A benign tumor that grows into a life-threatening tumor - polyps in the intestine

Man is truly a wonderful and perfect creature. Our body is able to withstand tremendous loads. For the proper functioning of all systems, the gastrointestinal tract must work without interruption. Unfortunately, in our time the quality of food products has declined significantly. This, in turn, negatively affects the functioning of the stomach. Moreover, a sedentary lifestyle in many of us causes diseases that affect the intestines. Progress has given mankind many benefits, but the price for privileges has been great.

Probably every person in his life has heard of polyps. However, most do not even imagine what constitute polyps in the intestine. Let's talk in more detail about them.

So, most often these formations choose the colon for their location . Many believe that polyps are nonsense, which does not affect the health of a person in general. This is an erroneous opinion. In fact, polyps in the intestine require regular monitoring and, if necessary, intervention by a qualified doctor. The fact is that these, at first glance, innocuous formations in 20% of cases tend to degenerate into a malignant tumor. The intestinal mucosa is the place where polyps form in the form of benign formations. The main reason why this pathology occurs is a commonplace inflammatory process that affects the intestinal mucosa.

Mother Nature has ordered that the cells of the gastrointestinal tract regenerate. However, there are cases when the updates are chaotic, that is, benign formations appear on the mucous membrane itself. This kind of mechanism of the occurrence of polyps is observed in people with poor heredity. Unfortunately, this is a common occurrence in our time. Basically, polyps in the intestines are not a threat to life. However, there is a special type of pathology in which the chance of a malignant tumor is large enough. The so-called villous polyps are a serious threat to human life.

The reasons for which this pathology arises are many. First of all, the risk group is led by people with a hereditary predisposition to the disease. Chronic ailments of the gastrointestinal tract are a serious reason to be examined in a hospital. Excessive consumption of fatty foods, alcohol, a sedentary lifestyle - the reasons why polyps in the intestine are formed. If it speaks of the symptoms of this disease, then in most cases the pathology is painless.

Polyps in the intestine are detected, usually by accident. Often in the feces you can notice a large amount of mucus. This is the first sign indicating a dangerous type of villous polyps. Less commonly, during ulceration of the formation, bleeding occurs. In some cases, polyps reach large sizes. In this case, the closure of the intestinal lumen is observed. Obstruction and temporary bouts of pain occur. This is a serious health condition that can result in polyps in the intestines.

Symptoms of pathology are a painless formation. In medical practice, the diagnosis is most often confirmed using endoscopic and radiological research methods. If we talk about the treatment of this pathology, then almost all polyps are removed using surgical intervention. Why? The fact is that any benign formation can develop into a tumor that is dangerous to human life. Polyp removal is the prevention of colon cancer. After all, this disease has taken millions of lives around the world.

Be that as it may, polyps in the intestine, the treatment of which depends on the etiology, are formations that can lead to disastrous consequences. That is why older people (50 years or more) are strongly recommended by doctors to undergo a full examination of the gastrointestinal tract.

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