Medicine does not stand still, so every day there are more and more new, modern methods for treating people with different health problems. Everyone knows that the latest innovation in medicine is the use of a laser, but not everyone knows that it can be used in the fight against alcoholism. A method such as laser alcohol treatment is considered effective.
The essence of laser coding
Laser radiation should be considered as energy that arises with the help of a pulse of light. This energy has a special length and frequency of a monochrome character. Under the action of a laser, various reactions occur in the body that have a beneficial effect on the fight against alcoholism, and also help to actively restore neurohumoral regulation.
Experts say that the laser affects the biological points of a person, thereby improving the psychological state. Thanks to this method, coding from alcohol dependence for the patient is painless. In parallel with laser therapy, you can use other methods of alternative medicine, such as acupuncture or electric shock. Doctors say that with the help of a laser, a chance appeared to act on the cells, blocking them and thus affecting the center of alcohol dependence.
How does the laser affect the body?
To understand in detail what laser coding for alcoholism is, you need to learn in detail how this technique works.
First of all, it is worth noting that all processes occur on a subconscious level. Before assigning laser coding, any specialist should conduct psychological testing and prepare a special individual session program for each patient.
It must be remembered that laser coding produces psychophysiological effects at the cellular level. At the same time, natural mechanisms are launched that contribute to the healing of man.
Using the method of such encoding, you should carefully treat each patient and choose an individual approach. The fact is that there are contraindications for this kind of encoding. For example, it cannot be carried out if a person is sick with severe forms of infectious diseases or has mental disorders.
Where to go and how much does it cost?
To date, a huge number of drug treatment clinics and centers offer assistance to alcoholics. Almost every such institution will be able to offer its patient laser-encoded or magnetic-laser effects on the body. You need to contact any center in advance in order to have time to carry out the necessary preparation.
The specialist will remind you that you can not drink alcohol before the encoding for seven days. If a person is not able to survive a week without an alcoholic drink, then the double laser coding method can be used. But even in this case, you will have to give up alcohol at least three days before the session. Each center has its own laser coding for alcoholism. The price, of course, will also be different.
Laser Encoding Benefits
Laser coding is considered an innovative technology that can significantly reduce the need for alcohol in humans due to the positive effect on the patient's organs. Consider in detail how the encoding affects the body:
- First of all, the work of the kidneys and liver is significantly improved.
- Blood vessels become more elastic.
- Rehabilitation processes are improved several times.
It is also important that the treatment itself does not require any complicated painful manipulations and injections, so the patient can feel calm during the treatment period. In addition to the fact that alcoholism can be cured with a laser, it is still actively used in the fight against addictions such as:
- Obesity.
- Smoking
- Gambling addiction.
However, the effect of laser coding will not be positive if you do not pay attention to contraindications.
- You can not carry out such an encoding if a sick person has a tendency to persistent mental disorder.
- If the person being encoded has a disease such as diabetes.
- Laser coding is not performed for cancer.
- When there is an infection in the acute stage.
Greater success can only be achieved if help to alcoholics is provided with their consent, and the sick person himself has a positive attitude towards a speedy recovery.
Stages of treatment
First of all, it is worth remembering that all procedures are performed when a person is completely sober. If the patient is intoxicated, then he must be taken out of this state. Most often it happens that laser treatment is not carried out at a time, but requires several sessions. Complex therapy for laser treatment of alcoholism stages includes the following:
- Initially, a person is taken out of alcohol intoxication. For this patient is placed in a hospital and put him a dropper. If necessary, medication can be used.
- Be sure to have a specialist doctor conduct a complete diagnosis of the patientโs body. This is done so that it is possible to determine contraindications for health reasons. If there are no contraindications, using the computer program they select the power and individual frequency for the laser.
- The third stage consists of direct coding. It is carried out in a prone position. The patient is placed on a couch, after which the doctor uses a light beam. He directs it to different brain zones, while the person himself does not experience any unpleasant sensations.
It is important to remember that each case with the patient is individual, so the duration of the procedure and the number of sessions can be different. By all rules, the coding for alcoholism lasts only twenty minutes, but the sessions themselves can be about ten.
Why laser coding is perceived as the most effective method of combating alcoholism
The impact on the body is due to rays, which in this case determine such actions:
- First of all, the decay and elimination of various harmful substances from the body is accelerated.
- Accelerated metabolic processes.
- A person can overcome a depressive state. At the same time, anxiety decreases and the desire to drink alcohol disappears.
