"Maraslavin": instructions for use at home

In the article, we consider the instructions for the drug "Maraslavin". At home, this drug is used quite often.

It has a wide spectrum of action, allows you to fight a large number of various diseases of the oral cavity, especially gums. Today we will talk about its composition, release forms, pharmacological effects, and in addition, we will find out when it should be used, and in which cases, the method is strictly contraindicated. Sometimes ignoring problems with gum disease can lead to the loss of even healthy teeth. In this regard, a proper, and at the same time, timely treatment course allows you to maintain a healthy smile.

maraslavin instructions for use

Release form and composition

As the instruction indicates, “Maraslavin” is a viscous liquid with a bright red color. This liquid is characterized by a specific taste. It is worth noting that this remedy has an undeniable advantage in the fact that with this medicinal product almost all components are natural and are products of plant origin. These are, first of all, essential oils with decoctions, for example, the composition of the medicine includes ginger root along with clove buds, thyme, Pontic wormwood and black pepper.

Wine vinegar acts as auxiliary ingredients along with ammonium chloride, which is a flavoring additive used to make sweets. The basic component of the drug is water. Implement "Maraslavin" in glass bottles, the volume of which is 100 milliliters.

maraslavin instructions for use at home

Pharmacological effects

According to the instructions to “Maraslavin”, its composition mainly includes natural components, so the tool is allowed to be used by most patients. It is extremely easy to apply in the home. The main purpose of the drug is to heal wounds along with the removal of inflammatory reactions. The composition of the drug includes local anesthetic, which allows to reduce the amount of pain during treatment. In addition, the medicine perfectly cleanses the oral mucosa, while eliminating toxic substances along with various bacteria and purulent plaques.

Next, we will try to figure out in what cases the medical tool "Maraslavin" helps and in which diseases it is advisable to use it.

Features of the drug

As the instruction to Maraslavin tells us, this drug, when it comes into contact with tissue cells, begins to stimulate regeneration, increasing the density of collagen fiber, which contributes to the rapid growth of gum epithelium. Thus, the restoration of the tissues of the oral cavity is naturally achieved.

Do not panic if, after the first use of Maraslavin, the inflammatory process intensifies or swelling with irritation increases. After cleansing the mouth of toxins in the periodontal pockets, the effect of relief and healing of the affected areas of the mucosa will come. The bleeding of the gums under the influence of the medicine will decrease, and the color will turn pink.

maraslavin instructions at home


In accordance with the instructions to "Maraslavin", the main indications for the use of the drug in question are the following pathological conditions and diseases:

  • Rehabilitation after surgery.
  • Any types of periodontal disease, including hemorrhagic and pyoreic.
  • The patient has gingivitis.

The drug "Maraslavn" can be prescribed to a person as a complex treatment of stomatitis and other gum diseases. Features of the treatment of pyorrheic processes in periodontal pockets are an increase in discomfort and pain, while there is a swelling of the mucous membranes along with an increase in the volume of purulent exudate.

Only after the active withdrawal of purulent masses, and at the same time toxins from the affected areas, the desired effect is achieved, namely: the manifestation of the symptoms of the disease is reduced, and in addition, the gums are restored and damaged tissue is regenerated.

Now we find out how to use this medication for treatment, if there is a need to use it for therapy at home.

maraslavin instruction reviews

Instructions for the use of "Maraslavin" at home

In most situations, therapy, which is accompanied by the use of "Maraslavin", involves the conditions of a hospital under the supervision of doctors, but treatment can be carried out at home. In this case, carry out the following necessary manipulations:

  • At the stage of preparing the mouth for treatment, you first need to get rid of tartar, and also clean the gums with a spray. To do this, you should visit the dentist.
  • At home, through the use of loose tampons of the proper size, the Maraslavina is placed in the alveolar pocket. Each swab is abundantly wetted with a solution of this medicine, after which it is laid for five minutes. In just one session, you can repeat the procedure about six times, using a new swab each time. In subsequent procedures, it is possible to influence the drug deeper into the tissue.
  • After the first session, the swab moistened with a solution of the drug in question is left in the periodontal pocket for a day, not pressing too tightly.
  • In a subsequent session, this procedure is repeated again. The treatment course is usually designed for three months, and then you can change the treatment tactics based on the result achieved and the effectiveness of the therapy.
    maraslavin instructions for use reviews

The final stage is a control examination by a doctor, in which the doctor assesses the condition of the affected area of ​​the mucosa, as a rule, this is done after six months. As a preventive measure, repeated manipulations can be carried out.

Recommendations and Tips

During the complex treatment of the oral cavity, doctors require their patients to comply with all of the following requirements:

  • It is advisable to carry out the treatment not on your own, but it is best to visit the dentist for the reliability of the correct procedure.
  • Doctors recommend introducing into the diet foods containing a large amount of vitamin C and A.
  • Solid, and at the same time, acidic and spicy foods should be excluded from your diet.
  • It is also important to limit your stay as much as possible in the sun.

According to the instructions for use with Maraslavin, it is forbidden to use toothbrushes along with regular toothpaste during treatment, and the use of any disinfectant solution is also unacceptable. In order to maintain daily oral hygiene, it is enough to rinse it with warm water daily, immediately after eating.

instructions for use reviews


A drug called “Maraslavin” is classified as a hypoallergenic medicine, it can be used by absolutely all patients, but, with the exception of the following categories of people:

  • In case of intolerance to the ingredients of the drug and the occurrence of allergic reactions.
  • Children under the age of fourteen.
  • Pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding.
    home use

Side effects

As the instructions and reviews to “Maraslavin” confirm, side effects are extremely rare, which manifest as subfebrile condition, accompanied by a complete lack of the ability to withdraw accumulated pus. After removing the medicinal swab, this adverse reaction usually disappears quite quickly. Moreover, a person does not need any additional treatment.

We reviewed the "Maraslavin" instructions for use. Reviews characterize this drug as very effective and affordable, it quickly relieves inflammation and heals.

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