoid arthritis, tuberculosis, syphilis and others.

In the process of poisoning with various substances, such as phosphorus, elevated monocytes are also noted. The norm of monocytes often deviates during the natural physiological processes that occur in children, such as loss of milk teeth or their teething.

Elevated Monocytes in Women

An increase in the level of monocytes in women is associated with such diseases: a viral or fungal infection, tuberculosis, enteritis, syphilis or a malfunction of the circulatory system. Very often, after gynecological operations, monocytes increase, the norm in women of which is in the range of 1-8% of the total number of leukocytes. The cause of the deviation of the indicator in women may even be the presence of a malignant tumor.

Monocytopenia in children

monocytes in the blood are normal

Monocytopenia is a phenomenon when monocytes are lowered in a child’s blood . The norm in this case is rejected in case of bone marrow failure, acute infectious diseases or with severe depletion of the body. Monocytopenia is also possible with surgical intervention, with prolonged hormonal therapy or after chemotherapy radiation.

In the case of a sharp decrease in monocytes in the blood of children, it is necessary to conduct additional studies to identify and further therapy of the disease that caused monocytopenia.

Monocyte lowering in women

It is very important to monitor the level of white cells during pregnancy, since childbirth, being a lot of stress, can lead to anemia, severe exhaustion of the body. A decrease in monocytes may also indicate bone marrow disease.

At any age, women need to be tested at least every six months for blood monocytes, the norm of which should not exceed 10% of the total number of leukocytes.

monocytes are normal in children


The treatment of monocytopenia is to eliminate the cause that caused the disease. Sometimes it will be enough to take some special drugs, sometimes you can not do without surgical intervention.

Monocytosis disease has no symptoms. Patients with elevated monocyte levels experience excessive weakness and fatigue, and a drop in temperature occurs, which is typical for various diseases. Therefore, monocytosis can be recognized only by passing a blood test. Treatment will depend on pathologies that will form the basis of the development of the disease.

Monocytes are the defenders of the body, and it is important to maintain them in the range of the permissible norm. For this, it is recommended that you take a blood test at least once every six months.

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