It should be noted that without the will of the patient, laser coding may be ineffective. Laser coding of alcohol dependence in a chronic form is generally considered impossible, especially if the patient has no desire to tie up with his addiction. The effect of the encoding can last quite a long time, but if a person starts hiding in a couple of days and avoids treatment, then sad consequences can come for him. Sometimes it happens that it leads to death. A specialist may advise not only to use laser coding, but also to use other treatment methods in parallel. If several methods are used in combination, the effect can be much more comforting. Many former alcoholics who once used laser coding for alcoholism for treatment leave extremely positive reviews about this method, because they get another chance for a normal life.
The negative effects of laser coding
Coding may turn out to be an effective way, but we must remember that first of all, it affects the personโs subconscious, and accordingly, the patient intervenes in the brain. The essence of the laser is that a psychological block is established, which at a subconscious level forces the patient to abandon alcoholic beverages. After laser coding for alcoholism has been performed, the possible consequences may be associated with general ailments.
The physical deterioration of the condition is that the patient begins to eat a lot, thus trying to replace the deficiency of alcohol in the body. A coded person is unlikely to be able to perform marital duties for some time, because these functions will be inaccessible. Sometimes people begin to actively manifest insomnia or anxiety for no reason.
Psychological changes after coding may be as follows: the patient will have a mood change without any reason, and in some cases he may even become aggressive towards other people.
Negative symptoms can be accompanied by a former alcoholic for six months, but if loved ones can help and support, then perhaps everything will change for the better. After coding, experts advise you to consult a psychologist who will help a person feel more comfortable and forget about their passion for strong drinks.
How is laser treatment effective?
How is the effectiveness of treatment scientifically explained? During its implementation, an impact is made on a special part of the brain - precisely in the place that is responsible for the occurrence of a sensation of pleasure from drinking alcohol. This method will help in the fight against alcohol addiction, but it is unlikely that laser coding is suitable for drug addicts.
Some experts completely deny that the coding for alcoholism using the laser occurs at the cellular level, since, in their opinion, this is unrealistic.
It is also believed that laser assistance is not possible without the drug maintenance of such treatment. It is recommended that you additionally use Naltrexone. It is he who helps to block the opioid receptors of brain cells, while removing the effect of alcohol.
Many scientists argue that laser coding cannot achieve the desired effect for one simple reason: it is impossible to affect the brain with a beam. It is believed that a tumor that has arisen can be cured by cauterization, for example, to warm it with a beam, acting on the affected area of โโthe brain, but it is unlikely that alcoholism can be treated with a laser by cauterization.
But in fact, there are many people who are positive and believe that alcohol can be cured with a laser. However, there are exactly as many who claim that it is a waste of time and money.
How to achieve a positive effect in the treatment of light beam?
Despite the positive reviews, laser coding for alcoholism can be successful under certain conditions. To fully recover, you must clearly follow all the recommendations of your doctor. It is advisable that not one specialist work with the patient, but several, for example, you can attract a psychiatrist who will help restore internal balance. To this end, a huge number of additional methods can be used, for example, drug therapy will help to quickly deal with aggressiveness and self-doubt. It is important, before starting treatment, to clearly explain to the person all the consequences that may be if he does not abandon his habit. If the patient after using the laser still returns to alcohol, then such consequences may await him:
- The liver, which has already been cleansed, is again subjected to a powerful blow due to alcohol intoxication and becomes even more vulnerable.
- Irreversible processes also occur in the cerebral cortex, blood circulation begins to be disturbed, and large lesions are formed.
In order to prevent this from happening, the patient's desire to be encoded must be accepted by him independently and without pressure from relatives. Before you think about encoding, you should visit the clinic, where it was decided to go through all the stages, and talk with the staff. According to many reviews, laser coding from alcoholism is really able to return a person to normal life. For many, it becomes the only chance to return to a full life to gain the respect of others.
Laser Treatment Reviews
Naturally, a large number of people, before contacting the clinic, try to read reviews about treatment using a light beam. You should not look for them on dubious resources, it will be most correct to communicate with people who have gone through this and will be able to share their own experience. It is recommended to additionally talk with specialists who practice this method of combating alcoholism and will be able to help you realize whether you need to agree on the encoding or not. Most patients, of course, leave positive feedback. Laser coding for alcoholism is carried out with additional therapy, which is also considered a great contribution to the successful completion of treatment. In modern society, it has long been believed that coding with a light beam can give a 100% positive result, but much depends on the patient himself and his desire to get rid of the heavy burden of alcoholism. As a rule, this method of treatment is suitable for everyone, since it has the least number of contraindications.
Where to get laser coding from alcoholism is up to the patient to decide, all the more so since itโs not difficult to find a clinic that deals with this. In every big city there are centers where they help people regain themselves.