"Meditonzin": instructions for use, description, analogues, reviews

Homeopathic remedies for colds are used more and more often recently. Although the attitude towards them is ambiguous, even doctors sometimes prescribe such medications. And many patients are treated only by them, because unlike other antiviral drugs they contain only natural components, do not inhibit the immune system and rarely cause side effects.

One of the best remedies for the treatment of colds and flu is considered drops of German production Meditonzin. Instructions for use recommend using them for any diseases and inflammation of the nasopharynx. The effectiveness of this medication can be explained by unique components, competently compiled by German experts.

Characterization of the drug "Meditonzin

All plant and mineral components of this homeopathic medicine are selected in a special way. And with its proper use, the symptoms of a cold disappear after 2-3 days. This can be explained by the fact that the main active ingredients of the drug support the patient’s immune system and help her fight viruses.

meditonzin instructions for use
The components of the drug are selected in such a way that they interact with each other and have a complex effect on the body. What is contained in the drops of Meditonzin? The composition of the drug in the instructions is described as follows:

  • Atropinum - 0.5 g.
  • Mercury - 0.4 g
  • Aconitum - 0.1 g.

These names do not say anything to an ordinary person, since these are all homeopathic substances containing plant and mineral components. The drug itself is a slightly yellowish liquid, packed in a bottle with a dropper cap. The most common meditonzin is 35 ml each, but there are more capacious bottles - 70 ml each.

How does the drug work?

The homeopathic components of the drug affect the source of infection itself - the place through which viruses most often enter the body.

meditonzin reviews
This is the oral cavity and nasopharynx. What effect does Meditonzin have? Instructions for use note that it successfully relieves the following symptoms:

  • sore throat;
  • inflammation and swelling of the mucosa;
  • runny nose and nasal congestion;
  • fever and headache.

In addition, taking the drug helps to strengthen the immune system and prevent possible complications after a cold and flu.

When appointed

For all colds and viral diseases , Meditonzin is effective. Instructions for use recommend using it at the first sign of an illness. Then it will be most effective. But the drug can also be started in the middle and even in the advanced form of the disease, since it stimulates the patient’s immunity. But in this case, it is used only as an auxiliary component.

When are the drops of Meditonzin prescribed?

  • In acute respiratory viral infections, including influenza.
    meditonzin Price
  • In infectious and inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract.
  • In the complex treatment of diseases of the ENT organs and oral mucosa.

Contraindications and side effects

The medication instructions Meditonzin does not recommend its use to children under the age of one year, as well as to pregnant and lactating women, since the effects of the components of the drug in these cases have not been studied. Usually, the drops are well tolerated and very rarely cause any side effects. In the case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug, increased salivation and various allergic reactions are possible. If this happens, stop taking the medicine.

Instructions for Meditonzin

The drug is a clear liquid with a slightly yellowish color. It is bittersweet to taste. But to achieve a faster effect, it is recommended to hold the drug for some time in the mouth before swallowing. Unfortunately, young children do not like it very much. How to take Meditonzin? Instructions for use recommend that you start taking when the first symptoms appear. You need to do this in the first days every hour or two. But the number of receptions should not exceed 12 per day.

medication instruction
This regimen can last no more than a week, then the interval between taking the medicine is increased.

How to take drops of Meditonzin for preventive purposes? In this case, they are drunk 1-3 times a day. Dosage is determined by the doctor. Usually the number of drops depends on age:

  • from a year to 6 years, you can drink 2-5 drops at a time;
  • from 6 to 12 years - no more than 6 drops in one dose;
  • after 12 years, adult patients are prescribed a single dose of 5-10 drops.

Application features

  1. Treatment should be started when the first symptoms appear, then it will be most effective.
  2. In some cases, the condition may worsen at first, which is normal when taking homeopathic medicines. In the early days of the disease, a decrease in concentration of attention and a slowdown in reaction are possible.
  3. The composition of the medicine includes ethyl alcohol. This must be considered when treating certain categories of patients and not exceed the recommended dose.
  4. The drug is suitable for 3 years, but after opening the bottle, it must be used for 2-3 months.
  5. If 3 days after the start of taking no improvement in the patient’s condition, it is worth stopping treatment and consult a doctor about changing the drug.
  6. If one person falls ill in the family, he needs to take the drug in a therapeutic dosage. The rest need to drink Meditonzin as a preventive measure.
    meditonzin composition

Reviews about the drug

To all homeopathic remedies, the attitude is ambiguous. Some consider them useless. But the fact that the drug is prescribed by many doctors speaks in his favor. What do patients like in drops of Meditonzin?

  • The price of the drug is not very high - a small bottle (35 ml) costs about 300 rubles, and grabs it for a course of treatment for the whole family. A bottle of 70 ml costs more - from 600 to 800 rubles.
  • The product is convenient to take, and many people like it.
  • Symptoms of a cold are alleviated on the second day of treatment.
  • Viral diseases pass quickly and without complications.

Among the shortcomings, patients note that the drug is very difficult to get. There are also negative reviews about the medicine. Some believe that it turned out to be completely useless and complain about the money thrown away.

Are there any analogues of this medicine

Now in pharmacies there are no drugs similar in composition to Meditonzin. But there are many homeopathic remedies that have a similar effect on the body. After consulting with a doctor, you can choose one of them for treatment:

  • most similar to Meditonzin Aflubin: it is also available in drops, contains aconitum, relieves the symptoms of influenza and SARS, only costs a little cheaper;
    drops of meditonzin
  • an analogue can be considered an inexpensive drug in tablets "Aconit", which is effective in viral diseases;
  • Oscillococcinum is available in granules for resorption in the mouth, and treatment will cost them several times more than Meditonzin;
  • sometimes homeopathic nasal drops, such as Euphorbium , are used to treat colds.

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