What needs to be done to get rid of corns on the legs? This question is especially worrying for those who randomly purchased uncomfortable or tight shoes. As you know, corn is a skin seal that has clear round borders and very often causes severe pain.
Today, there are a large number of ways to quickly get rid of corns. Each of them is good in its own way, but almost all of these methods are aimed at removing dry seals. After all, liquid accumulates in wet calluses , and they must be treated in the same way as small cuts or wounds (treated with antibacterial drugs, apply medical plasters, etc.). If such procedures are not carried out in a timely manner, then the resulting blisters will dry out and get rid of corns on the fingers will be quite difficult. However, removing them is still realistic, but at the same time a lot of time and effort should be spent.
It should be noted that long-standing corns are almost impossible to remove on their own. And most often people turn to clinics or salons with this problem. In such institutions, keratinized areas are effectively removed using liquid nitrogen, which strongly freezes the corn. Also, this laser beam copes well with this nuisance, softening and grinding any existing seals on the skin.
But still, most people are interested in
how to quickly get rid of corns on their own
feet , so as not to resort to the expensive services of salons or clinics. To do this, you can simply go to the nearest pharmacy and consult a pharmacist. He will offer you special antimozol preparations, which include salicylic acid, which has a softening effect. This tool needs to be applied to steamed corn (be sure to avoid contact with healthy areas of the skin) and sealed with a band-aid. After about 7-9 hours, the keratinized tissue softens, and it can be simply scraped off with a pumice stone. Such procedures are recommended to be repeated until the skin seals completely disappear.
How to quickly get rid of corns with alternative medicine?
Such folk methods are especially relevant if you do not have enough money to purchase various ointments, creams and other drugs. Under the condition of daily procedures, alternative medicine methods also quite effectively help in the fight against keratinized skin areas.
So, we will consider several methods for quickly getting rid of corns at home without acquiring creams, ointments, or foot lotions.
- Soda baths with soapy water (3 dessert spoons of baking soda, 1 liter of hot water and 50 ml of shower gel or liquid soap) have an excellent effect . Keeping your feet in this solution takes about 40 minutes.
- With painful calluses, it is necessary to add potassium permanganate and a small amount of salt to the water. It is advisable to keep the feet in this solution for at least 25 minutes, after which you should wait until the feet dry themselves.
- Hard calluses can be removed with raw potatoes. The vegetable should be grated, applied to the keratinized area, bandaged and left overnight.
- Also, before going to bed, it is recommended to tie aloe pulp or a fresh bulb to the corn.